Chapter 47


My mother poked her head out of my closet, holding up three pairs of identical black leggings. Fingers crossed she didn’t ask where I wore those.

She shook them in my direction. "Katy, you own tons of black, but it’s all athletic gear."

I collected each pair of pants from her, tugging harder on the last pair before she let go. "Yeah, sometimes I need to be limber."

She gave me a puzzled look and then turned back to the closet where she’d done significant damage to my organizational system. "I didn’t realize you’d started working out."

If that’s what she wanted to go with, it was fine for me. "Yeah, it’s something like that."

She huffed and rehung the white lacy summer dress I’d been planning to wear right before Labor Day but never got the chance.

"We will have to go to Clearwater and see if we can find you something appropriate to wear. There is no time to order anything from the internet now."