The Blue-Haired Magic Tutor

With the decision made to learn both magic and swordsmanship, our parents wasted no time. They quickly sought out for a magic tutor who could guide me and my brother on this new journey.

During the wait for our new tutor to arrive, Rudeus and I engaged in a playful conversation about our expectations for the upcoming instructor.

"Hey, brother. What do you think our tutor would be like?" I asked curiously, trying to ease the anticipation that hung in the air.

Rudeus looked up from his book, contemplating my question before answering with a mischievous grin, "Let's see. I'm imagining someone kind-hearted, maybe with a voluptuous figure."

I rolled my eyes in response, groaning, "Urgh... Seriously? You're the worse."

His answer didn't surprise me much. I knew that both him and Father had a tendency to appreciate a certain type of appearance when it came to women, which is a somewhat cringe-worthy

"Hey now, don't judge my preferences! Fine, then. What's your ideal tutor like?" Rudeus challenged, raising an eyebrow.

I took a moment to consider before replying, "A respectful and dignified young man, perhaps with sharp and handsome features."

Rudeus burst into laughter, clearly amused by my response. "Hahaha! That's so predictable, Rei!"

"Oh, please. At least my preference is not absurd," I retorted, pretending to be offended.

He leaned back, crossing his arms with a grin. "Well, we'll find out soon enough when the tutor arrives. But I'm willing to bet your 'dignified young man' won't show up."

I accepted his challenge, ready to see who would be proven right. However, before I could respond, Rudeus stuck his tongue out and darted away.

"Hey, you coward! Get back here!" I called out, laughter bubbling up as I chased after him.

Laughter filled the air as our playful pursuit echoed through the house, momentarily distracting us from the impending arrival of our tutor and reminding us of the close sibling bond we shared.


After a few hours of waiting, Rudeus and I found ourselves gazing eagerly out of the study room window, our anticipation growing as we awaited the arrival of our new magic tutor. The mixture of excitement and curiosity had kept us on edge.

Finally, our patience was rewarded when a horse-drawn carriage pulled up at our front gate, signaling the long-awaited arrival of our tutor.

"Alright, brother. Here comes the moment of truth," I exclaimed, my heart racing with anticipation.

Rudeus nodded in agreement, his eyes fixed on the carriage. "Yeah, let's see who's going to be teaching us magic today."

We watched as the carriage's door swung open, revealing a figure stepping out. To our surprise, it was a woman.

"Hah! Looks like your 'dignified young man' prediction didn't come true!" Rudeus teased, breaking into a triumphant dance to poke fun at me.

I chuckled in response, refusing to concede. "Well, to be fair, she's not exactly the 'voluptuous' type either."

Rudeus paused his dance, looking genuinely surprised. "Wait, what?"

As we continued to observe, it became apparent that the newcomer was quite young. Unfortunately, our position on the second floor didn't allow us to get a clear view of her face.

However, what caught our attention was the large witch's hat perched atop her head and the magical staff she held in her hand.

"Well, I suppose it's time to let Mom and Dad know that our tutor has arrived," I suggested as I headed towards the door.

Rudeus let out a resigned sigh, following me. "Yeah, you're right."

With a mix of curiosity and uncertainty, we made our way downstairs to inform our parents about the arrival of our intriguing new tutor.


As we stepped into the kitchen, we're eager to share the news of our tutor's arrival with our parents.

"Mom, Dad, our tutor is here!" I announced, excitement bubbling in my voice.

Rudeus joined in, his enthusiasm matching mine. "Yeah, we saw the carriage pull up just now."

Our parents turned their attention to us, their faces lighting up with interest. "Oh my, really? Thank you for letting us know, my dears."

"Seems like Rudy and Rei couldn't wait to share the news," Father remarked with a chuckle, exchanging an amused glance with Mother.

Rudeus and I exchanged wry smiles, not wanting to admit that our initial expectations had been somewhat different.

With gentle care, our parents lifted us up, heading towards the front door. Father swung the door open, revealing our new tutor standing just outside.

As we got closer, I took the opportunity to observe the tutor's appearance more closely. She had braided blue hair and a pair of droopy, tired-looking blue eyes, giving her a somewhat exhausted demeanor.

She looked fairly young, like a teenage girl who might be looking for a part-time job.

"My name is Roxy Migurdia. I'm here for the magic tutoring," the girl introduced herself with a calm demeanor.

We were taken aback by her petite stature and young appearance. A moment of silence hung in the air as we processed the unexpected sight before us.

"What's wrong?" she asked, her voice breaking the silence.

Father stepped in to address the awkwardness. "Ah, it's nothing. We just didn't expect... someone like you."

"She's so small!" Rudeus blurted out, unintentionally pointing out the obvious and inadvertently insulting her height.

"Psst, brother. What are you doing? You can't just call someone small when you're small as well," I whispered to Rudeus, scolding him softly.

To our surprise, we heard a chuckle from the girl, indicating that she had overheard our whispered exchange.

"Anyway, where are these brilliant students I'm going to teach?" the girl asked, seemingly unperturbed by our reactions.

"Ah, they're right here," Mother said proudly, presenting Rudeus and me. We waved at the girl, trying to appear friendly despite our initial shock.

The girl's eyes widened upon seeing us, but she quickly composed herself, returning to her tired expression. She let out a deep sigh, as if dealing with situations like this was nothing new.

"Sigh, it's always like this. Some idiot parents think their children are extraordinary just because they learn things early," the girl murmured to herself, her words carrying a hint of frustration.

Father was slightly taken aback by her comment and inquired, "Pardon me, did you say something?"

She seemed to realize that her remark had been overheard. "Ah, it's nothing. I just... sometimes find it challenging to work with children about the concept of magic."

Mother, ever the defender of her children's capabilities, replied with pride, "Don't worry about that. Our children are quite exceptional, you'll see."

The girl let out another sigh, seemingly conceding to our parents' assertion.

We all moved inside the house to discuss the schedule for our tutoring sessions and showing her the room where she would be staying.


After finalizing our schedule and accommodations, Roxy, our new tutor, led us to the backyard for our inaugural magic lesson.

Rudeus and I settled into our seats, while she positioned herself before us, poised to commence our education.

"Listen carefully, both of you. Magic is a versatile art that can be divided into three categories: attack magic, healing magic, and summoning magic," she began, her tone focused and instructive. "Each category is further divided into seven ranks: elementary, intermediate, advanced, saint, king, emperor, and god."

As she explained, Rudeus and I exchanged intrigued glances. The world of magic had always fascinated us, and while we were familiar with some of the terminology, her structured classification was both enlightening and slightly different from what we knew.

However, we maintained our attentive expressions, choosing not to reveal our prior knowledge to avoid arousing suspicion.

Sensing our subtle unease, Roxy asked, "Are you both following so far?"

We nodded, signaling our understanding. With our affirmation, she continued to delve into the intricacies of magic.

As the lesson progressed, we moved from theory to practical demonstrations. Roxy raised her staff and chanted a spell, conjuring a water ball.

"Let the great protection of water be upon the place you seek. I summon a refreshing, burbling stream here and now. Water Ball."

With the completion of her incantation, she launched the water ball toward a tree. A realization struck me as I watched the trajectory—it was heading directly for Mother's cherished tree. Oh no, this could be bad.

"How was that?" Roxy inquired, turning her attention back to us.

I hesitated for a moment before speaking up, "Miss Roxy, I believe you've hit Mother's precious tree."


"Yeah, Reine is right. Mom will be quite upset if she sees this," Rudeus chimed in, delivering the unfortunate news.

Roxy's eyes widened in shock. She hurried over to the tree in a fluster, assessing the damage and carefully repositioning the damaged portion near its roots. Then, to our surprise, she began chanting another spell.

"Divine power is rich and nourishing. It offers the strength to rise again to those who have lost their strength. Healing"

As her chant concluded, a miraculous transformation unfolded before our eyes. The damaged trunk reattached itself to the roots, becoming whole once more.

"Interesting. So, healing magic extends not only to people but also to plants," I remarked, observing the wondrous effects of her magic.

"Certainly. Anything containing life can be healed and restored," Roxy calmly explained.

"Absolutely amazing! You truly have incredible abilities," Rudeus exclaimed in admiration.

Blushing, Roxy turned away from us. "It's really not a big deal. With enough training, anyone can achieve this," she said, attempting to downplay her skills and hide her embarrassment.

Ah, what's this? Did my dear brother manage to charm our talented tutor on the very first day of our lessons? You lucky bastard.


As Roxy guided us through the practical demonstration of magic, the question of whether to reveal our voiceless incantation weighed on my mind.

I contemplated whether it would be appropriate to show her our unique discovery, but decided against it for now.

"Miss Roxy, is it necessary to use verbal incantations?" I inquired, seeking clarification before proceeding with the demonstration.

Arching an eyebrow, she responded, "Yes, it is. Why would you think otherwise?"

I nodded in response, content with her answer. It seemed that keeping our voiceless incantation to ourselves was the right choice.

"It's just a passing thought," I replied, hoping to sound nonchalant.

"Alright then, let's continue with the demonstration," Roxy prompted, guiding Rudeus and me to proceed.

As Rudeus and I extended our arms and began chanting the incantation, a sudden gust of wind swept through the area, distracting my brother momentarily.

In his moment of distraction, he accidentally cast the spell using our voiceless incantation.

But then, to my surprise, something absurd occurred. While Roxy was looking in the direction of the wind, Rudeus ended up peeking under her skirt, taking advantage of the temporary distraction.

"What the heck do you think you're doing, brother?" I admonished him with a mixture of disbelief and disappointment in my voice.

Startled, he turned to me with a look of terror on his face, as if realizing the grave mistake, he had made.

"Reine, wait. It's not what you think," he stammered, attempting to explain himself, but I was having none of it.

"Oh really? And what exactly is it, then?" I retorted with a raised eyebrow, my expression conveying my skepticism.

He scrambled to find the right words, his panicked gaze shifting between me and Roxy. It was clear that he was in a tight spot and struggling to come up with a convincing explanation.

"Just spare me the excuses, brother. I've seen enough," I said with a mixture of exasperation and disappointment, unwilling to tolerate further attempts to rationalize his behavior.

At that moment, Rudeus could only slump in defeat and shame.

"Excuse me, may I interject?" Roxy suddenly spoke up, inserting herself into our conversation.

I turned my attention to her, curious about her question. "What is it, Miss Roxy?"

She hesitated for a moment before continuing, "I couldn't help but notice that your brother omitted the incantation. Is that correct?"

"Yes," I confirmed her question.

"And does he often do that?" she inquired further.

I sighed, choosing to be honest with her. "To be honest, we usually chant spells without the incantation."

"Without the incantation?" Roxy's eyes widened in surprise.

I nodded in response, bracing myself for her reaction.

Upon hearing this revelation, Roxy took a step back, visibly shocked by what she had learned.

"I see... So, both of you are capable of casting spells without incantations," she murmured, a mix of defeat and amazement in her voice. "It seems you two might be worth training after all."

Rudeus and I look at each other, seemingly amused by Roxy's reaction with our unique ability of voiceless incantation.


However, our amusement was short-lived, as a sudden shriek pierced the air from a certain direction of the backyard. We all turned toward the source of the noise and saw Mother standing in complete shock.

Confused by her reaction, I followed her gaze and discovered that her tree had fallen down again. Panic gripped me as I realized the gravity of the situation.

Mother's expression shifted from shock to anger, and she marched over to Roxy, scolding her. "Roxy, my trees are not for target practice!"

"But it was..." Roxy began to explain, only to be cut off by Mother's stern words.

"No excuses, young lady. As the tutor, you're responsible. Understood?" Mother's voice held a firm authority.

"Yes..." Roxy replied, her voice meek and subdued.

"Good." Mother's response was final, and she proceeded to use her healing magic to fix the fallen tree.

Meanwhile, Roxy sat on the ground, her spirits clearly dampened as she contemplated the possibility of losing her job.

"Hey, Rudeus. Do something," I whispered urgently.

He looked at me with puzzled expression. "What? Why me?"

"You're the male here. Go cheer her up," I suggested teasingly.

He let out a resigned sigh, apparently realizing the situation, and walked over to Roxy, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Miss Roxy, don't worry too much. You didn't mess up, you're just gaining experience," he said, attempting to offer her some reassurance with a hint of smugness.

Roxy looked up at him, a mix of surprise and gratitude in her eyes, as if Rudeus's attempt at comfort had caught her off guard.

As the awkward moment passed, I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief at the antics unfolding before me.

It seemed our lessons were not only providing magical education but also a fair share of unexpected distractions and entertainment.

Once all the drama was over, Mother has made an offer by inviting us all to a hearty feast, a warm gesture to welcome Roxy into our home and mend any lingering tensions.

As we gathered around the table, sharing stories and laughter, it became clear that despite the initial hiccups, our journey with our eccentric magic tutor was bound to be a memorable and transformative one.