Chapter 47 The capture or death of...

In a secluded place, a "human" with vibrant rainbow hair equipped with special glasses fought against an invisible force that controlled the fire. The invisible force was Jogo; according to them, they were supposed to be at a "Friendly" spar. But it was everything except that, thanks to Mahito being here, Dante could get injured and instantly healed if he didn't die immediately.

Even if he didn't like it, he had to learn how to weaken his soul in a way so Mahito could reshape it without being too intrusive. But he still hates the sensation of being changed in a way he can't understand.

Without warning, a pillar of fire appeared below Dante. The heat and intensity of the attack aimed to consume him. Reacting quickly, he flapped his wings with all his strength and darted away from the flames, narrowly avoiding being charcoaled.

As Dante soared through the air, he asked with a twinge of annoyance, "Hey, why do you act like that? Aren't you supposed to be stronger than this?"

After Jogo failed to kill Gojo by himself, Jogo's once proud and arrogant demeanor slightly changed. At first, nobody realized it, but as time passed, he began to notice that his powers had moderately diminished. His movements became slower and less precise, and his once fearsome flames had lost their intensity from days ago. The change wasn't that much, but it still bothered Dante.

He seemed like he was about to yell at me, so I continued while grabbing a new pair of glasses to see him correctly, "Listen, I'm not a genius, but after you came back from fighting Gojo, you became more passive. Even you can recognize that, so tell me, What do you represent?".

Dante winning so easily against Jogo shouldn't be possible, as his only clear advantage is blitzing Jogo with his speed. Apart from that, Jogo has the range advantage.

And that's taking into account Dante having all the tools he uses. Without his new glasses and sword, it would have been harder for him to keep up with Jogo's movements.

Right now, Dante is thankful to Geto for giving him glasses that allow him to sense cursed spirits more effectively, as well as a decent sword. Because using the inverted spear of heaven for a spar would be an unnecessary overkill.

Dante stopped moving and spoke, "Aren't you stronger?" He said, trying to infuse him with confidence. "I want you to fight with everything you have because that won't be enough."

I continued, "You said you want to kill Gojo, right? With the bland way you use your abilities, it won't be enough. Mahito can regen me from almost dust..." My wings sprouted, ready to fight against him again. I roared with determination, "FIGHT WITH EVERYTHING YOU HAVE!"

Their intense fight continued for hours. They clashed again and again, each attack more lethal than the last. The battleground ended up turning into a charred chaos. The sand beneath their feet crystallized from the heat, and Dante's body carried black marks of burns everywhere.

But they didn't stop there. They continued fighting, aiming to kill, not caring about the consequences, and so, this day, Jogo's mindset was changed from his usual course, unlocking the first step to his true potential.

While Dante and Jogo exploited themselves to their absolute limits, Kenjaku saw this ordeal with great interest, and he was completely pleased by it. If Raida manages to do this to Mahito, then the plan might not even be needed. He will just need to give it a few re-tweaks to achieve his ultimate goal, but even so, he would still carry the plan just to see what happens.

As Mahito healed Dante, he felt the weird sensation of his soul being edited. Ignoring it, he asked to Jogo, "We are supposed to be teammates who might die against Gojo, and after fighting for a while, I realized something: what do you know about your ability? Like the limits."

What Dante discovered is that the way Jogo uses his ability is quite primitive, almost crude in comparison to other things he saw before. Remembering how Thalassa explained to him that she could only use electrokinesis but, with that, managed a lot like electromagnetic induction to temporarily fly, a magnetic field to negate gravity control, bio-electrical neural manipulation, and even controlling the flow of electrons around her body to the last one is still experimental according to her.

Taking into account the incredible use Thalassa gave to her ability, Dante said to the cursed spirit, "You are not trying the limit. A friend of mine showed me that there is no bad skill, just an un-creative user."

Remembering Su Yuan's story of how she almost died by intoxication, I asked, "Satoru Gojo is a human right? he needs to sleep, drink, eat, and breathe?"

Jogo responded, with his usual annoyed tone, "Where do you want to get with this?"

Stealing the idea from the enemy Su Yuan fought, I said, "Why don't you just burn the oxygen, making everything C02? What is his limitless gonna do against that?" Dante learned everything he could about this world, including Satoru Gojo, the Strongest Sorcerer abilities, and how curse techniques work to at least have a slight chance he doesn't want to die here.

Jogo stood there, stunned for a few seconds, and he saw Dante as a genius. He could never think about using his technique in this way, but his pride didn't completely let him accept the fact that a complete stranger knew how to use his cursed technique way better and such a way of fighting didn't fit him, but if he wanted to have the slightest chance of succeeding, then he will have to eat his pride and learn from the science the humans invented.

I added another option, "Why don't you try with plasma? I think it's made when you heat up something in a certain way. I'm not quite versed in complex stuff. Thalassa would have come in handy right now."

Jogo uttered a word, but Dante couldn't discern what it was. Then Jogo looked at the horizon while pressing one of his hands, and after a few seconds, he snapped out of his trance and turned his attention back to the conversation at hand.

Dante continued putting his input on how to use the fire at his maximal potential, "Even better, to boost your mobility, why don't you use your fire on your feet to propel yourself like cannons and bullets?" This idea came to his head after seeing his wings, trying to enhance Jogo's mobility. This was the best way he could think of.

I sat down, trying to get all the ideas I could with pyrokinesis, "Maybe manipulate the smoke or blind people, or use fire flashbangs. Ah, right, cursed energy could be used to detect that dumb idea! that will only work with me."

While stroking my chin, I began to think of more far-fetched ideas. "Mmh, make your body out of fire so it functions as thorns or a plasma punch! WAIT! Can we cook him with radiation? Like a giant microwave? Perhaps it might work. I mean, how can you defend yourself from something you don't know, you don't know."

Jogo stood there with a perplexed expression on his face, feeling overwhelmed by the amount of unknown information he needed to learn. He looked at me and asked, "But how am I supposed to learn all of that?" 

I replied truthfully, "I don't know. Do I have the face of a teacher? Ask Geto for the information or science books. He seems like a nerd who knows all of this stuff." I turned to the side and screamed to Geto, "NO OFFENSE!"

Geto seemed relaxed and responded from the comfort of his beach chair, "No worries, why should I?"

I looked in disbelief at Geto, thinking, "I can't believe these guys are supposed to be the antagonists... shouldn't everything have a more "edgy" style?"

Jogo, who had stopped talking to focus on his ideas, suddenly said, "I'll probably have to use a binding vow to exploit my ability to the limit... Speed and Control that's what I need."

Dante continued training with all the curses, which was mainly for Jogo. As for Mahito, he just told him a few ideas that might work and fought with him so he becomes more accustomed to short-range fighters like Yuji and for Hanami, he just changed her mindset.

Geto decided to allow Dante to cook whatever his plan was, as he was actually quite curious about what this creature was doing. He managed to make the curses stronger with just tiny things.

His plan was deviating a lot, but he had a lot of interest in this creature's abilities and powers that didn't come from cursed energy. Perhaps there's more? Would this let him perfect his plan or just taint it beyond repair?




Kenjaku, with a serious look on his face, approached Dante. "Raida, could you give me your blood and a tissue sample?"

Dante found this request extremely weird, but he decided to accept it. Mahito healed him again, and Geto left with what he had asked for. While he walked away, a random thought struck him, "It's not like he is going to make clones of myself... right???"

The routine of training continued normally after this. Dante didn't notice any significant increase in his levels, but he was definitely improving in combat experience and abilities. As for the cursed spirits, they got stronger than they should be.

I muttered, "Do I really need to do that? That thing looks disgusting, even if you told me someone used this strategy before to hide it. It still sounds incredible, repulsive."

Geto replied, "The moment Gojo sees you, he will compare you to someone else and see you as a threat. You'll only have one chance. After that chance, consider yourself dead."

Walking away, He added, "If you can incapacitate him, then do it. Killing the kid that will carry the six eyes will be a total ordeal and an unnecessary waste of time."

In a few hours, the day to enact the capture of Satoru Gojo will start.


Authors note

Literally, JOGOAT motivated me to make this whole jujutsu arc.

Would you lose against Satorou Gojo?

🗣JOGOAT🗣: Nah, I'd win

As the strongest curse 🗣JOGOAT🗣, fought the fraud, Satoru Gojo, he opened his domain. Satoru shrunk back in fear, then 🗣JOGOAT🗣 said, "Stand proud, you are strong."

🗣JOGOAT🗣, an unrelenting force, crushed with might the "Bisected One." In the aftermath of this dreadful spectacle, Bullshit Fraudkuna awaited his turn.

*🗣JOGOAT🗣 Image*


Okay, I'll stop this Lobotomy Kaisen shit.

You know how I love to trash my own MC, so guess what will happen?