
Assembling the Crew

"What do you mean they all died crying face emoji"

"Forgive me. I flubbed it."

"No it was on purpose."

"I fwubbed it."

"It wasn't on purpose ?!"

Coach Ye explained that they were actually hospitalized. They all received a great deal of backshots the night before from a mysterious source, and were going to take months to recover. Everyone from tryouts suffered the same fate too.

Is this what Abi chan meant by Skittle playing dirty.

"So that's it huh. All of them are gone ?"

"Well there's still one I haven't heard from yet. His names AJ kun."

"Aj kun. The nomithergod ?"

"Hai. But still, two players isn't enough for a team. We would still need three more."

I'm not going down this easy Skittle.

"Don't worry Ye sensei. I've gyatt this."


I walked around campus trying to find out if anyone had seen Aj. There were still students hanging around for club activities and stuff, and one of them finally gave me a lead.

"Oh yeah I know Aj. He's part of the VFX club. They usually meet in Chrys sensei's room, so you'll probably find him there. "

"Arigato !!"

I rushed over as fast as I could. I prayed to kami he was still there. When I found the room I slid open the door a little too hard.


There was a group of about 10 students sitting inside. They all suddenly turned my way.

"Ahhh gomen gomen. Didn't mean to interrupt you fellers. Any of you know an Aj kun?"

"What's drugs my deala ?"

"You know him ?"

"Of course I know him. He is me."


Aj was also a second year at TTMSHS and was one of the star players on the team last year. He was about 180cm tall and had tall spiky hair, like that one character from HxH. I gave him a rundown on the sitchiation. He told me one of his friends had just moved from overseas and he was helping them settle in last night. He completely forgot that practice was already starting again. He also kept saying "All caps when you spell the man name" but that takes too much effort.

"My my my. That's peculiar. Well I'm still A okay. I wonder why nothing happened to me."

Maybe this was a test. Damn you Skittle.

"Well two's a party. Know anyone else we could add to the team."

Aj smirked and raised one of his fingers.

"I think I know a guy."


"Hahaha. Oi bruv ows it goin"

Aj took me to the house of the friend he mentioned earlier. It looked like we were in ermmm how should I say… the slums.

"This is Hahaha. He's British so it can be a bit hard to understand him sometimes. He's supposed to transfer to TTMSHS this week. He's gonna be a second year too."

I shook his hand. Hahaha was around 160cm tall and wore black khakis, a white wife beater, and suspenders. He had a blonde, greasy bowl cut and was already growing a huge bald spot on the back of his head. He also smelled like ketchup.

"So ummm... you any good at basketball ?"

"Yu've bet ya arse I'm bloody good at the b ball. Been playin since I was a wee lad I'll have ya know."

"Good enough for me. Well three's a crowd. Know anyone else fellas ?"

Aj smirked and raised one of his fingers again.

"I think I know another guy"


Aj, Hahaha, and I all walked to the nicest area in town where all the richy rich folk lived. We stopped in front of one of the house gates.

"He's one of the best blockers I know. Just what we need for the team. He became a hikikomori last year after the jar incident but I think I know how to convince him to come back. "

Jar incident ?


Aj rang the door bell. A voice came from the speaker.

"The hell do you want?"

"Yo is snail tard there"

"What's it to ya"

"It's AJ. We brought gyatttts. "

"Gyatts you say? Fine. Come on in."

The gate opened and we went through the walkway up to the fanciest looking set of doors I've ever seen. One of the doors cracked open slightly and I could see someone peak through it.

"Show me the goods"

His voice was deeper than the Mariana Trench, and I felt my bones rattle when he spoke.

Aj dug around his backpack and pulled out a couple of anime school girl figures.

"He he he"

Snail tard opened the door all the way. He was a tall guy, about 182.63cm and built like a brick house. He also had this really cute anime T shirt on. He pushed his glasses up and rubbed his hands together.

"Excellent. These will make fine additions to my collection. Yoink. "

He then snatched the figures from Aj and tried shutting the door on us. Aj stuck his foot in the way.

"Matte matte matte. There's more where that came from."

Snail tard peeked his head.

"More you say ?"

"But you have to come back to TTMSHS… and join the basketball team."

"Nyope. Not happening bub. Skiddadle."

"There'll be waifus…"

He opened the door again.

"Waifus you say. Gyulp"

He tugged his collar.

"Yeah one of them just moved here from Japan."

Was he talking about Abi chan ?

"Nihon ?! Sign me up!!"

Ohhhhh crap.


The next day the four of us headed to practice together. I was surprised Hahaha and Snail Tard were able to sign up so quickly, but lucky us.

"We still need one more guy for the team. There's gotta be another hooper around this school, right ?" I asked.

Aj smirked.

"Oh you don't need to worry about that. I've got it covered."

Aj was really pulling through for us. I guess he did have a lot of connections since he was one of the star players.

When we got to the gym, there was a pale scrawny looking guy standing by the entrance. He was about average height, and his bangs covered his eyes. Aj greeted him.

"Fellas this is Bando. He doesn't say much but he was pretty good back in middle school. He also likes making tribute videos. Say hi Bando"

Bando brushed his hair to the side and waved.

The five of us walked in the gym together in slow motion, with really badass music playing in the background.

A freak, a geek, a brit, an Aj, and an overthinking hooper.

This really was an all star team. We lined up in front of Coach Ye. He looked impressed.

"Not bad fellas. Not bad at all"

"Really ?"

"Sorry I flubbed it. I meant to say we are so NGMI."

Snail tard stepped forward.

"Man I had to block bobskittle. I respect guy but his content is corny asf"

What the fuck was he talking about.