Gustav and the Mothership

I arrived at the temporary headquarters, realizing that what was meant to be a simple loot-and-go mission had turned into something more. I knew Gustav would understand the decision I had made to bring along a new companion.

Making my way to the back of the house, I came face to face with a sight that caught my attention—a customized camper adorned with Catholic rosaries, a symbol of protection against the forces of darkness. This vehicle was built to withstand the harshest abnormalities and ran on electric power. In short, finest anti cryptid vehicle.

Approaching the camper, I opened its door to reveal a spacious interior filled to the brim with essential supplies. The vehicle had been cleverly modified to serve as a storage unit, capable of holding an impressive amount of weight.

Settling comfortably into the driver's seat, I pressed the designated button. Despite its outward appearance as a regular camper, it possessed a sophisticated identification system. It scanned my DNA, extracted from a strand of my living blood, and cross-referenced it with the database of authorized personnel. Gustav, Russ, and I were granted access.

The camper came to life with a quiet hum, ready to embark on our journey to the pharmacy where Russ and Samantha awaited. With a turn of the wheel, I set the vehicle in motion, navigating the streets with caution.

As I approached the pharmacy, Samantha came into view, already waiting at the front entrance. Beside her lay a mountain of supplies, a testament to her resourcefulness. Russ emerged from the pharmacy, his mouth gripping a bag full of provisions, his robotic form ever reliable in assisting us on our mission.

Samantha waved at the camper and smiled at me. I pulled up in front of the pharmacy and stepped out of the vehicle.

Letting out a yawn, I asked Samantha, "So, Samantha, is this everything?"

I surveyed the supplies, taking note of the canned goods, electronics, clothing, and hygiene products. It struck me as curious that her parents had prioritized stockpiling electronics in addition to the essentials.

"You can call me Sam," she replied, picking up a suitcase and making her way towards the camper.

Her willingness to adapt and mature in such trying circumstances was impressive. It seemed she understood the challenges of surviving alone in the wasteland and recognized that I was her best chance for protection within miles.

"Okay, Sam," I said, smirking at her.

For the next 20 minutes, we loaded the luggage into the camper, with Russ lending a helping "hand" by using his robotic tentacles to carry the bags.

Sam glanced at Russ, remarking, "Russ's robotic tentacles are creepy," as she watched him carry a box of clothes.

Chuckling, I replied, "They may seem creepy, but they're incredibly useful. Those tentacles can handle a massive amount of weight."

"Can he use them to fight?" Sam inquired, her eyes filled with curiosity.

I nodded, affirming her question. "Those tentacles are made of Holy silver. They have the power to easily dispatch monsters. Russ once took down a Rake with them."

Sam's expression shifted to awe. "That's so cool! What exactly is Holy Silver?"

"Well," I began, "it's silver that has been blessed by devoted priests. They discovered after the Rapture that their blessings could imbue objects with extraordinary strength. That's how Holy Silver was created."

Unbeknownst to me, Sam had been jotting down notes in her notebook. Her thirst for knowledge was evident, and I admired her intellect.

Tapping on the camper's door, I signaled, "Alright, I think we're all set. Sam, Russ, let's get inside the camper."

We entered the camper, with Russ settling into the passenger seat next to me. Sam, intrigued by the camper's dining table, took a seat and placed her book on the table. Her pen danced across the paper as she continued to document her newfound knowledge.

I started the camper, and once again, it hummed to life with a silent grace.

As we ventured outside the town, the atmosphere was eerily tranquil, too quiet for my comfort. Glancing back, I noticed Sam engrossed in writing in her notebook. Russ, on the other hand, seemed to take a keen interest in Sam's writing, joining her at the table.

Suddenly, the radio in the camper crackled, breaking the silence. "Alexander, do you have someone with you? Or are you even Alexander?" Gustav's voice echoed through the speakers.

"It's me, Gustav. I've rescued a kid from certain danger. The town appears quiet but has already been looted," I replied, pressing a button on the radio.

After responding to Gustav, the radio fell silent again. Sam, perceptive as ever, noticed my interaction with someone.

"Who's that guy? He sounds old," she asked, momentarily halting her writing.

"Gustav isn't old, actually. He's around 40, and he's a kind-hearted guy, a bit of a nerd," I explained, my focus still on the road ahead.

"What's a nerd?" Sam inquired, sounding genuinely puzzled.

"Oh, I forgot you were born after the Rapture," I paused briefly, considering my response. "Nerds are usually intelligent and wear glasses. Gustav happens to be the nerdiest nerd I've ever met."

Glancing at Sam, I noticed she had resumed writing in her notebook.

"Nerds also have extensive knowledge about electronics and various subjects. Gustav has a vast collection of anime and cartoons. I think you'll enjoy them," I added, hoping to pique her interest.

"Father mentioned that people used to watch those before the Rapture," Sam remarked.

I chuckled softly, "Yes, some people were avid fans and watched them all the time."

Suddenly, the radio crackled again, interrupting our conversation. "Okay, we have a problem. Someone has stolen one of the scouting rovers. I've tracked them to a nearby village." Gustav's voice conveyed a sense of urgency.

After a prolonged pause, the radio crackled again, demanding my attention. "Alexander, get over here in a few minutes. You can engage sports mode on the camper," Gustav's voice urged.

"Alright, is the entrance clear?" I radioed back, making sure nothing would bump in our way.

The radio crackled once more, "Yes, it appears peaceful since a ritual was performed, probably near Marawi. Stay safe, buddy."

"You too, Gustav," I responded, a sense of relief washing over me.

With a press of a button, I activated the camper's sports mode, unleashing its true speed potential. The vehicle swiftly accelerated from 20 to 90, yet the road ahead remained clear, alleviating any concerns of a potential collision.

Glancing over at Sam, I observed her composure, seemingly unfazed by the sudden surge of speed.

After a while, I made a right turn onto a road, greeted by a drone hovering above the camper. I continued driving until we reached the temporary camp.

As we arrived at the clearing, Gustav eagerly waved us down. I turned off the camper's engine and stepped out of the driver's seat. Sam was already on her feet, accompanied by Russ sitting faithfully beside her.

Opening the camper door, I exchanged greetings with Gustav. He sported his usual scientist coat, complemented by gray sweatpants and a matching t-shirt adorned with the Nike logo.

"So, what treasures did we acquire from the desolate town of Marali?" Gustav inquired, his curiosity evident.

Stepping down from the camper, I replied, "Not much, as I had just arrived. It seems Sam's parents had already scoured the entire place."

Gustav nodded, absorbing the information. "So, where's Sam?" he queried.

Sam descended from the camper alongside Russ, announcing her presence. "I'm here. Nice to meet you," she greeted.

Gustav beamed with delight. "Pleasure to meet you too, Sam. Encounters with other people have become rare these days," he acknowledged.

Sam scanned the camp with curiosity, her gaze eventually fixating on a colossal vehicle nearby. "What's that huge car over there?" she pointed, her interest piqued.

Gustav's grin widened. "Ah, you're intrigued by my masterpiece, aren't you?"

The enormous vehicle that had caught Sam's attention was none other than Gustav's pre-rapture creation—an aircraft carrier capable of flight. Though scaled down compared to traditional aircraft carriers, it remained a marvel of engineering. Adorned with retractable wings, the craft housed five AI-controlled jet fighters within its hull.

"Save the tales of the mothership for later, you two. Gustav, please tell me about what happened," I requested, my curiosity mounting.

Gustav proceeded to explain that while scouting for potential looting sites, one of the rovers had gone missing. The rover's last transmission captured an image of an unidentified human figure. Moreover, the rover's GPS indicated that it was currently situated in a building north of our camp.

Equipping my AUG rifle with extra magazines, I made my way to my room on the top deck. Sam had been assigned the neighboring room, and I could faintly hear the sound of educational videos emanating from her quarters.

Exiting my room, I navigated towards the control room, where Gustav awaited, ready to provide further briefing on the situation.