Chapter 63. Boa does what?

The flying man landed in front of everyone and that's when the Demon Ace Pirates saw Boss Yla clearly.

He had an open white kimono. His strong abs and chest muscles clearly visible.

The man had a big scar on his torso, as if he had been bitten by a seaking.

He also had cuts as if he had been in countless swordfights and been stabbed multiple times.

Then on his face....

'Why is his face so familiar?' all of them wondered.

He had glasses that showed of his coolness. And on top of his head... Was a yellow afro that was perfectly roundnas if it was the avatar of perfect rounders... And somehow, it was oddly familiar.

Ace stood up and walked up the boss Yla.

"Huh, are you the one that asked for me?" Boss Yla asked. He looked at this pirate crew he didn't recognise, feeling like he might need to teach them some manners. They looked very odd to him.

Ace simply stood in front of boss Yla and looked at him closely, inspecting every crook and nook of the dudes face.

"When, I don't seing that way." Boss Yla said with a blush as he rubbed the back of his head, feeling flattered.

Ace stared with a big frown.

"Hmm, stranger, are you the one that asked for me. Since you're a friend of Spikepops, you're a friend of mine! You can feel my biceps if you want, I'll even give you an autograph!" The cool BossbYla said as he felt like these guys might not be so bad.

Law stood there, looking with slightly widened eyes. Bepo stood beside him with his jaw dropped.

The demon Ace Pirates stood there in disbelief, this dude looks identical to...

Even Spikepops felt the awkward atmosphere and wondered what was going on.

Ace raised his hands and... Used his superior physique to strangle the unsuspecting Boss Yla. "BASTARD YOU WERE ALIVE ALL THIS TIME?? WE THOUGHT YOU DIED AND HERE YOU ARE LIVING YOUR LIFE LIKE A KING. I'M GOING TO KILL YOU AND CUT YOU INTO A THOUSAND PIECES???!!!" Ace shouted with rage in his voice. In front of him stood Yennow pretending to not know them.

Ace was so furious he started talking like a golden bald eagle

Boss Yla wanted to fight back but to his horror, he couldn't break free from the hands of this Demon. He felt his throat start creaking like old wood as his Ace's hand were seconds from breaking his throat. His whole face became red and veiny as tears welled up in his eyes, which darted towards Spikepops begging for help.

Spikepops stood up in worry, Boss Yla had helped his family and he owned him, but suddenly his guest attacked boss Yla, he was totally confused.

"Captain WAIT!" Gaga cried as she pushed aside Ace, her heart was in turmoil. Boss Yla looked identical to Yennow, and his smug face was... No this was certainly Yennow! Gaga had cried rivers for him... To finally see him alive and well again really brought relief to her heart.

She started punching Yennow as well!


The other Demon Ace Pirates hurriedly tried to stop Ace and Gaga.

"Everyone calm down, we need to figure out what going on!" Spikepops shouted as he held on to Ace, to stop him from killing boss Yla.

"DADDY CHILL" Spikewards shouted as he tried to drag his father off Ace.

The whole place was in chaos.

It took a while before everything calmed down.

Ace sat with his arms crossed as he stared dagger at boss Yla who looked identical to Yennow except for the bigger muscles and scars, and a tattoo of a shark on his neck.

The Demon Ace Pirates sat around boss Yla as Boss Yla sat very respectfully without daring to move the slightest. He was truly frightened. He couldn't do anything to defend against that young man.

"Explain yourself before I kill yourself." Ace said.

"I-I-I have no idea of who you are." The man tried to defend but as he said those words, he felt a cold blade on his neck. Looking back he saw a very handsome, blonde man looking coldly at him.

"Almost two months ago, I was saved from the sea by pirates. I had amnesia and didn't remember who I was. At first I was treated like a slave but then I realised that I'm much stronger than them. So I beat them up..." Boss Yla explained his story.

After taking over the ship, he found that he had a perfectly handsomely beautifully perfect yellow afro. He came to realise that he loves afros so he gave himself a name Yellow-Love-Afrow, and the pirates called him Boss Y-L-A for short.

Then he found out that these pirate were on their way to become rich as they had found a devil fruit. Boss Yla ate their treasure and gained the abilities of Float Float no mi.

After arriving at this island he somehow felt familiar with the heads of the Roulini Famili as they had black spiky hair. So he helped them become an overlord of this island.

During his battles he almost died and he became much stronger and familiar with his devil fruit.

"Hmm... I see, amnesia again huh." Ace commented, still angry. He gave a look to Spikewards who hurriedly stood up and disappeared, a minute later he arrived with ten buckets of sea water.

"W-w-what are those buckets for?" Boss Yla, or rather, Yennow asked, and for some reason he felt trepidation.

30 minutes later, Spikepops sat and laughed with the Demon Ace pirates. He didn't dare to be rude in any way. He realised why they were called Demon Ace pirates.

They ate and laughed like a happy family.

Behind them on the ground, was a burnt, totally black carcass... Almost, he still had a weak breath. The only thing that wasn't burnt was his yellow afro.

Jojo had electrocuted his memory back.

After three days, they finally had to leave.

Spikewards said goodbye to his family and they returned to their ship.

Law was carrying his half-dead patient.

"Law, make sure he doesn't die... He can suffer a bit, that's no problem." Ace said to Law.

The whole Roulini Family waved the goodbye.

"So your name is Raoulini Spikewards, huh..." Urouge commented.

"Ah, at that time I was ashamed of my mafia family, I always wanted to be a pirate..." Spikewards explained in shame.

"Captain... I think we should change routes... " Nami said as she held a map, a book of maps and a log pose.

"Why?" Ace asked.

"If we continue this route... Well be on our way to Wano.... The base of Beast Pirates." She said with serious voice.

Everyone took a cold breathe.

"... Then let's continue, don't you think its time for us to shake things up a bit?" Ace asked with a glint in his eyes. He could even feel the excitement of his sword.

There crew looked at each other, but they could feel it.... Their dream.. it was time to take that step. It was time to challenge the Yonko and be recognised as a pirate crew that is a force of nature.

"Captain, that's the best words your ever said." Urouge laughed out.

"I think... It's time, isn't it. " Law agreed, which surprised everyone, as even he seemed slightly excited.

"... I'll steer this ship, wherever you desire, captain." Nami said with a strong resolve... Although her face was turned towards the direction of "exactly opposite of Wano"

They continued sailing until they came to a small inhabitated island where they took a break.

Ace wanted to get more familiar with the sword. For a few days, they stayed there while Ace stood at the beach, shirtless holding his blade.

Gaga and Nami were sunbathing while the rest of the crew were enjoying themselves. Only Law and Cavendish were helping Ace refine his techniques.

They only helped him master simple slashing, stabbing and cutting techniques, since most of Ace's fighting style resolved around simple force.

Ace tried creating slashes without haki, only then would he be satisfied.

Suddenly a bird landed with the newspaper.

Nami bought it and started reading, until a shout of surprise left her mouth.

Ace stopped and stared at Nami.

"Captain, you should read this..." Nami said while shaking.

Ace walked up to her and read the newspaper

"The kuja Pirates left their Warlord post! What is the Empress planning?" The title said.

In short, a few days ago, the Kuja Pirates publicly quit the Marine warlord system.

Ace was confused by this, didn't they want to hide unde the marines? What's going on inside Hancock's mind? He wondered.

"Captain, are they in danger?" Urouge asked with clear worry. It seems like he was worried about a certain someone amongst the Kuja.

"Don't worry, Hancock isn't dumb, she probably is planing something, in the worst case scenario, we'll head over to help." Ace said, which made the others relax a bit.

Ace went to the next page and then a few papers fell down.

"Huh, new bounty posters, for who I wonder?" Urouge said as he picked them up.

"It's me, Urouge?!" He cried out.

"Captain it seems like we have new bounties."

"Captain... Yours is...."