Abigail and ???????


The log shifts, rustling as it settles onto the pile of others. Done! I could handle more weight without breaking a sweat, maintaining my full combat strength. But I'm just here to lend a hand.

The ocean's breeze brushes against my face, leaving a hint of saltiness. Glancing around, it seems the boat hasn't unloaded its entire cargo from earlier. I focus my eyes towards the village.

I could enhance my eyesight well beyond 20/20 vision, surpassing even an eagle's sight. Utilizing my CE, I direct it to flow more into my right eye.

A warm sensation, like something moving inside me but not uncomfortable, surges from my chest to my eyes. Without discomfort, my vision gradually zooms in, resembling a camera focusing. The village comes into clear view—the beach, the port, people unloading logs from the boat. A man in an ADF uniform stumbles and falls face-first.