Fisherman Village Arc: A change

As we returned to our rooms, it was evident that Hannah's story had deeply affected her. I opened my door, half-expecting to see Russ lying on the bed, his tail wagging in anticipation.

"Stay there, Russ," I murmured, stepping into my room.

After undressing, I headed for the shower. The warm water cascaded down, enveloping me in its soothing embrace. I couldn't help but feel a sense of numbness, a stark contrast to the emotions I would have shared with Hannah in that moment.

Sam's resilience struck me. Her mature demeanor was far beyond her years; most seven-year-olds wouldn't possess such composure, let alone her remarkable aptitude for rapid learning.

The water continued to drain as the showerhead hummed, creating a comforting rhythm. It was a simple pleasure, the warmth seeping into my muscles, offering solace. Determination burned within me—I was committed to aiding the village, no matter the challenges.

Standing up, I stretched my limbs, shutting off the shower with a distinct click. Grabbing a nearby towel, I dried myself off before wrapping it around my body like a shawarma.

Exiting the bathroom, I noticed a familiar imp perched on my bed. "Took you long enough," she quipped playfully.

Her attire consisted of white Nike shorts and a tank top. The transformation in her appearance was captivating; her hair now shimmered with a silver-white hue, and her red eyes added a unique allure that was anything but unsettling—it was truly beautiful.

"I can provide assistance if you're willing to accept it," Venidith paused, carefully choosing her words, "Perhaps I could lend a helping hand, figuratively speaking."

I let out a sigh and made my way to the cabinets where I stored my clothes, "I know you, it's probably just another one of your tricks."

Venidith's voice took on a more serious tone, "No tricks this time. Remember our pact? I have the ability to share one of my powers with you."

"I'm not asking for anything beyond that," Venidith's tone remained steady, devoid of any seductive undertones. "Afterward, I'll give you some space."

Contemplating my options, I found myself considering her offer. She did seem genuinely sincere at the moment. Still, a part of me couldn't shake off the worry—what if this was a setup? Spells were a realm I couldn't combat mentally.


I sighed, giving in with a hint of frustration, "Alright."

Venidith nodded, her expression serious, "Unlike mere words, direct contact will transfer the ability." She stood, removing her tank top, "It's just a force of habit."

Kneeling in front of me, Venidith prepared as I unraveled the towel.


Venidith struggled to contain everything within her mouth, her lips wet as she swallowed, "It's quite a mouthful," she licked her lips and then stood up, her expression focused. "Now, concentrate your senses."

The sensation was strange at first, but then post-nut clarity seemed to aid my perception. I began to notice auras surrounding everything—the white, flowing aura of Venidith, calm and serene. Even the object in the room emitted a transparent white aura.

Venidith stretched her arms, demonstrating the concept further. "You can now perceive auras. In the heat of battle or casually, enemies will have a core, a central aura. Target it to disrupt their aura flow."

"By hitting their core, you can disable their aura manipulation," Venidith's tone remained casual, "rendering them powerless or even killing them."

"Thanks, I suppose," I acknowledged with a touch of gratitude, "You should head back to your room now."

Venidith nodded, retrieving her tank top and slipping it back on. "Yours was quite satisfying. Perhaps one day when I become human again, you can plant your seed in me," she said with a wink before exiting my room and closing the door behind her.

Human again? Her claim about being a primordial might have been a mere exaggeration. I dressed in a black shirt and leggings before climbing into bed. As I lay there, the sound of the ticking clock filled the room. I closed my eyes...

I was roused from slumber by a firm knock on the door, "Breakfast time, Alexander. Get up, lazybones," Gustav's voice called out.

Feeling notably refreshed, I swung my legs out of bed, making my way to the door and opening it.

Gustav stood there, a plate piled high with egg fried rice and three perfectly fried eggs, "Here you go. Dig in and then suit up at the armory. Word is, you won't need those goggles anymore. Your vest's been upgraded until you bring Abigail back."

"Thanks. I appreciate it," I replied, taking the plate from Gustav's hands.

"We'll reconvene in the control room later," Gustav stated, beginning to turn away, "We're going to bring them back, no doubt about it."

"Yeah," I muttered, carrying the plate over to my desk to start my meal.

The armory stood empty, so I gathered the necessary equipment before heading to the control room.

Stepping into the control room, the door slid open, revealing a lively discussion about the plan. All eyes turned toward me as I entered.

"Looks like someone finally decided to wake up," Sandra chimed with a chuckle.

"In any case, as we've planned, Alexander, Sam, Hannah, and Venidith will be part of the team," Gustav explained, taking the lead, "You'll be using the Armored Personnel Carrier for transport."

Making my way further into the room, I noticed Venidith comfortably seated in a chair with Sam on her lap. They seemed ready to go. Both sported double buns, giving them a matching hairstyle.

"Remember, Venidith will focus on support, so let's not overload her with tasks," Juliette added, "The woman is still unconscious, but she should regain consciousness in a few days."

Clearly, many things had changed. The dynamic duo of Venidith and Sam appeared strong. Hannah's dedication shone even brighter, while Sandra and Juliette had established their roles within the control room.

"Are we all ready?" I asked, my grip on my SCAR L tightening.

In perfect unison, the group responded with determination, "All set and ready to go!"

Arriving at the dispatch bay, we were greeted by the imposing sight of the modified APC positioned right in front of the door. Gustav had certainly worked his magic, enhancing the vehicle with automated 20mm caliber turrets encircling it and a formidable 30mm caliber autocannon.

Hannah and Sam swiftly boarded the APC, ready to operate its advanced weaponry, while Venidith and I prepared to accompany them on foot as infantry. The dispatch bay door groaned as it began to rise, accompanied by the grinding sound of metal.

"Systems are all online," Hannah reported confidently.

"Auto Cannon ready!" Sam's excitement was palpable.

A voice crackled over the radio, Gustav's encouraging words breaking through, "Go, we're going to get those two!"

With a final clank, the door fully opened, revealing the path ahead. The APC rolled out slowly, its movements deliberate and purposeful as it made contact with the ground, leading the way for our mission.

"Alexander," Venidith called to me, her full-body armor and helmet giving her a formidable appearance, "Are you ready? Mastering this ability will take time."

"Yeah, I'm aware," I replied with determination, my tone brimming with courage, "Let's get this done."