
"Indeed, there are two types of energy, as I mentioned earlier," Shakur explained, his gaze directed at me as he continued, "Cursed and Blessed energy." He proceeded to take a spoonful of rice and chicken, emphasizing his point.

Sabrina inquired, feeding me a spoonful of food, "So, what's the concern with Alexander?"

"When the Rapture occurred, everyone's aura network awakened. Some were temporarily paralyzed, while others lost their lives entirely due to it," Shakur explained, pausing momentarily.

"Similar to electricity, it seems that for many people, their aura networks were overwhelmed, resulting in the destruction of their cells or souls, sometimes both. The sudden activation of the aura network by the Rapture led to an immediate shock to the body and soul, causing them to fail to adapt and ultimately resulting in catastrophic damage," he continued, clarifying the process.

As we spoke, I noticed that some of the cafeteria patrons were subtly listening in on our conversation. It was no surprise; people were eager to gather more information about the disaster that had befallen them.

"Alexander's body would have likely suffered immediate damage, but he managed to survive due to his soul sacrificing itself to protect his physical form. This sacrificial act plunged him into a coma-like state, allowing his soul to repair the damage. Consequently, his Aura Network went into a state of reboot and entered a semi-dormant phase," Shakur added, taking another spoonful of his food.

"The challenge now is that we're uncertain whether Alexander can harness these energies without succumbing to fatal consequences," he concluded.

"So, does that mean he can't utilize any of it even if he possesses a vast amount?" Cyrilia questioned, having already finished her meal.

Shakur's spoon met the chicken as he answered, "Not necessarily. He might be descended from someone with substantial spiritual power." He then added, "My grandmother used to share tales of two demigods from the past, but I can't recall the specifics."

"Worry not, I have that ancient book. My grandmother hid it before she passed away. I'll share the story with you when the time is right. Of course, our priority is to restore Alexander to his normal state," Shakur explained as he completed his meal.

I mustered my weak voice, "When... is the next... procedure?"

"Right after we're done here. We'll head to the training grounds. Given what happened during the first attempt, it's possible you might unintentionally release both energies at once," Shakur replied, rising from his seat and picking up his tray.

"Don't rush yourself," he advised before walking away.

"I knew it!" Cyrilia grinned, pointing at me. "I could tell Alexander was special from the moment I saw him."

Sabrina joined in with a chuckle, "I realized that long ago. This goofball would talk to animals, or maybe it's just his love for them," she commented as she fed me the last spoonful of my meal.

As I savored the flavors and swallowed the food, thoughts of everyone I cared about flooded my mind: Sam, Venidith, Hannah, Soundriv, and the others. Could it be that I was sent here to understand and control my powers?