CHapter 204: The Left Behind (1)

Standing in front of the large glass fortress of a building, or what was left of it, Heathcliff looked extremely angry. A quarter of the remaining hunters had been wiped out by the monster next to him and the rest had died, infected by the chaos energy.

Heathcliff clenched his fist as he remembered Vulcan and Jaqar.

'All my hard work has been wasted because of the negligence of those two bastards!'

"How long do you expect to stand there?" Heathcliff grimaced as the man approached him.

"Why did you come here?" he growled.

"Are you asking me that?" He sighed. "You want me to sit around and wait while an entire facility is destroyed?"

"You know this is my territory!" he shouted angrily.

"I can't believe you're complaining like a child," the man looked at him with displeased eyes. "Yes, an important territory given to a child was destroyed because of his stupidity."
