Chapter 139: The Attacks Have Begun / Coup in the Human Realm (8)

Thanks to Amaris, who canceled the meeting the night Cale came back, Cale had a long talk with them. He made up for lost time and learned how this place worked.

Cale had barely slept the night after they left. In the morning he got up early, went out, and wandered the streets.

"What brings you out at this hour?" a voice said, and Cale stopped in a deserted alley and turned around.

He kept walking when he saw Dante stepping up beside him.

"I just couldn't sleep," he said and Dante nodded his head in understanding. "What about you?"

"Me too," Dante shrugged and now they were walking side by side. "None of us asked last night, but where have you been these past three years, Cale?"

Cale paused for a moment at Dante's question but kept walking. He knew, of course, that one day he would have to answer that question. He just didn't want that day to come so fast and so soon, but there was nothing he could do about it.