The Two Woodsmen and the Sleeping Sword Maiden

In the northern region of the Central Continent, a vast expanse of frigid terrain stretched out, adorned with snow-capped mountains and dense forests.

In one such snowy forest, two young boys trudged onward, their visible breaths betraying the chill in the air. Each of them carried a bundle of firewood securely strapped to their backs.

One of them, with short golden hair that gleamed like the pale winter sun, glanced ahead and remarked, "You know, Cedric, have you noticed how the snowfall seems to be getting heavier each day? It's turning our journey back to the village a little bit difficult."

Cedric, the other boy, chuckled softly, his dark hair contrasting with the snowy landscape. "You're not wrong, Eugeo, but we don't have much of a choice. The village is relying on us to bring back these logs."

"Yeah, I suppose you're right," Eugeo conceded, picking up his pace.

Their resolve remained steadfast as the two boys continued their trek through the tranquil, snow-draped wilderness. Their footprints were muffled by the soft, powdery snow beneath their boots.

However, midway through their journey, a sense of unease settled upon them. Growling noises reached their ears from a distance, accompanied by a foul odor in the air.

"Hey, Cedric, do you hear that?" Eugeo alerted his friend, glancing around anxiously. "It sounds like there are monsters nearby."

"Yeah, I heard it," Cedric replied while cautiously sniffing the air. "And something definitely smells rotten nearby."

Cautiously, the two boys continued onwards, remaining alert to their surroundings. Eventually, they stumbled upon a particular area of the forest that widened their eyes in astonishment.

Scattered across the snowy forest floor lay the lifeless bodies of numerous bear-like monsters. Most of them bore deep slash marks, while others had their limbs brutally severed.

"What could have done this?" wondered Eugeo, his voice filled with uncertainty.

"I'm not sure, but one thing's for certain," Cedric responded, his voice laced with concern. "Whoever killed these monsters is an even greater threat."

Eugeo broke into a cold sweat at that revelation. The two of them cautiously advanced through the area strewn with carcasses until they spotted something in the distance.

They carefully headed toward the mysterious sight and discovered a human buried beneath the powdered snow. Eugeo cautiously checked the person before turning back to his friend.

"Cedric, look. This person's still breathing," he pointed out.

They quickly cleared away the snow, revealing an unconscious young girl. She was dressed in a tattered and bloodied noble attire, and her short brown hair was disheveled, yet her face was beautiful and smooth.

Observing this, the two boys were captivated by the sight of the slumbering maiden and became increasingly concerned about how long she had endured this dire situation on her lonesome.

However, what bothered Cedric was the black-bladed sword she was clutching in her blood-stained hand. Nevertheless, this didn't deter Eugeo from worrying about her condition.

"Cedric, we must take her back to the village," he insisted, his voice filled with concern. "It's quite dangerous for her to remain in the forest."

"Hold on, Eugeo. This girl could be a threat herself," Cedric cautioned. "She's a noble, and who knows if she's responsible for these monster carcasses."

Eugeo looks at his friend and tried to persuade him, "I understand your concerns about those greedy nobles, but we can't simply abandon a defenseless girl out here."

Sighing, Cedric reluctantly agreed to his friend's plea. "Fine, if you say so."

Hearing that, Eugeo nodded in satisfaction and carefully placed the girl on his back after emptying the logs he was carrying.

On the other hand, Cedric carefully pried the sword from the girl's hand and sheathed it back in the scabbard he found lying in the snowy ground.

With the unconscious girl in tow, the two boys resumed their journey toward the village, resolute in their decision to offer her assistance.


As the two boys pressed onward through the snow-laden forest, Cedric found himself stealing occasional glances at the unconscious girl whom Eugeo was carefully carrying on his back.

His mind buzzed with questions about her identity and the circumstances that had led her to this dire state in the midst of the wintry wilderness.

The girl's attire, although now torn and bloodied, hinted at a noble background. Cedric couldn't help but worry about what her demeanor might be, expecting her to be some haughty annoying brat.

Moreover, the presence of the black-bladed sword he currently held only added to the mystery, raising further concerns. He assumed the girl to be quite violent and intimidating.

"Who could she possibly be?" Cedric murmured to himself, his breath forming frosty clouds in the chilly air. His suspicion gnawed at him, urging him to unravel the enigma surrounding the girl.

Sensing his friend's contemplation, Eugeo offered a reassuring smile. "Look, Cedric, I'm just as puzzled as you are. But I suppose we'll have to wait until she wakes up before we can find any answers about her identity."

Reluctantly, Cedric nodded, redirecting his thoughts to their immediate mission of bringing the girl back to their village.

However, the mystery of her presence in the forest lingered in his mind, and he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her story than met the eye.

As they drew closer to their destination, a fresh surge of unease washed over them. This time, the growling noises from earlier sounded much closer, igniting their worry and caution.

"I don't like the sound of that," Eugeo admitted, ensuring the unconscious girl was securely on his back.

"Neither do I," Cedric concurred, increasing his awareness.

Just as they neared the edge of the forest, a group of bear-like monsters burst forth from the underbrush, effectively blocking their path.

These creatures fixed their menacing gaze on the two young boys, drool dripping from their mouths as if they anticipated a delicious meal.

Seeing this, Cedric and Eugeo grew increasingly cautious and fearful, slowly retreating from the perilous threat they now faced.


Suddenly, one of the bear monsters unleashed a thunderous roar, prompting the others to charge at the boys. In response, both boys fled in the opposite direction with terror in their eyes.

They raced through the dense trees in an attempt to escape the pursuing monsters, but it seemed futile. The creatures' keen sense of smell allowed them to track down their prey.

Regrettably, due to the panic the two boys were experiencing, they unwittingly led themselves to a dead end.

"Great, just our luck," Cedric grumbled in frustration.

"Cedric, what do we do? The bears are closing in," Eugeo urgently asked, his anxiety mounting.

It was at this point that Cedric looked at the black sword he was holding in his hand before glancing at Eugeo and the unconscious girl.

Realizing that this moment might come, he took a gamble and unsheathed the sword from its scabbard. He turned to face the approaching group of bear monsters.

Eugeo spotted his friend confronting the beasts and felt a surge of worry. "Hold on, Cedric! You're not thinking of fighting those creatures, are you?"

"I don't have a choice," Cedric declared, gripping the sword firmly. "There's no other way."

"But you don't even know how to use a sword," Eugeo argued, fearful for his friend's safety. "You'll get killed!"

Cedric furrowed his brow, his eyes fixed on the advancing bears. "If it means you and the girl can escape, then I'll take that risk."

As the bear monsters closed in, Cedric's earlier suspicions about the girl were set aside for now. He understood that their immediate survival was at stake, and he needed to protect both Eugeo and the unconscious girl from the looming threat.


As the bear monsters closed the distance, their massive forms casting ominous shadows over the two boys, Cedric's heart raced within his chest.

He held the unfamiliar sword tightly, trying to steady his trembling hands. Fear and determination warred within him, each breath coming fast and shallow.

Beside him, Eugeo grappled with his own fear, the unconscious girl on his back a constant reminder of their dire predicament. He scanned their surroundings frantically, searching for any escape route, but the relentless advance of the bears left them with little room to maneuver.

The towering trees of the forest seemed to press in, limiting their options. Panic threatened to overtake these two boys as they faced the imminent clash with the bear monsters, an encounter they were ill-equipped to handle.

Driven by hunger, the bears impatiently charged at them with unrelenting speed. Cedric, on the other hand, lunged to the side in an attempt to divert the attention of the monsters, creating an opening for Eugeo to slip through.

"Now, Eugeo!" he cried out, urgently signaling his friend to take action.

Although frustrated by the dire situation, Eugeo followed Cedric's instruction and sprinted through the gap his friend had created to make his escape. However, his attempt didn't go unnoticed, as three of the bears decided to chase after him.

"Dammit," he exclaimed in frustration, picking up his pace.

Eugeo ran as fast as he could to evade his pursuers, managing to put some distance between them. But just as he thought he might escape, he accidentally tripped over one of the tree roots, sending him and the unconscious girl tumbling to the ground.

As he scrambled to get back on his feet and continue running, Eugeo could hear the monsters growling dangerously close behind him.

Trembling with fear, he turned his head to face the three menacing bears, which were now just a few paces away. His eyes widened in terror, and his breath quickened as he realized he was wholly unprepared to fight for his life.


The alpha bear roared loudly, lifting its massive paw into the air, preparing to strike.

"No, I don't want to die," Eugeo cried, closing his eyes in fear.

Yet, just as it was about to unleash its attack on the boy, a sudden gust of wind surged forward, sending the alpha bear tumbling backward.

Surprised by this turn of events, Eugeo opened his eyes and found the unconscious girl now in front of him, standing with one arm outstretched. It was evident that she was responsible for that gust of wind.

Subsequently, she lowered her hand and placed it on the hilt of another sword from her waist, preparing to attack the monstrous adversaries.

Meanwhile, the alpha bear, infuriated by the girl's attack, roared loudly and prompted the other two bears to charge at her with violent aggression.

Seeing this, Eugeo looked at the girl and urgently warned her, "Young lady, you have to run!"

However, the girl didn't heed his warning. She lowered her stance and lunged forward with lightning-fast speed, closing the distance between her and the bears in the blink of an eye.

Finally, she unsheathed her sword and swung it with such precision and speed that she eliminated all three bears in one fell swoop.

Eugeo was utterly shocked by the girl's display of power, defeating such monsters with ease. He now realized how strong and formidable this person actually was.

After the girl swiftly dealt with the three bear monsters, she scanned the area, her gaze sweeping over the snow-covered forest. Without a moment's hesitation, she took off, her movements swift and decisive.

"Hold on, wait for me!" Eugeo cried out, scrambling to his feet and desperately following the girl as she disappeared into the forest.


Meanwhile, things took a dire turn for Cedric. He valiantly tried to defend himself from the remaining bears, swinging the sword frantically. However, his efforts proved futile as he failed miserably to dodge their relentless attacks.

The bears, now angered by the threat, closed in on him, their massive forms towering over him. Fear coursed through him as he realized that he was in a perilous situation, one he wasn't prepared to handle.

"Aaarrrgh!" Cedric shouted loudly, trying to swing the sword at the enemies.

However, the monster simply swiped his paw at the boy, sending him flying backward. Cedric grimaced in pain as he backed himself into a corner, staring danger in the eye.

"Tch, I suppose this is the end for me," Cedric muttered to himself, his voice filled with despair. "I hope Eugeo and that girl made it out alive."

Just as he was on the verge of giving up, the bears he was facing suddenly growled in pain as multiple sword slashes blinded the whole area, causing the monsters to fall all at once.

Surprised by the sudden event, Cedric soon realized the culprit as he stared at the girl standing on top of the pile of corpses, looking down on him.

Her alluring brown hair flowed through the frigid cold wind, and her crimson red eyes glistened in the forest's darkness, captivating the young boy's eyes.

"Who are you?" Cedric, finally mustered the courage, asked for the girl's identity.

The girl remained silent for a while before finally opening her mouth to speak. "I...."




Suddenly, the girl's stomach growled just as she was about to speak, and her body then swayed back and forth before eventually passing out.

Cedric saw the girl falling forward and acted quickly, catching her just in time before she hit the ground.

"Phew, that was close," he remarked.

He then took a moment to look at her up closely. The girl, despite looking tired and beaten, had a smooth and beautiful face, which was a pleasant sight to see.

"I... am.... hungry..." she unconsciously mumbled while sleeping.

Cedric couldn't help but chuckle softly at the girl's sudden admission, even though she was unconscious.

Her vulnerability in this moment of exhaustion made her seem much less intimidating than he expected her to be.

"I guess she's just a hungry warrior after all," Cedric mused to himself, securing his grip on the girl.

Eventually, Eugeo showed up on the scene, breathing heavily as if he'd been trying his hardest to catch up with someone.

"Hey, what did I miss?" he said while still catching his breath.

Cedric smiled wearily as he looked at the unconscious girl he was holding. "Well, you missed quite the performance. This girl single-handedly took down these bears."

"Well, I did see her defeating the bears from my side as well," Eugeo added, looking at the girl in astonishment.

Looking back at the slumbering maiden, Cedric couldn't help but feel thankful toward her for saving him and his friend from danger. His opinion regarding her had changed slightly.

"I suppose we should get going and take this girl back to the village," he declared.

Eugeo nodded and took the girl from his friend's arms, placing her on his back once again. Cedric then picked up the black-bladed sword and the other sword, which was actually a rapier.

"Alright, let's go," Cedric said as soon as he'd sheathed the swords back into their scabbards.

The two boys then continued their journey, leaving the forest and finally arriving at their village where they could repay the girl for her bravery.

However, little did they know the girl they saved in the forest is one of the victims of a devastating calamity, and her name is Reine Greyrat.