
"Well, let us get settled and have some rest," I suggested, glancing around. Sam had already disappeared into the nearby orchard.

"We've prepared your room and lunch. Please, follow us," Maria informed us before turning to lead the way.

"Lead the way," I agreed, feeling the warmth of Venidith's arms and her soft chest against mine.

"Lead the way for your Prince and Princess," Venidith teased with a feigned princess-like demeanor, her voice playful and somewhat bratty.

The maid began to walk, and we followed suit. The scent of flowers filled the air, not overpowering but just enough to create a refreshing, summery atmosphere. It was September, but it already felt like home.

My home... I was reminded of the simple scents of flowers and fruits in my grandmother's garden, like a fruit salad you couldn't eat. Whenever I had spare time after school, I'd dash to my grandma's small manor.