Chapter 79: Monster Wave (1)

"For God's sake, what is all this?" said Markus Suzak, listening to the reports given to him in his office on the top floor of the Union building with a stiffened expression on his face.

"Sir, there are reports of dungeon explosions in Guista, Python, and Zeroch City. Even though the level of the monsters escaping from the dungeons is not high, their sheer numbers are overwhelming our hunters."

Elena, Markus Suzak's assistant, tried to keep her composure and gave the necessary information to Markus, the President of the Union. At the moment, dungeon explosions were taking place on the outskirts of the three cities. Although they were not so worried at first because they were on the borders of the city, now those monsters had started attacking the nearby towns.

Although there were no casualties so far, the number of wounded was high. Most of the towns had been badly damaged and would take a long time to rebuild.

"What is Vera planning to do?"