
Duel on a Vanishing Planet

We trained for what felt like a month. Every day Chrys sensei would beat the nihon out of me, and then force me to do drills right after. 100 sit ups. 100 push ups. 100 squats. 100 meter run. Neither of us knew the metric system, but it was brutal nonetheless.

Chrys sensei was a strong fella; he's probably been training since he was a shota. It didn't seem like he had any special abilities of his own though, other than being able to take us to this strange place. Whenever I tried asking him about how we got here or how he knew about my Hoopism, he would just start spouting some gibberish. I misunderstood everything he said.

We usually rested in the small hut, and he would wake me up by dragging me out of my futon and throwing me outside to begin training for the day. But today I woke up on my own. Something was different. As I walked out I noticed the sky was orange and I could see the sun sinking into the horizon. The sun hadn't moved an inch since I got here, making it a peculiar sight.

"Oi! Over here overthinking hooper."

I turned around to see chrys sensei sitting on top of the hut. I climbed up to sit down with him. We watched the sunset together.

"I thought time didn't pass in this place. Why is the sun setting now?"

"It's almost time overthinking hooper. Do you know why I brought you here."

"To help reawaken my Hoopism right. Wait no it was to help get rid of the Hoopers block"

"Nope. To fanum tax the edging."

"Anno… I don't understand"

"Heh. Gomen. I could've helped you with the hoopers block a long time ago. The point of your training was to build your tolerance."

"To what ?"

This is the most sense he's made since I've got here.


"Nani ?"

The floor suddenly started rumbling, causing the hut to shake with it. Chrys sensei jumped to the ground and looked up at me. He stuck out his hand.

"Five minutes overthinking hooper. Only one of us is making it out of here."

I jumped down.

The sky became cloudy and a lightning storm appeared. Cracks started appearing across the ground.

"Nande. What the gya-"

Chrys sensei launched himself toward me and punched me straight in the gut.


I went flying at 100 m/s and struck the side of a hill; the impact created a large crater around me.

I coughed up a bit of blood and wiped the side of my mouth.

He was already sprinting at me full speed, and jumped forward to do a dive kick.

That's when it happened again. My Hoopism was back.

Everything around me went dark. The only thing I could see was Chrys. He would drive me even further into the crater and crush my rib cage. I wouldn't be able to recover. I needed to move out of the way fast.

I put my hand out to try and grab his foot, but he disappeared. Was he ever even there ? I took a couple of steps forward.


Chrys came from above me, grabbing the back of my head and slamming my face into the ground as he landed.

He crouched down and lifted my head up.

"Looks like you misunderstood my movements"

He kicked me over to my back, and began pressing his foot down on my chest. My Hoopism activated again.

Chrys would start stomping me into the ground until I couldn't breathe anymore. Except he didn't.

He grabbed me by the neck and lifted me up instead. Why couldn't I read him ?

Chrys tightened his grip, and it became incredibly difficult to breathe. All I could do was look at the storm above us. Gyatt damn did I wish the lightning would strike him.


A bolt of lightning struck Chrys directly, causing us both to drop to the ground.


I wasn't affected by it at all for some reason. As I stood up he began to speak.

"How… how did you…"

He slowly started getting up. His flesh was burnt all around his body. He was oozing blood.

"Heh. Impressive. Looks like Skittle was *cuagh* right about you."

I socked him right in the kisser and kneed his stomach. Chrys sensei fell to his knees.

"What the hell do you know about Skittle"

"Don't misunderstand overthinking hooper."

I gave him a good ol fashion left hook.

"Patooy… we're not so different… the two of us… I am the misunderstood hooper after all."

So that's why.

The ground began breaking apart even more. The storm became fiercer.

"You were there that day, weren't you. At the Hooper society."

"Guilty as charged. But… he's not your enemy."

I kicked him as hard as I could, sending him back to the floor. The ground started breaking up further, and pieces began to fall in.

"It looks like we don't have *clough* much time left"

"My father… Do you know what happened ?"

"He did it… for you."


The lightning was striking even more intensely.

"I don't understand what you mean."

"No one does."

"Why can't you just-"


"Save the Hooper society Haise the overthinking hooper."



A bright flash of light surrounded me. Suddenly I was back to where I first ran into Chrys all that time ago. It looked like not a moment had passed. Chrys was nowhere to be seen. A single tear of blood fell down my eye. It took a lot longer for that to happen, and it was much smaller than before. Is this what he meant by building my tolerance ?


I made my way back to the gym, when suddenly I saw Abi chan running my way. She looked happy at first.


Then pissed. She decked me.

"Where the rizz were you?"

"With chrys sensei"

"Who's that?"

"Nani do you mean. Our Japanese II teacher…"

"You mean Chris sensei? I've never heard of a chrys."