Legends Emerge

Days passed. Then weeks. The world changed. Soon, everyone played Battlefield, if you didn't, you were in a minority. Everyone wanted something from someone else, why not use this game to get it? At first, it was anarchy, chaos. However, after a few months, the order returned. New laws about the game were made. The world leaders knew that banning the game outright was a losing game, so they made laws based around the game to limit the use of it and why. In the beginning, there were pedo's, robbers, murderers and so much more using the game in the worst way possible. The new laws prevented that. Even If you won with such dark stakes, immediately afterward, it would end badly for you.

In the midst of all this were the legendary players. The legendary players were people who managed to get a unique special card after being the first person to win on their first try, first game, using a deck that hasn't already met those conditions yet. Of course, this could just be attributed to luck, so legendary players usually had to earn that title through people attempting to take their special card.

Some lost their card. However, most of those players were usually one of the first people to play Battlefield, making them slightly better then the average Joe, considering. James was a prime example, no matter how many people challenged him, he always won, because he was formulating strategies with his experiences before most of the challengers picked up their first list.

James, like a few other legendary players, fell into obscurity, mostly because they didn't announce their existence or were just uninteresting people. Others became famous and heavily sought after. One such example of a famous player was Jillian, the kid who made his friend lose his soul.

Battlefield started to change the players that played it, whether it be by circumstance or whether it was by some force of the cards. Jillian was a victim of this change. After battlefield became popular, many people sought after Jillian, hunting for the special card he undoubtedly won, being one of, if not THE first Battlefield player.

After his identity was discovered and his whereabouts uncovered, Jillian became a Battlefield hotspot, players from all around trying to win his card. As stated above however, he had a advantage, being a veteran player against some who had never even played before. Each win only made his play style better, his skills more defined, until he could have been considered one of the best Battlefield players to this day.

While being harassed, at first, Jillian's only condition was to be left alone and never challenged by that specific player again. Soon though, his stakes began to change. He must have figured that just asking the losers to leave would not dissuade others from challenging him. So he began to make stakes for precious things. Started small, then got much more large and elaborate. He started asking for wallets, and worked his way up to basically everything the challenger owned.

Soon, Jillain started making the stakes the opponent souls, minds, and everything else in between. Considering he was basically unbeaten, he gained so much wealth, servants, and power that he could have rivaled a king. He went from an innocent child to one of the most ruthless players on earth, never settling on small when it came to his games.

Most of the legendary players gained titles based on their decks, skills, or exploits. Some even gained titles based on their personality. For example, Jillian gained the title of "The Devil King", based on his deck, "Angels and Demons", and his twisted personality.

James gained the title of "Traitorous Strategist" based on his strategic skill and deck.

Verity gained the title of "Queen of Witchcraft" after winning numerous games with her deck.

Many others also gained titles and honors due to their skills and their special card. The special card was not only unique, it was also usually extremely powerful, hinging on brokenly strong. With a card like those, you could gain a lot of stuff even without skill, making these cards so valuable.

After the new laws were made, Battlefield was embraced, and things based on Battlefield started appearing. Battlefield themed stores, restaurants, even tournaments were held for Battlefield players. Training facilities and Battlefield based guilds started to crop up, as if they were always waiting to appear, but we're unable to until now.

Eventually, even the most paranoid and skeptical decided to pick up the game. The world leaders themselves already created two tournaments based on Battlefield, (special cards were banned for both) with heavy rewards given to the winner.

The whole world had changed in just a year alone. Laws were made in weeks, economy had crashed and went up in days, and so much more.

James didn't really care though. With all the challengers who failed against him, he was living pretty. He couldn't think of a way this new life could get better for him.

Then it proceeded to get much worse.