Chapter 238: Trap (4)

When Amaris and the woman met in the center of the room, their swords clashed. Amaris smiled wryly at the eyes staring at her with anger.

"Just now your lover was talking confidently about killing me. He should have killed me while I was fighting the monster instead of babbling like that." She saw the woman's eyes redden.

"You monster! I'm going to kill you and do everyone a favor."

"Isn't it arrogant to attack a monster and expect it not to bite?" she said, and their swords parted.

At that moment, two people attacked Amaris and blocked her. When the others attacked, she trapped them in a large ball of water with her water element.

"The one who talks about honor fights like an asshole," she grinned at the woman who said.

"I might have gotten something from your lover," she sneered and the woman bit her lip.