Finding Ways to Persuade a Passionate Lady

With our initial attempt to be hired as tutors for the young lady, Eris, having failed, Mayor Philip led us to his office to discuss the matter further.

Upon entering the office, Mayor Philip looked at us and said, "Please, have a seat. We need to address this situation promptly."

Rudeus and I exchanged a quick glance before settling into the chairs provided. Mayor Philip took his place behind his desk, his expression a mix of concern and determination.

"It's evident that Eris is not enthusiastic about the idea of having tutors who are younger than her," Mayor Philip began, his voice tinged with concern. "She's a passionate and determined young woman, and she's not easily swayed by persuasion."

I nodded in agreement, recalling our brief interaction with Eris. "Indeed, she possesses quite a strong personality."

Mayor Philip leaned forward, his gaze focused. "Convincing Eris to accept your tutelage won't be easy, but it's essential for her growth and development. Your skills and expertise can contribute significantly to her education."

"The question is, how do we approach this situation?" I pondered aloud, my attention fixed on Mayor Philip.

He nodded, acknowledging the challenge ahead. "That's precisely why I've asked you both here. I believe that your unique approaches and insights could hold the key to reaching Eris."

Rudeus and I shared a thoughtful glance, understanding the gravity of the task before us. Convincing Eris to accept our tutelage would require a carefully thought-out plan—one that catered to her unique personality and needs.

With that being said, the two of us contemplated on a brilliant idea for this kind of problem.

Few minutes later, Rudeus took a deep breath and presented his idea first. "What if we arrange a scenario that involves a mock kidnapping?"

Mayor Philip and I exchanged surprised glances, intrigued by the unexpected suggestion.

"Please elaborate your idea, Rudeus," Mayor Philip prompted, curious about his explanation.

Rudeus leaned forward, his eyes shining with enthusiasm. "So, here's the plan. We create a situation where Eris appears to be 'kidnapped' by a group of 'bandits.' During her 'captivity,' we'll demonstrate our skills and expertise to 'rescue' her. This way, she'll not only witness our abilities in action but also learn practical lessons in self-defense, problem-solving, and perhaps even some basic skills like reading and counting money."

He looked at Mayor Philip and me with a hopeful expression. "By immersing her in this scenario, she might realize the value of the education we can provide and become more open to learning from us."

Mayor Philip considered Rudeus's idea, his expression thoughtful. "It's a creative approach, albeit a bit unconventional. However, we must ensure that Eris doesn't become overly distressed or uncomfortable during the process."

I nodded in agreement. "Yes, the goal is to showcase the practical benefits of our education without causing unnecessary distress. The scenario needs to be carefully orchestrated and controlled."

Mayor Philip leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled in thought. "It's a risk, but it might just be the approach we need to capture Eris's attention and interest. Let's plan out the details and discuss how to execute this scenario effectively."

As we began to brainstorm and discuss the specifics of the mock kidnapping scenario, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and trepidation.


With Rudeus's plan for the mock kidnapping laid out, it was my turn to share my approach. Mayor Philip's attention turned to me, waiting for my input.

Taking a deep breath, I began to explain my idea. "My proposal centers around connecting with Eris on a personal level, showing her the value of our education through relatable experiences."

Rudeus nodded, clearly interested. "Go on, Reine. I'm curious to hear your idea."

"Given Eris's strong-willed nature, it's clear that she places a high value on her independence," I started, my tone measured and thoughtful. "Instead of a large-scale scenario, my suggestion is to engage Eris with a series of practical challenges tailored to her interests and strengths."

Mayor Philip leaned in, intrigued. "Practical challenges? Can you elaborate?"

"Absolutely," I continued. "We can design a set of challenges that encompass various skills—problem-solving, basic self-defense techniques, navigation, and even some basic financial lessons. The key is to present these challenges in a way that aligns with Eris's passions and goals."

Rudeus caught on quickly. "So, you're saying we should offer challenges that feel like pursuits she's already enthusiastic about."

I nodded, glad he grasped the essence of my idea. "Exactly. By tapping into her existing interests, we're more likely to capture her attention and demonstrate the practical benefits of the skills we're offering. For instance, if she's passionate about exploring new places, we can frame navigation challenges as exciting 'adventures' while incorporating map-reading lessons."

Mayor Philip's thoughtful expression indicated his growing interest in my suggestion. "It's a more subtle approach compared to Rudeus's plan, but it could be equally effective in showing the value of your education."

"I agree," I affirmed. "The goal is to create an environment where Eris feels motivated and engaged. By demonstrating how our skills can enhance her existing interests and pursuits, we can effectively showcase the value of our education in a way that resonates with her."

Mayor Philip nodded approvingly. "I appreciate the thoughtfulness of your approach, Reine. It's evident that you've taken Eris's personality and preferences into account while devising this plan."

Rudeus chimed in with enthusiasm. "And because we'll be tailoring the challenges to her interests, she'll likely be more willing to participate."

As the conversation continued, I felt a sense of validation for my idea. It was important to me that our approach was not only effective in conveying the value of our education but also considerate of Eris's individuality.

Mayor Philip leaned back, a contemplative smile on his lips. "I believe that by combining both of your ideas—Rudeus's and yours—we might have a winning approach. We can create an immersive scenario that incorporates the challenges you've proposed, Reine. This way, we can address Eris's interests and also demonstrate your skills in a practical setting."

I nodded, pleased to see our ideas coming together into a comprehensive plan. "That sounds like a well-balanced approach. We can showcase our skills while engaging Eris in a way that aligns with her personality."

Rudeus grinned. "I think we're onto something here. This combination of immersive experience and personalized challenges has the potential to leave a lasting impression on Eris."

Mayor Philip stood up, his expression determined. "Alright, that settles it then. We'll carefully design the scenario, ensuring it remains safe and respectful of Eris's comfort zones. Our objective is to show her the advantages of your education while sparking her curiosity."

As we finalized the details of our combined approach, I felt a renewed sense of determination and optimism about our journey to reach Eris and demonstrate the worth of our education.


With our plan gaining momentum and Mayor Philip overseeing the preparations for Rudeus's scenario, we were escorted to our respective rooms.

These accommodations were well-appointed and furnished with everything we would need, including appropriate attire for the upcoming events.

Upon entering my room, I was greeted by tasteful decor and a sense of understated luxury. A large window allowed natural light to fill the space, offering a view of the meticulously maintained gardens. The room's ambiance was both inviting and serene.

As I explored the room, my attention was drawn to a desk adorned with parchment and writing materials. It seemed Mayor Philip had thoughtfully provided the means for me to engage in studies or reflection during my stay.

The clothing laid out for me were both practical and elegant, designed to facilitate ease of movement for the impending challenges. After changing into the attire, I took a moment to adjust to its comfortable fit.

*knock* *knock*

As I took a moment to appreciate the tranquility of the room, a gentle knock on the door broke the silence. When I opened it, I was surprised to find Ghislaine standing there, holding a wooden practice sword.

"Hello, Ghislaine. Is there something you need?" I inquired, curious about her visit.

Without a word, she handed me the practice sword and gestured for me to follow her. Intrigued, I complied, and she led the way through the corridors with her characteristic straightforwardness.

We eventually arrived at a spacious courtyard, equipped with wooden swords and carefully arranged trees. The setting exuded a sense of calm, perfect for focused training.

Ghislaine's gaze directed my attention towards two figures in the distance—Rudeus and Eris. They stood apart, their body language suggesting a mix of anticipation and tension.

Understanding Ghislaine's unspoken intent, I approached them. My brother's eyes met mine with a mixture of relief and expectation, while the young lady's gaze carried an intensity that seemed to come from our previous encounter.

"Hello there. How are you both doing today?" I greeted them with a light tone, trying to ease the tension in the air.

Rudeus nodded, offering his thoughts. "Everything is fine. The room they provided is comfortable, and the clothes are suitable too."

"I'm glad to hear that, brother," I acknowledged his remarks before turning to Eris. "And how about you, milady? Are you finding everything to your satisfaction?"

Eris snorted dismissively and avoided direct eye contact, clearly uninterested in engaging in conversation.

I couldn't help but smile wryly at her dismissive attitude, understanding that gaining her trust and interest would be a challenge.

But before I could think further, Ghislaine stepped forward, breaking the momentary silence. "Reine, let's see what you're capable of in swordsmanship."

With that, her purpose became clear—to gauge my proficiency in swordsmanship. I accepted the practice sword she handed me, mentally preparing myself for the assessment that lay ahead.


With the wooden practice sword in my grip, I readied myself to demonstrate my swordsmanship skills. This was an opportunity not only to make an impression on Eris but also to showcase my abilities to Ghislaine and refine my techniques.

As I settled into a focused stance within the courtyard, my attention was centered on my posture, grip, and controlled breathing. Ghislaine positioned herself opposite me, her own wooden sword poised for action.

Without a formal signal, our practice commenced as Ghislaine lunged forward, initiating the exchange.

*Clang* *clang*

Her strikes were precise, and I responded with swift parries, the rhythmic sound of our swords colliding resonating through the air.

The training session unfolded like a choreographed performance, a blend of strategy, skill, and finesse. I seamlessly combined techniques from both the Sword God Style and the Water God Style, blending their fluidity and precision.

Ghislaine's movements were flexible and masterful, a testament to her deep understanding of the Sword God Style. Amidst the intensity of our practice, an unspoken rapport developed between us, fueled by our shared dedication to the art of swordsmanship.

Throughout the session, I concentrated on each motion, demonstrating the fluidity of the Water God Style and the precision of the Sword God Style. My aim was to balance offense, defense, agility, and control.

*Clang* *clang*

As the training continued, I seamlessly shifted between attack and defense, effectively countering Ghislaine's strikes. Her proficiency was evident in every move, and I noted areas where I could further refine my techniques.

Despite my dedication, the session eventually reached its conclusion with Ghislaine executing a move that exposed a temporary weakness in my defense.


She disarmed me with a calculated strike, leaving me momentarily defenseless.

Lowering her wooden sword, Ghislaine offered a subtle smile. "You show promise, Reine. Your technique is solid, and your adaptability is commendable."

I nodded, catching my breath, and expressed my gratitude. "Thank you, Ghislaine. Your guidance and expertise have been invaluable."

Taking a moment to recover, I noticed Eris observing the practice session with curiosity and genuine interest.

Although her initial demeanor had been dismissive, it was evident that the display of skill had captured her attention. Her gaze held a spark of intrigue, indicating that our efforts were gradually breaking through her skepticism.

"Very impressive, Reine. Your swordsmanship is improving," Rudeus praised, his tone filled with genuine admiration.

"Thank you, Rudeus," I acknowledged his words.

In that moment, Eris approaches me, stopping a short distance away. Her expression was more serious as she studied me, as if something had shifted in her perception.

"What exactly do you intend to teach me?" she inquired, her curiosity genuine.

Caught slightly off guard, I responded confidently, "I plan to share my expertise in the Water God Style with you, milady."

Her demeanor underwent a subtle change, her intrigue deepening as she nodded thoughtfully, showing a genuine interest in what I had to offer.

Observing this, I subtly signaled to my brother, who was paying attention to our interaction. He, too, noticed the shift in Eris's demeanor and her increased curiosity.

"Excuse me, milady," Rudeus interjected respectfully. "May I ask if you're also interested in pursuing this opportunity to learn?"

Eris's expression tightened, her brows furrowing as if she were contemplating his question. And then, unexpectedly, she burst out, "Not a chance!"

It appeared that Eris's interest might lean more toward swordsmanship than traditional learning, which presented a challenge.

Nonetheless, I now had a better understanding of her preferences, which would guide our approach as we worked to persuade her to embrace the idea of studying.