The fog surrounding my thoughts slowly lifted, leaving me swaying. The water cleared from my surroundings and the dream where I’d been a mermaid swimming with the seahorses stopped making sense. We were having such a pleasant afternoon. Why did it have to end? I made a kickass mermaid.
What had I been doing before I turned into a mermaid?
The further away from the dream I swam, the more my memories returned.
And the smell. Icky, gross, moldy, wet smells filled my nose.
I wasn’t a mermaid. No.
So what happened to me?
A parking garage. My hospital badge looped around my neck. A man standing next to my car.
His question. If I was a nurse.
My response. Yes.
Then the poke of a needle.
And then… nothing. Darkness until I met with the mermaids and seahorses.
Something more hovered in the recesses of my mind, but I couldn’t pull the hazy details together.