An Intriguing Invitation

As time flowed on, my brother Rudeus and I delved deeper into the world of magic, immersing ourselves in ancient scrolls and practicing spells.

Our days were filled with the study of the intricate patterns that make up the arcane arts.

Through practice and curiosity, we became better at spells like water ball and wind sphere, aiming for perfection in controlling the magical energy.

"Brother, do you think we can make these spells even stronger?" I asked one day while creating a water ball in my hand.

Rudeus thought about it, his face showing deep thought. "Maybe there's a way. These spells are Elementary, but what if we can add something more to them?"

Our efforts led us to a fascinating discovery – the concept of "voiceless incantation." Rudeus was the one who stumbled upon it, a method of casting spells using only his fingers and thoughts, without saying the usual chant.

"Reine, you won't believe what I just did," Rudeus said one afternoon, a mix of surprise and excitement in his voice.

I looked at him, curious. "What happened?"

"I used the spell without saying anything, but it still worked. It's like... I willed the magic to happen," he explained, his eyes widen with wonder.

The memory of that day is vivid in my mind. Rudeus conjured a water ball effortlessly, without uttering a single word. It was like he had found a new way of communicating with magic, using his intentions to make spells happen.

Intrigued by this, I joined him in learning this technique, combining it with our existing knowledge. Our skills grew, and we could now switch between traditional spells and the innovative voiceless incantation.

Through practice, we became skilled at both, deepening our bond as siblings. Every day brought new opportunities as the two of us continued to explore the fascinating world of magic together.


As two more years sailed by, Rudeus and I continued to embrace the currents of time. Our days were an amalgam of exploration, learning, and clandestine practice of our newfound magical talents.

We quenched our thirst for knowledge by immersing ourselves in books, scrolls, and anything inscribed that promised wisdom.

Our parents' collection transformed into our personal repository of insight, with each page tempting us to embark on fresh journeys of discovery.

However, within the enchanting tales of our magical pursuits, destiny had plans to script a new chapter, one that would introduce us to someone who would forever shape our journey.

The tale commenced on a sunlit morning, as gentle beams of light filtered through our bedroom window, creating a warm and inviting ambiance.

Rudeus and I were engrossed in a book detailing the wonders of magical creatures, our imaginations carried away by the tales of mythical beings that traversed the world.

"Imagine this, Reine," Rudeus exclaimed with the enthusiasm of a child, his eyes sparkling with wonder. "Assault Dogs prowling through mysterious forests, Terminate Boars charging with unstoppable force, and Vampire Treants guarding ancient groves, reborn from the ashes."

I nodded, my mind conjuring images of these majestic creatures, each more captivating than the last. "It's incredible to consider that such creatures might actually exist."

Just as we became entranced in the allure of our daydreams, a soft knock on the door interrupted our reverie.

"May I come in?" Lilia, our devoted maid, greeted us with her customary warmth.

"Of course, please come in," Rudeus responded with a playful tone. The door swung open, revealing her smiling face.

"Good morning to both of you masters," she greeted us cheerfully. "Your mother wanted me to inform you that breakfast is ready."

Playing along, I responded with childlike excitement. "Yay, it's time for breakfast!"

Rudeus chimed in, his enthusiasm matching mine. "Sure, we'll be there shortly. Thank you, Lilia!"

Closing the book and rising from our seats, I sensed an undercurrent of anticipation. The world seemed pregnant with extraordinary secrets, as if beckoning us to uncover its hidden wonders.

Unbeknownst to me, an unforeseen encounter lay ahead, an encounter that would sweep me into a realm of magic and enigma beyond anything I could have imagined.


Rudeus and I, still captivated by the allure of magical creatures, made our way to the inviting dining area where our parents eagerly awaited us.

"Good morning, my darlings. Breakfast is ready," our mother's soothing voice welcomed us as we entered the room.

"Hey there, Rudy, Rei! How's the start of your day shaping up?" our father's jovial inquiry followed, his eyes twinkling with paternal affection.

"Morning, Mom and Dad!" I greeted them with my usual enthusiasm, a wide smile gracing my face.

Rudeus joined in, his spirits equally buoyant. "Good morning. Our day has already quite the adventure."

Our parents shared a knowing glance, their expressions a fusion of pride and fondness.

"Please, take your seats, and let's enjoy a hearty breakfast together," our father invited, gesturing toward the awaiting chairs around the table.

As we settled into our places, the delicious scent of freshly prepared dishes enveloped us, creating an ambiance of coziness and togetherness.

Our mother skillfully served an array of delectable treats, each plate a masterpiece of flavors that tantalized our senses. The table transformed into a delightful spread of culinary treasures, reflecting the warmth of our familial bonds.

As we savored our breakfast, the air was filled with the cheerful clinking of utensils and the lively exchange of tales.

The nourishing meal seemed to energize us, infusing the room with a sense of companionship that only family could provide.

Amidst our enjoyable feast, a playful glint danced in our father's eyes as he turned his attention to us.

"Listen up, you two," he began, his voice tinged with excitement. "How would you like to accompany me to the village watchtower later? There's someone special I believe you'll be thrilled to meet."

"Really, dad?" I exclaimed, my eyes lighting up with curiosity and enthusiasm. "Absolutely, we'd be delighted to join you. Isn't that right, brother?"

I turned to my brother, fully expecting his usual eagerness to match my own. However, I couldn't help but notice a subtle uneasiness in his demeanor – a shadow of worry that clouded his features and gave his gaze a distant quality.

"Brother, are you alright?" I asked, genuine concern seeping into my voice.

He hesitated for a moment, his brow furrowing as he seemed to grapple with his emotions. "Yeah, I'm okay. You guys can go ahead without me," he responded, his tone slightly strained.

His reply caught me off guard, and I sensed that there was more beneath the surface. Rudeus had always been eager to embrace new experiences, making his sudden hesitation stand out.

"Are you sure, brother?" I probed gently, detecting a layer of unease in his response.

He managed a faint smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Yeah, really. I just have something I need to do here alone. You go ahead and enjoy."

His words seemed incongruent with the turmoil I detected in his expression, leaving me with a lingering sense of uncertainty.

Memories of past instances resurfaced – moments where he had exhibited a similar reticence when I suggested to try practicing magic outside but he refused. It was as if there was a concealed aspect to his behavior that I hadn't entirely grasped.

"Well, alright then, if you say so," I acquiesced with a touch of reluctance, my concern simmering beneath the surface.

As our meal drew to a close, a blend of anticipation and curiosity swirled within me. There was an air of mystery surrounding my brother's sudden change in demeanor, and I was resolute to unravel the mystery that lay beneath.


Later that day, my father and I embarked on a journey, walking along a path that led us to the expansive open fields.

I was comfortably seated on my father's shoulders, enjoying the elevated view and the closeness it brought.

As we walked, we passed by occasional solitary houses, each surrounded by vast areas of fertile land that stretched out towards the horizon.

"Dad," I asked with curiosity, "what do the farmers grow in those fields?"

My father smiled at me, his eyes filled with warmth. "Well, my dear, those fields are usually used for growing different types of crops. But our village is well-known for cultivating something called Asura wheats."

"Asura wheats?" I echoed, intrigued by the unfamiliar term.

"Yes," my father nodded, saying it proudly. "They're a special kind of wheat that grows really well here. The villagers harvest them and use the grains to make delicious Asuran bread."

"Wow, that's amazing, dad," I said in awe.

As we continued our walk, my father and I engaged in a leisurely conversation.

He shared stories about the village, its history, and the hardworking farmers who played a crucial role in supporting the community.

With each step we took, I felt a deep connection to the land and the people who cared for it.

The open fields spread out before us, a testament to the dedication that went into nurturing the abundant crops.

The gentle breeze carried the earthy scent of the fields, and the golden sunlight bathed everything in a warm glow. It was a serene and picturesque scene, etching itself into my memory.

"Dad, this place is really beautiful," I remarked, taking in the view.

He chuckled softly, his presence reassuring. "Yes, Reine, it truly is. The beauty of this land reflects the hearts of those who work on it."

As we continued our journey, I absorbed every detail – the play of sunlight on the swaying crops, the distant hills framing the landscape, and the distant sounds of birdsong adding a musical backdrop to our walk.

In that moment, riding on my father's shoulders and surrounded by the beauty of nature, I felt a sense of peace and contentment.

The world seemed to slow down, allowing me to fully enjoy the simple yet profound joy of being with loved ones again, exploring the wonders of the world together.