Alessie, June, Aria and Hyeran walked into the class chatting.

Alessie had made up her mind to join the cheerleading club. Later that day, she was definitely going to go meet senior Lily who is the leader. How did she know who to meet, well it's all thanks to Aria the parrot. After all, she knows almost everything and everyone in the school.

Nothing excapes her sight.

" oh goody. The boys are going to play volleyball today. "

Aria said dreamingly. June smirked

" wow, is there someone on your mind? "

she asked teasingly. Alessie nudged June to keep quiet but she didn't listen.

" ha ha very funny "

Aria said sarcastically. June laughed.

" who's the unlucky guy? "

" June! "

Alessie cautioned but Aria had already heard. She glared really hard at June.

" June, would you cut it out. I've been really nice to you by not giving you a piece of my mind "

Aria said angrily. Just then, Shadra walked in

" hi girls "

She said smiling. Aria was still glaring angrily at June that Shadra felt the tension in the air.

" hi "

Hyeran greeted back looking the least concerned about the ongoing fight. Alessie had tried to calm June down but there was no one to calm Aria. Even Hyeran cared less

" is anything wrong? why's Aria looking that way? "

Shadra asked studying Aria's expression. Alessie sighed.

" they had a misunderstanding. Her and June "

She said bringing out her notes. Shadra laughed.

" I always knew this would happen. "

Alessie chuckled lightly. Hyeran smirked

" Given how Aria is "

She said. Aria immediately flared up.

" What's wrong with you all. First June, now You Hyeran. The tarrot card was right. Today's a bad bad day for me! "

She said angrily as she stormed off. Alessie was worried.

" will she be okay? ".

She asked but no one replied.

" That's her problem. Always a blabbermouth ".

June muttered angrily. Alessie looked at June and nodded.

" I never knew you to act this this way June. Did she offend you perhaps? "

She asked taking a close look at June. June adjusted her glasses.

" well, she always speaks at the wrong time. She was part of the reason I got mad the other day we..... So, she's just too troublesome. I really don't know her problem ".

She said angrily. Hyeran turned to her

" yup. She really pestures one sometimes. "

she said thoughtfully. Shadra chipped in.

" But that's what makes her the Aria we know. Common Hyeran, you're being unfair. Although I wouldn't blame June "

she said as she started walking out of the class.

" oh common, I was just stating the basis "

Hyeran said frowning. Louisa turned to them angrily removing her earpiece

" Hey, you've been making a whole lot of noise. Can't you see I'm studying? "

She asked glaring at Hyeran. Alessie scoffed.

" what's gotten into you. You'd never pick up that book. Unless .... "

She said remembering something. June eyes widened.

" The History test! how come I forgot? "

She blurted out. Hyeran immediately brought out her note.

" explains why the others aren't here. They must all be in the library. "

She said flipping through the pages angrily. Alessie buried herself in the book.

" No, I mustn't fail the history test. I have to impress Teacher Ethan at least. "

She said studying the long and complex note hurriedly. June was also revising. Seems she was a little prepared unlike her .Just then the bell rang.

" wait, isn't that the bell signifying.... "

Alessie asked stammering.

" Teacher Ethan's class! "

Louisa completed horrified. Alessie felt like crying.

" God, how could I have forgotten? "

she asked herself as she scattered her hair.

" Alessie, your hair "

Stephanie, the brunnete pointed out and Alessie groaned.

" Thanks "

She said weakly. Aria walked in looking better with Shadra.

" Alessie..... "

She called startled to see her hair all messed up. Lawrence and his gang also walked in.

" Are you prepared for the test? "

Lee asked Kenzo who had his hair really messy

" of course not. I just hope I don't get a C "

He said laughing. June looked at him with disgust. Aria's face on the other hand was as pale as a ghost

" what is this about a test thingy? "

she asked chuckling nervously. Hyeran frowned.

" History test "

That was all she could say before the teacher walked in with a clipboard.

" Good day class "

He said and Alessie felt her world crumble. She haven't even prepared yet!