Chapter 91: Siblings Trapped in the Dungeon (3)

Standing in a green forest with birds chirping, Amy looked around in amazement. In this forest of dense trees and weeds, she felt at peace as the sunlight filtered through the leaves and branches of the trees.

Amy questioned what she was doing here. The last thing she remembered was being trapped in a dungeon with Cale, but instead of a forest like this, the dungeon was made of snowy mountains. She also remembered losing consciousness as she followed Cale through the snow.

Amy wondered if the level of the dungeon had changed again. Had Cale left her behind? Amy heard giggling as she made her way through the woods, anger rising inside her, and she moved in the direction of the sound.

Pulling aside a large leaf in front of her, she saw a little girl on her knees beside a lake. Amy was about to ask her what she was doing there when she saw the child's face turned sideways. Amy paused at the side profile.