Chapter 9: Goblin Forest II V.3

One week flew by.



I opened my eyes to see a feast to fill my desire of becoming strong.

{Basic Mana Mastery leveled up! Lv. 1 > Lv. 2}

{You have obtained a new skill: Mana Sense}

{Normal/ Mana Sense Lv. 1: Passive}

- Sense the surrounding through feeling the mana.

- Can be evolved.

{Normal/ Basic Mana Mastery Lv. 2: Passive}

Proficiency: Meditate for 15,000 minutes

- Having the ability to completely grasp mana, your control on magic increases.

+5 Magic

"Wow! A skill that can be evolved?! That's nice, but it doesn't show how. I'll figure it out once I'm in that town." I felt so happy I could die right now! But please don't.

"10,000 minutes is ... 7 days? then a week already passed. Hmmm, 15,000 minutes ... like 10 days? 10 days worth of meditation." I was contemplating if I should continue meditating and increase my skill level.

"Rumble~" Right, I didn't eat for a week, it's time to hunt some animals. I tried {Mana Sense} and it scanned 500 meters in all directions. There is a boar up north so I rushed toward it and used {Razor Wind}'s sonic book to launch me off the stump and jumped between the trunks of the trees until the boar was within my sight. I launched a smaller and more condensed version of {Razor Wind} to precisely cut off its head.

"Winner, winner boar for dinner!" I celebrated as my first hunt is successful, I was jumping for joy before preparing to carry the boar. I head back to my lovely gigantic tree stump. This became really memorable for me as I spent two of my previous life here.

I didn't bother getting sticks since I have {Fireball}, and because I can control it, I reduced its temperature so that it won't instantly burn the boar. While it is in flame, I started removing the burnt fur and disemboweling it.

"I should create some water magic sometime." I figured this would really help me in cleaning food and myself. Once, I determined that it was already cooked, I started chopping off its limbs then separating the whole ribcage then cutting the belly into small pieces. I tried to put them in my inventory but they don't go in.

"I'll just have to eat them all in one go," I said while saliva was dripping down my mouth and my stomach growling profusely.


After finishing my first meal in a week, I ate some of the berries I stored in the inventory. I was admiring the scenery a bit, while I lay down and look at the sky.

"This Earth 2.0 looks so much better than the previous one." I took a deep breath and enjoyed every moment. It doesn't hurt to relax for a bit.

After clearing my mind, I decided to look at my titles.

"Ah, it's just that destiny thingy that's there," I wasn't surprised since I died twice and haven't done anything noteworthy. But I wonder, in my first life I just ran for a certain distance without stopping then I got a title, does that mean if I die I can't get the same title anymore? Enough of that, I should create a defensive skill.

I remembered a certain character that has a wind skill that acts as a shield. I tried to imitate it but this time, the wind surrounds me just like the barrier those goblin mages set up.


{You have obtained a new skill: Wind Barrier}

{Normal / Wind Barrier Lv. 1: Active}

Proficiency: Activate 1,000 times

MP cost: 2MP / 5 seconds

- Wind circling around your body constantly forming a barrier.

"Haha! I'm ready to hunt those walking pickles." I sneered as I think of them dying helplessly against me.

"But wait, I need more attack skills in my arsenal," It's never bad to be cautious of things. I need to keep reminding myself that I will lose my progress if I die again.

Since I already have condensed winds maybe I'll try it with fire. I cast {Fireball} and try to reform its shape by compressing it into a needle. I tried it a few more times until I can efficiently change the form of the skill.

{Skill: Fireball transformed into Fire Needle}

{Normal / Fire Needle Lv. 1: Active}

Proficiency: Activate 2,000 times (0/2000)

MP cost: 10 MP

Cooldown: 10 seconds

- As you condense fire, the heat rises thus penetration increases.

"More mana cost and longer cooldown, worth it for the firepower," I aimed at one of the trees and fired {Fire Needle} and it pierced through the entire tree trunk!

"I'm getting fired up!" I jokingly said as I was astonished by the result, it's logically impossible to condense fire but living in a world that goes beyond logic, totally makes sense.

"How about I try casting multiple spells at once, that should definitely be a skill." I nodded intensely for the idea really gets my blood boiling.

I cast both {Fire Needle} and {Razor Wind} together and it was possible. I tried it a few more times but nothing really happened.

"What about casting the same spell multiple times?" I said while I was walking around in circles thinking. I tried it with {Fire Needle}, I thought of the skill appearing multiple times and I succeeded! I fired off 5 {Fire Needle} at once.

{You have obtained a new skill: Multi-Cast}

{Normal / Multi-Cast Lv. 1: Passive}

- Can cast the same skill twice. MP cost increases by 1.2x every succeeding use of skill beyond two.

- Can be evolved.

"It burns more mana the more skill I cast beyond two skills at once. Fair enough plus it can be evolved," at this point, I was nodding with maximum aggressiveness cause this thing is FIRE!

"I can abuse this by casting two skills at once only while the MP cost is the same as one skill."

Now that I feel prepared and confident. I slept to recover my MP quickly.