Chapter 197: Save Reyna Calix (4)

Cale stared dumbfounded at the situation window floating in the air in front of him. Even though his face was expressionless, it was obvious that he was surprised. He couldn't understand why Dante had seen the status window. But that didn't matter.

As Cale looked at Dante's abilities, the Sword of Doom caught his attention. He wasn't sure what to think of the name that seemed familiar to him there. God of Chaos?

Cale had heard of the Chaos Lords and the Chaos King. Now there was a God of Chaos? Who was he and why had Dante been given this skill?

A sword technique developed by the God of Chaos. Dante couldn't even use chaos energy. Cale's brow furrowed deeply as he felt his headache.

"I asked you a question," Dante growled, snapping Cale out of his thoughts.


He remembered Dante's question as Dante frowned coldly at his absurdly expressive face.

He had asked him if he knew the Black King and Cale had said he knew him by name.