Chapter 70: Poison

Cale had replaced Ray Beckart with his new look. In the room he was in were the students of the Noble Blood faction headed by Brendon Igor.

These students were full of students who recruited students according to Brendon's will, or as they called them, bullied the lower class students and made them do what they wanted.

Ray Beckart, the person Cale impersonated, was a psychopath who did all Brendon's dirty work, contrary to his loser exterior.

Cale looked at the four students standing in the room with Ray. They all had disgusting smiles on their faces and were looking at a male student kneeling in front of them.

The kneeling student was covered in bruises. The blood from his head flowed into his eyes. One eye was swollen shut. There were bruises on most of the visible parts of his body.