Saving One's Fate with this Blade

[Cedric POV, earlier]

I didn't know if I could make it out alive, especially in this serious predicament. Caught in the grip of a hooded stranger, their fingers wrapped around my neck like a noose, squeezing the air out of my lungs. With each passing second, breathing became more difficult, and my vision was slowly fading.

Meanwhile, the hooded figure leaned in closer, their identity was obscured by shadow. They then repeated the same question in a low, intimidating voice.

"Hey, I am asking you, do you know of a girl named Reine Greyrat?"

The question hung in the air as I hesitated, unsure how to respond. I was stuck between the desire to protect my friend and the reality of my current situation.

"What's it like to you?" I managed to grumble boldly, straining my voice from the lack of air.

The hooded figure tightened its grip in response, and I could feel the pressure on my windpipe increase. Agony shot through me, and I realized I couldn't stay silent anymore.

"A-alright, fine," I muttered my words faintly. "I know that girl...."

The assailant's grip loosened slightly, and they considered my response. "Great, now tell me where is she?"

Hesitation once again flooded my mind. I don't know if it is the right thing to tell them about Reine's location. However, before I could answer the question, an intervention occurred.

Out of nowhere, a mysterious individual showed up and launched a powerful kick at the hooded figure, catching them off guard and sending them crashing into a nearby building.

This released me from the assailant's grasp, dropping me to the ground as I gasped for air. Once I regained my bearings, I looked up and saw a mysterious individual standing before me. Their face was hidden under a broken white mask, and they carried various swords on their back.

"W-who are you?" I inquired inquisitively, wanting to know the identity of the mysterious savior.


The newcomer didn't answer my question. Instead, they focused on the hooded figure, who was still recovering from the earlier attack.

Eventually, the adversary looked forward and gritted his teeth in irritation when he saw the masked individual.

"You again?! Will you ever stop thwarting our operation, you damn bastard!" the hooded figure shouted angrily as they unsheathed their sword. 

In response, the masked individual pulled their own sword from their arsenal and swiftly advanced toward the hooded figure, driving the blade into their chest without hesitation.



The hooded figure let out a painful scream and collapsed to the ground. I watched in astonishment as the masked individual retrieved the sword from the person's chest and put it back in the sheath.

After that, they turned to face my direction and scrutinized me for a moment with their obscure gaze, leaving me with an unsettling sense of unease.


Approaching slowly, the masked individual stands before me with an air of mystery. Without uttering a word, they extended their hand towards me, a gesture suggesting help.

I hesitated momentarily, uncertain about placing my trust in this stranger. However, I decided to accept their help, allowing them to pull me up from the ground. Once on my feet, I stared at the masked individual, my curiosity piqued regarding their identity and intentions.

"Who are you? And why did you save me?" I asked inquisitively, seeking more information about this mysterious savior.

The masked individual remained silent for a moment before responding in a low, muffled voice. "I'm just a wandering merchant passing by. It's a coincidence that I found you under attack, so I decided to intervene."

The explanation left me with more questions than answers. The concept of a wandering merchant engaging in combat seemed unusual, but the significance of the situation prevented me from delving deeper into this mystery.

"Thank you for saving me," I expressed my gratitude, albeit a hint of doubt remained in my voice.

The masked merchant nodded, their expression concealed behind the mask. "The feeling is mutual, Cedric Ashbourne."

Shocked by the mention of my full name, I couldn't help but ask nervously, "How do you know my name? Do I know you? Have we met before?"

In response to my series of questions, the masked merchant chuckled briefly before offering a vague answer, "I know many things that will make sense someday."

Mulling over their cryptic words, I felt somewhat confused. It urged me to comprehend who this mysterious figure was.

However, before I could ask more questions, the masked merchant handed me two items – a sword and a bracelet.

"What are these?" I asked hesitantly, deepening my incomprehension.

The masked merchant sighed wearily and explained, "I thought you might need these later."

Hearing their answer, I examined the items, only to realize the first one was the black-bladed sword belonging to Reine. Moreover, the second item is a metallic bracelet with an intricate dragon design engraved upon it. 

Confused about the implication of these items, I turned to the masked merchant and asked, "How did you get this sword? And what's the meaning of this bracelet?"

Sighing once more, the masked merchant explained with a weary tone. "I found the sword lying on the ground earlier, so I took it. As for the bracelet, you should wear it in order to protect your fate from being exposed."

I was left feeling perplexed by their explanation once again. While it made sense for them to have come across Reine's sword at some point, the part about protecting my fate was rather confusing. Despite this, I still decided to accept the weapon and put on the strange bracelet, which gave me a newfound sense of determination.

After accepting the items, I looked back and saw the masked merchant walking toward the chaos in the distance.

"Wait, hold on," I cried out, prompting them to stop. "You haven't told me your name yet."

The masked merchant stopped and glanced at me before saying, "My name is meaningless in times like these, so don't bother asking."

Frowning at their reluctance to reveal their identity, I persisted, "No, I won't stop asking until I get the answers I need."

The masked merchant's shoulders slumped in resignation as they let out another deep sigh. Their voice was laced with annoyance as they spoke, "Just call me Fracta. Anyway, I suggest you go find Reine. She needs to be saved as soon as possible."

Surprised by the mention of my friend's name, I felt compelled to ask, "Wait, how come you know about-"

"Go, now! you don't have much time!" Fracta interrupted me, pointing their finger in a certain direction of the village.

"Alright, fine, geez..." I conceded apprehensively.

Upon following their urgent instruction, I dropped my inquiries and hurried in the direction they were pointing. While I appreciated their effort to help me, doubts about their motives lingered in the back of my mind.

Nonetheless, I set those skeptical thoughts aside for the time being and concentrated on finding Reine within the village, leaving the masked merchant behind.


As I walked down the chaotic streets, the destruction of the once-peaceful village captured my attention. Buildings lay in ruins, their structures destroyed. Terrified inhabitants ran in every direction, desperate to flee from the onslaught of hooded intruders.

My eyes darted around amidst the chaos, desperately searching for Reine. However, the sounds of clashing blades and people screaming made it difficult to concentrate.

Then, in the distance, I spotted two familiar figures racing toward me. It was Leafa and Eugeo, their expressions mirroring the relief I felt upon seeing them.

"Big brother!"


Their voices pierced through the chaos, bringing me comfort. Despite everything, seeing them safe brought immense joy as well as a pressing urge to ensure their well-being.

"Thank goodness, it's you two," I called out, sincerity lacing my voice as I approached them. "Are you both alright?"

"Yes, we're fine, brother," Leafa replied, her voice a mix of concern and relief. "We've been saved by Captain Burcouli and his knights."

Eugeo then stepped forward, interjecting, "Where have you been, Cedric? We've been looking for you."

I took a moment to catch my breath before responding, "I'm alright, I was just caught by a hooded assailant earlier."

"What?! Then how did you escape, brother?" Leafa asked, holding my hand nervously.

Hearing her genuine concern, I firmly caught her hand before explaining, "Don't worry, I was saved by a wandering masked merchant passing by."

"A masked merchant, huh?" Eugeo echoed with curiosity.

I nodded and continued explaining, "Their name is Fracta, and they told me to save Reine as soon as possible. Have you two seen her?"

"Yes, we confronted her a while ago, but...."Leafa responded, only to stop mid-sentence as if she was hesitating to tell me something.

Nervous about where this conversation was heading, I asked, "Did something bad happen?"

The two of them exchanged anxious glances before Eugeo stepped forward and responded, "You see, we not only talked to the kind Reine but also to her violent self as well."

When I heard his reply, I felt a chill down my spine. I could imagine the outcome of the hostile Reine's outbursts, with destruction and chaos in her path. It was clear that I needed to act quickly and find her before the situation got worse.

"Leafa, Eugeo, I'm going to find Reine now," I urged them as I faced towards my destination. 

"Brother, wait! It's dangerous out there!" Leafa's caution echoed behind me, but I couldn't afford to falter. I won't let fear hold me back from achieving my objective. 

So, I looked back and reassured my sister, "I appreciate your concern, Leafa, but I must take this risk."

"But, brother..." Leafa murmured, lowering her head apprehensively.

With a reassuring touch on her shoulder, I looked her in the eye and spoke gently, "Trust me, I'll be careful."

"Don't worry, Leafa, your brother will be fine," Eugeo also reassured her before shifting his focus to me. "Reine is at the heart of the village, Cedric. Get going, we'll catch up to you."

I nodded, acknowledging their genuine concern and support. Then I continued sprinting to find Reine and end the turmoil that engulfed our once peaceful village.


As I reached the heart of the village, the surreal sight of unconscious and wounded hooded assailants scattered on the ground greeted me. The destruction of my surroundings was evidence of the conflict's aftermath.

Amidst the lingering chaos, I could see two figures engaged in a fierce battle. The first one was undoubtedly Reine, with her eyes glowing a crimson red hue and a ferocious expression on her face. The second figure was unknown to me, their identity was concealed beneath a hooded cloak and they were wielding a massive cleaver with menacing intent.

Observing the struggle, I feel the tension filling the air. Reine's movements were aggressive and unyielding, displaying the strength of her violent self.

The hooded adversary, however, proved to be a formidable opponent, deceitfully parrying Reine's strikes with his massive cleaver.

As the battle approached its peak, it became seemingly obvious that the hooded adversary was overwhelming Reine with a series of potentially fatal strikes, ones she struggled to defend against.

This made my heart raced as I felt the urge to save her. Then it struck me—remembering I had a weapon, the sword Fracta had given to me had a purpose. Though I lacked proficiency with a blade, there was a reason this weapon was in my possession.

With that said, I unsheathed the sword, feeling its weight and the inexplicable willpower that came with it. This was my chance to make a difference, to protect Reine, and to put an end to this destructive conflict. So, I stepped forward, steeling myself to intervene.

Racing toward the battle, I witnessed the hooded adversary poised themself to swing their cleaver at Reine's neck. Anxiety surged within my mind, urging me to hasten my pace.

"Reine!!" I shouted, lunging forward as I swung the sword at the hooded adversary. 


The resounding clash halted my strike from reaching its intended target. The hooded figure effortlessly deflected my intervention.

"Ah, it seems a new challenger enters the fray," they remarked, mocking me with a sadistic tone.

Reine, on the other hand, seized the opportunity and tried to attack the adversary with a fatal strike, only for them to skillfully dodge it and retreat to a safe distance.

"Woah there, you almost got me, young lady," they taunted Reine, mixing their words with provocation as they laughed maniacally. 

Frustrated, Reine clicked her tongue and then turned her crimson gaze toward me. "Why are you here?" she demanded, annoyance evident in her voice.

"I'm here to save you," I replied earnestly, determined to inform my intention. 

However, my response was met with a cringed look from Reine. She seemed weirded out by what I said to her. 

"Oh, what's this? The young lady has a knight in shining armor, how charming," the hooded adversary jested, laughing hysterically.

In response, Reine pointed her sword at the enemy, glaring fiercely. "Shut up! You and I aren't finished yet," she argued angrily before turning back to me. "And you, get out of here."

I was concerned by her demand and fierce determination, but leaving her amidst such peril wasn't an option I could accept.

"No, I won't leave you here," I declared bravely, showing the black-bladed sword to her. "I want to fight as well."

Reine widened her eyes at my resolve, her expression softened momentarily before returning to her usual demeanor. "Fine, you can join. But don't slow me down, got it?"

I nodded, complying with her command. Then both of us confronted the hooded adversary, who was mischievously plotting in the distance. 

"Two against one, huh? This should be fun," they sneered, brandishing their massive cleaver as they ready themselves for the impending clash. "Bring it, youngsters! It's showtime!"

With that battle cry, the hooded adversary began to rush towards us. I readied myself to face the foe while protecting Reine from harm.