Alessie turned to June frowning and caught sight of her reddened arm

    " June, what happened to your arm "

She asked worried. June glared at her annoyed

    " well this is all your fault Alessie "

she said mumbling. Alessie's eyebrows arched

    " what do you mean? "

    " well, your nails must be really sharp for you to cause this damage to my beautiful beautiful skin. "

June said clicking her fingers. Alessie thought for a while then she suddenly burst into loud laughter.

    " didn't know your skin was so sensitive "

she said honestly but June's hear turned deaf to that

    " oh, you think it's funny, well how about this "

June said and pinched Alessie really hard that she screamed taken aback by her sudden reaction.

    " ouch June that hurts "

    " now we're both even "

June said frowning as she adjusted her glasses. Alessie sighed softly

   " I'm sorry June, didn't knew you'd get hurt. how are you feeling ?"

she asked worried

   " how do I look, fine? "

June said sarcastically. Alessie immediately pulled her for a hug .

   " I'm sorry "

June looked at her and smiled

  " apologies accepted "

she said, her lips curving into a smile

  " thank you June "

Alessie said laughing as they walked

  " but that's how you deal with bullies "

she said proudly. June smirked

   " oh yeah "

   " yes, the blonde girl was like I'll so get you for this "

Alessie said imitating Cathy. June laughed

   " but Alessie, we have to be really careful. You do know that there's a whole lot of influential kids here "

she said frowning. Alessie nodded

  " you're right June, I'll be extra careful "

  " that goes without saying "

June said adjusting her glasses.

  " what's with you and the glasses, can't see properly? "

Alessie asked staring at June who was taken aback by the sudden question

   " what? "

June said surprised. Alessie smiled a bit

   " just curious that's all "

    " no, it... it just makes me look good "

she replied smiling a bit

     " oh, okay but I think you'll look great without those glasses "

Alessie said nodding. Just then June spotted their class

      " Alessie, over there "

she said pointing to the beautiful class ahead of her. Walking into the class, Alessie saw how beautiful it was plus, it was really huge.

    " what a huge class "

June said mumbling. Alessie nodded

    " yeah but it isn't the huge...est "

Alessie said intentionally stressing the word 'hugest'

     " say, how many classrooms have you seen that's as huge or bigger than this? "

June asked curious but Alessie immediately avoided the question

     "oh, here's my seat "

Alessie said out of the blue. On it, Alessie Nina Vinogrado was boldly written on it. June also saw hers close to Alessie's.

   " look at mine. I can't get enough of this school "

June said happily.

   " I guess so too "

Alessie said nodding.

   " are you Alessie? "

An Asian girl with a pretty face asked from behind. Alessie turned to her with a small smile

   " yup, and you are.... "

    " Yuri, your seatmate "

    " nice to meet you "

Alessie said shaking hands. June wasn't left behind as she also introduced herself. After a while, a male teacher walked in. He was really handsome but the sad thing was his stern face.

     " Good day class, I'm Ethan. Ethan Thomson. I believe we have new students in our midst cause I'm seeing new faces. let's all introduce ourselves shall we "

He said still putting on a serious face.