Chapter 74: That Man

Cale sat in the wet and cold cell, his arms chained to the wall. It had been a day, he estimated, since they had locked him in here. By now he thought Dante and the others had made their move.

Cale hadn't come here for nothing. He had come to find the man who had been tasked with destroying Dante's place of residence years ago, but had been held here because he had voluntarily surrendered to the Union.

Cale knew it was the man sitting in the cell opposite him. He tried to enter this man's memories, but they were sealed so he couldn't.

"Why are you trying to get into my memories?"

Cale was startled when he heard a low, rough voice and looked in the opposite direction.


Cale felt that the man was quite old for some reason. His cell was also darker than the other cells, so he couldn't see.

"Anyway, don't try to get into my memories! Otherwise I'll have to kill you," he said in a bored tone and Cale's eyebrows shot up.