Chapter 28


I found Pierce pacing in the kitchen an hour after he returned from closing on the bed-and-breakfast. The plan had been to come over earlier, but I wanted to give him and Mari appropriate time to discuss their final agreement. We needed to decide when it was good for us to skip town. Mari hadn’t given me many details, but she sent a cryptic text about what she saw in a certain hallway of the title company.

"Is Mari here?" I asked as he finished up a circle around the kitchen table. It was weird to ask my cousin where his fake fiancée—the woman I loved—currently was located.

He barely lifted his head, caught up in his own thoughts. "She’s changing upstairs."

He looked perplexed, but I couldn’t help but dig for more information. "Mari told me she caught you locking lips after you closed on the bed-and-breakfast."

"Fuck." Pierce rarely swore. He did his best to maintain his official East Coast society image. When he laid down F bombs, it wasn’t a good sign.