Our Next Destination

In the aftermath of the emotional encounter with Sylphiette, it was evident that her attachment to us ran deep, refusing to let us depart regardless of our attempts to reassure her.

Her heartfelt plea reverberated within us, tugging at the very bonds of friendship and responsibility that tied us to her.

Contemplating this situation, an idea began to form in my mind. Perhaps the mentor our father had mentioned, as well as another magic tutor, could be convinced to stay in our village, allowing Rudeus and me to receive higher-level magical and swordsmanship training without us having to leave. It seemed like a solution that would let us remain together, which is an appealing prospect.

However, as I pondered this possibility, an unexpected turn of events occurred – a letter arrived from Roxy, our former mentor and a skilled magician in her own right.

It made its way to us one evening, handed to us by our father at a moment when we were actively exploring for ways to enhance our abilities while remaining within the village.

The timing of Roxy's message was uncanny, offering a potential solution to the very challenge that Rudeus was currently grappling with – the impediment to his magical progression.

Opening the letter, we eagerly read its contents:


Dear Rudeus and Reine,

How have you both been since we last parted ways?

Time has flown by, and it's hard to believe it's been two years already.

I'm currently residing in the Shirone Kingdom. I've taken up the role of a magic tutor to the seventh prince.

The young prince bears a resemblance to you, Rudeus, though perhaps not as naturally gifted. Nevertheless, he's intelligent and displays a strong understanding of magic. Much like you, he has a penchant for mischief, even going so far as to sneak glimpses while I change, and attempting to snatch my undergarments.

It seems that certain behaviors are universal among men, regardless of their origin or upbringing.

Oh, and I mustn't forget to mention – I've finally reached the rank of [Water King] magician. I can now cast King rank water magic. It's a testament that even when you think you've reached your limits, a bit more effort can propel you to greater heights.

Rudeus, knowing your dedication, I wouldn't be surprised if you've already mastered Water Emperor rank magic by now.

I'm both excited and anxious to see you both again.

I'm sure you've both worked diligently to refine your magical skills. If you encounter challenges along the way, consider seeking knowledge at the Ranoa Magic Academy that I mentioned to you.

And Reine, how is your swordsmanship progressing? Knowing your rapid improvement, I wouldn't be surprised if you've already achieved the rank of Saint, if not higher.

In any case, this is all I can write for now. I promise to write again soon.

Best wishes,



As we finished reading Roxy's letter, a sense of anticipation and determination welled up within us. Her letter provided valuable insight and potential avenues for growth, offering both guidance and encouragement.

Rudeus's concerns about his magical plateau were met with Roxy's achievements and advice, igniting a spark of motivation to overcome his obstacles.

For me, her recognition of my progress in swordsmanship affirmed my efforts and fueled my desire to continue pushing myself.

Roxy's mention of the Ranoa Magic Academy piqued our interest, presenting an opportunity for further education and advancement in the magical arts.

It was at this point that Rudeus, having absorbed Roxy's words, found himself imbued with a new goal – attending the very academy where our former mentor had honed her skills. For him, this institution symbolized a chance to make Roxy proud and further his magical prowess.

And so, a new chapter of our journey was set to unfold, driven by the guidance of a familiar mentor and the promise of new horizons.

Oh, before I conclude, I must confess that when I discovered Rudeus had taken a peek while Roxy was changing and even swiped her undergarments, I couldn't help but express my disapproval through a well-deserved punch.

Yeah, men can be very annoying.


As the next morning sun cast its warm hues across the room, we gathered around the dining table for breakfast, wrapped in a comforting sense of togetherness.

The sight of Norn and Aisha sleeping serenely together in their crib added an extra layer of tranquility to the scene.

Amidst the clinking of cutlery and the gentle rustling of napkins, Rudeus's voice cut through, capturing everyone's attention. His words carried a gravity that demanded consideration.

"Father," he began, his tone carrying a seriousness that matched the gravity of his thoughts, "there's something important I'd like to discuss."

Our father, pausing in his meal, turned his gaze toward my brother, his curiosity evident in his expression. "Sure, Rudy. I'm all ears. What's on your mind?"

Rudeus cleared his throat, his demeanor composed as he began to lay out his thoughts. "I've been thinking about the idea of attending the Ranoa Magic Academy. But there's a challenge I'm wrestling with."

Father's interest was piqued, and he encouraged him to continue. "Go ahead, I'm listening."

"I'm worried about my friend Sylphiette," my brother continued, maintaining his steady gaze. "She's grown very close to us, and I can't help but wonder how she'd feel if we were to leave for an extended period."

Mother chimed in, her soft voice filled with empathy. "Rudy, dear, it's clear how much you care for young Sylphy. It's a heartwarming thought that you're considering her feelings."

Rudeus nodded in acknowledgment of mother's words, his expression resolute as he proposed a solution. "To address this, I've been contemplating inviting her to join me at the academy."

Lilia, who had been quietly sipping her tea, looked up with interest. "That's quite an intriguing idea, Master Rudeus. While Sylphiette is shy, she might flourish in a new environment like the academy."

While both of our mothers were supportive of brother's idea, father's response surprised us. He entered a thoughtful pause, visibly weighing the options before explaining his decision. "I'm sorry, but I have to decline..."

His rejection momentarily silenced both mother and Lilia, their expressions reflecting a mix of surprise and curiosity. Even I was taken aback, eager to understand father's reasoning.

Seeking clarification, I chose my words carefully. "Dad, could you please explain your reasons for declining brother's proposal?"

Father shifted his gaze between us before elaborating on his decision. He provided three main reasons for turning down Rudeus's request.

"First and foremost, Rudy, you're still too young to study abroad. I would worry about you. Secondly, you're in the midst of your swordsmanship training with me, and I won't let you off the hook so easily. Lastly, there's the matter of tuition fees. While I can afford your enrollment, adding Sylphiette to the equation is simply not possible. Money doesn't grow on trees, after all."

Father's logic was clear, and despite the disappointment, we understood his decision. Rudeus's hopes of attending the academy with our friend were temporarily dashed, but his determination remained unshaken.

He met father's gaze once more and suggested an alternative plan. "What if I were to find a job?"

His suggestion hung in the air, surprising all of us at the dining table. I hadn't expected Rudeus to take such an independent and proactive stance – it was an impressive and admirable proposition.

"A job, huh?" Father echoed, his surprise evident. "What sort of job are you thinking of, Rudy?"

Rudeus took a moment, his gaze contemplative, before looking back and responding, "I'm considering a job that could provide us with the necessary funds for both of our tuition. I could offer private tutoring, teaching someone how to read, write and even mathematics."

Father raised an eyebrow, his interest clearly sparked. "Teaching, you say? That's an interesting concept. But is it the right choice for your friend, Sylphiette?"

"No, father. This would be the right choice for me," Rudeus clarified.

Hearing this, Father took a moment to contemplate before arriving at a decision. "Very well, then. Let me see what I can do to assist you in securing a job."

"Thank you, father," Rudeus expressed his gratitude.

With father's support, my brother's determination to find a way to make his dream a reality seemed to solidify further, and a newfound sense of purpose settled over our breakfast table.

Amidst these conversations, my mind drifted back to the promise I had requested from father regarding the mentorship with the Sword King.

Eager to know of any progress, I decided to broach the topic. "Dad, how's the mentorship with the Sword King going? Have you been able to establish contact?"

"Oh, that? Well, I did get in touch with them, but they're considering the proposal. It might take a while for them to make a decision," father explained.

As he spoke, our mother joined the conversation, seemingly acquainted with the individual in question. "Are you talking about Ghislaine, dear? If it's her, I'm sure she'll agree to mentor Reine."

"Wait, Zenith. Don't reveal her name yet. I wanted it to be a surprise for her," father interjected, a touch of panic in his voice as he tried to prevent mother from disclosing the mentor's identity.

Unfortunately for him, his attempt came a bit too late, as I had already caught onto the disclosure.

"Nice try, dad. I overheard what mom said," I teased. "So, mom, who is this person exactly? What is she like?"

Mother's smile carried a knowing glint, indicating her amusement with the situation. "Ghislaine is an exceptional warrior, and she also happens to be an old friend of both your father and me from our adventuring days."

"Whoa, mom, you were an adventurer too?" I inquired, my curiosity brimming with enthusiasm.

Mother chuckled softly, responding to my question. "Indeed, dear. I used to be the party's healer while your father served as the leader."

The revelation left me in awe, my thoughts swirling with newfound admiration for my parents' past exploits. It was truly captivating to contemplate their daring adventures before they settled into family life.


After breakfast, Father left the house to search for a job for Rudeus. The days that followed were a mix of anticipation and impatience as we waited to see if Father could find an opportunity aligned with my brother's plan.

During this time, our routine carried on. Brother persisted with his swordsmanship training, grappling with the challenges of improving under Father's guidance.

As for me, I delved into the realm of healing magic with determination. Knowing that Mother had excelled in this field, I aimed to follow in her footsteps.

I immersed myself in the book she had given me for my birthday, absorbing its contents and diligently practicing the various incantations it contained.

My aim was to completely grasp the concept of healing magic, following in the footsteps of my talented mother.

Then, one day, Father announced that he had successfully found a job for Rudeus, and preparations were made for him to begin.

Not only that, but the escort accompanying him to his new workplace was none other than the Sword King, Ghislaine, which filled me with excitement.

Father then instructed Rudeus to accompany him to the backyard, while I was instructed to wait at the front yard. It was an odd request, but I followed it, curious about the unfolding events.

After a few minutes, a carriage arrived at our front gate. A woman stepped out of the vehicle, and I immediately assumed her as Ghislaine – the Sword King.

Her aura exuded strength and experience, with her eyepatch, revealing attire, and remarkable features such as her dark skin, robust physique, and beast-like ears and tail.

As Ghislaine approached, I observed her with curiosity. She held an air of significance and strength, confirming that she was indeed the renowned warrior who would accompany Rudeus on his journey.

Her gaze met mine, and she spoke in a monotone yet intense manner. "You must be Paul's child."

"Yes, I'm Reine Greyrat. It's a pleasure to meet you," I greeted her politely, receiving a solemn nod in return.

She studied me for a moment, her brow furrowed, before speaking again. "You have a lot of Touki within you."

"Thank you, Miss Ghislaine. I've been working hard on my training," I acknowledged her observation.

Ghislaine nodded, her demeanor serious. "Just Ghislaine is fine."

With introductions complete, both Mother and Lilia joined us, holding Norn and Aisha. Mother greeted her old friend. "Hello, Ghislaine. How have you been?"

"I'm well," Ghislaine responded curtly. Her attention shifted to Norn, whom Mother was holding. "Is this your child as well?"

"Yes, her name is Norn," mother introduced my sibling to Ghislaine, who gently brushed her finger against Norn's soft hair.

Father then emerged from the backyard, carrying an unconscious Rudeus, shocking me greatly. I glared at him and demanded, "Dad, what have you done to my brother?"

"Relax, I just knocked him out. It's difficult to convince him to part with Sylphiette, so I decided to give him a little wake-up call with a wooden sword," Father defended himself.

His explanation didn't sit well with me, so I scolded him. "If you merely wanted to convince him, you could have asked for my help instead of resorting to this."

In response to my reprimand, Father's expression turned sheepish, and he admitted, "You're right, Reine. I should have communicated better. I apologize."

While I admonished him, I could hear the collective chuckles of Mother and Lilia. Even Ghislaine displayed a faint smile, seemingly amused by my assertiveness.

Father's apologetic demeanor eased my irritation, and I returned my focus to the unconscious Rudeus, who was being carried by Father.

Ghislaine observed the scene with a hint of amusement in her eyes. "You certainly have a lively family."

Mother chuckled and nodded. "That's certainly true, Ghislaine. Life is never dull with this bunch."

With Rudeus still unconscious, Father carried him toward the waiting carriage. He then turned to Ghislaine and remarked, "Since you're here, I assume everything is ready."

"Yes, preparations are complete," Ghislaine confirmed succinctly before moving toward the carriage.

Father glanced at me and suggested, "Reine, you should accompany them as well. Ghislaine has agreed to mentor you, and you'll train at the same location as your brother's workplace."

Understanding his intent, I reluctantly complied and moved towards the carriage. However, before I could enter, footsteps sounded from behind.

Turning around, I saw Sylphiette with a shocked expression, her gaze fixed on the unconscious Rudeus. She tightened her grip on her wooden sword, her emotions evident.


All eyes were fixed on the newcomer, and I noticed Sylphiette's expression shifting from surprise to the brink of tears.

Her body trembled, and her grip on the wooden sword tightened. It was clear that seeing Rudeus unconscious had deeply affected her.

Without a moment's hesitation, she lunged forward with determination burning in her eyes. Her steps were swift and purposeful, her gaze locked onto Rudeus's still form being carried by Father. Before anyone could react, she swung her wooden sword with surprising speed.

Instinctively, I stepped forward and grabbed a wooden sword from Father's side, using it to block the attack just in time.

"Sylphy, you need to calm down," I urged, trying to soothe my friend's escalating emotions.

However, my words seemed to fall on deaf ears. Her eyes flickered with a mix of anger, concern, and fear. She struggled against me, determined to break free and reach Rudeus.

"Give me back Rudy!" she demanded, relentlessly swinging her wooden sword.

I did my best to parry her strikes, but her blows were surprisingly forceful, making it a challenge to defend myself.

The impact of her attacks sent vibrations through the wooden sword, causing my arms to ache with the effort of deflecting her blows.

As I attempted to create some distance, she extended her arm and conjured a massive ball of wind aimed at me. The sheer amount of mana she channeled into this attack caught me off guard.

Yet, just as she was about to release the formidable attack, a voice resonated from a distance. "[Disturb Magic]"

In an instant, Sylphiette's attack dissipated abruptly. This unexpected intervention seemed to stun my friend, leaving her momentarily off balance. It was the opening I needed to restrain her.

With a swift and calculated movement, I managed to render her unconscious, using the flat side of the wooden sword to deliver a gentle strike to the back of her head.

The sudden silence that followed was palpable. My quick actions had quelled the turmoil, and I stood there, wooden sword in hand, slightly breathless from the surge of adrenaline.

Taking in my surroundings, I spotted the masked figure who had been lurking behind a tree. As soon as they realized I had noticed them, they hurriedly concealed themselves once again.

Once they were gone, I turned my attention back to the unconscious Sylphiette and used my healing magic to tend to her injuries.

Before long, Rawls, her father, arrived on the scene. He picked her up, apologized for the disruption, and carried her back to their home.

With the confrontation resolved, a tense atmosphere hung in the air. The incident had caught us all off guard and left behind a lingering sense of unease.

As the commotion subsided, I couldn't shake off the intrigue about the masked figure's presence and their actions in this perplexing situation.


Drawing in a deep breath, I redirected my attention toward Father, who appeared puzzled by the unfolding sequence of events.

Clearly caught off guard, he hadn't expected to witness my elven friend demonstrating such skill with a sword before.

"You know, Reine, it would have been helpful if you'd mentioned that you were training your friend in swordsmanship," Father remarked, his tone reflecting a mix of fatigue and a hint of exasperation.

I shrugged lightly, responding with nonchalance as I moved towards the waiting carriage. "Well, you never really asked me before, so I wasn't sure what to tell you, Dad."

Pausing briefly, I added before stepping into the carriage, acknowledging his concern, "And please take care of yourself, alright?"

As I settled into the carriage, both Mother and Lilia drew nearer, their expressions reflecting an array of emotions.

"Look after yourself and your brother, dear," Mother conveyed her farewell with warmth.

"May the winds guide your journey, Master Reine," Lilia added her own words of blessing.

I nodded in appreciation, offering a wave in return. "Goodbye, Mom. Goodbye, Lilia. Please take good care of Norn and Aisha for us."

"Of course, my dear. We'll eagerly await your return," Mother assured me, her waving mirroring my own.

With my farewells exchanged, the carriage door closed, and the vehicle set into motion, carrying me away from home and towards the next chapter of our journey.