The oceans knows

The entire camp sprawls across the bay, its size rivaling that of a massive stadium. It occupies the space created after Vendith's energy attack against Sakuna. My mind is still lingering on Sakuna; will she seek revenge?

Our makeshift cafeteria serves its purpose. Instant buildings aren't within our capabilities yet, so we settle under the expansive Narra tree. Its vast branches effectively shield us from the sunlight, and the leaves don't prove bothersome.

Perched on the edge of the bay, the cafeteria offers a stunning view of the sea. To the left, I catch glimpses of the fishermen's boats, signaling their potential haul today.

"I think this spot is alright," Venidith remarks as she takes a seat. "It's just a folding table, but we'll make do."

Surveying the scene, Venidith adds, "Most of them have finished eating, so we'll take what's left. I'm confident the cooks saved the best food for us."