
Final Bout

Abi Chan grabbed my shoulder

"Oi Haise kun, isn't that Hmmmm"


Everyone one else went to the sides of the court but Abi Chan and I stood our ground.

Hmmmm walked up to us.

"Well well well… look what the neko dragged in."

I forgot how tall Hmmmm was. He looked down on us with his head blocking out the light, casting a large shadow. There was something different about his aura. This wasn't the same joe shmoe I played back in the day.

"You're one to talk. Forget who took you're spot on the team bubby"



A shiver went down my spine. My chest became so tight I couldn't take a breath. Everything around me went blurry.

"Shoot the ball Haiseter"



One of the players snatched the ball from my hands. Everyone ran to the other hoop.

"Aye bruv wadayuh doun juz standan dere like dat. Guna cos us dah game come off it"

What the h just happened.


I looked up at the clock. Half time ?

As I went to the side line I spotted Abi with a nervous expression on her face.

"It happened to you too huh"


Coach Ye pushed me forward.

" Games boutta start what are you still doing here chump come on get out there"

"Matte. I thought half time just started"

"Quit the dilly dallying"

He shoved me into the court. Abi ran up to me from behind. She grabbed my shoulder and whispered in my ear

"We have to react quick before he-"


"Time out."

"What are you doin out there Haise. This ain't the rizzler that was playing earlier. "

I looked up at the clock.

2 minutes left?

And we were down by 10.

Hmmmm was doing something.

Dammit. I need to corner him. If only I could create those weird worlds like Chrys and Kenju.

I looked over at the other side of the court. Hmmmm was starting straight at me, with that same smug expression.

I've had it.



A tear of blood ran down my eye.

Everything began to turn into a glowing purple aura. Everything except Hmmmm. It caught him off guard.

"NANI. What the hmmmm is happening "

Did I do this ? No time for thinking. I went full throttle toward Hmmmm.



I swung at the air.

He was gone.

He chopped the back of my neck.


I got kneed in the stomach and shoved onto the ground.

How did he move so quick.

"Damn. Gotta lock in."

As a started to get back up I looked around for Hmmmm, but he was gone again.


I snapped my head around. How did he get behind me so fast.

As my hoopism activated I saw he was gonna go for a left hook and then kick me in the kidney. At least that's what was supposed to happen. I'd counter his hook and use his momentum to throw him to the ground.

I put up my right arm to block. No one was there.

Two fingers jammed into my eyes.

"Nice try overthinking hooper"

He threw a left hook and kicked me in the kidney.


"That little trick won't work on the forward thinking hooper. I know every move you'll make before you even know you're gonna make it."

He threw another hook. By the time I rose my arm up to block he already kicked me in the stomach, sending me flying back.


I skid across the floor. I didn't have the strength to get up. The fight with Kenju already took a lot out of me. But I had to keep fighting. I had to finish the match. I slammed my fist in the ground.

"Dammit. I'm sorry Abi Chan. "

"Don't worry about it Haise kun. The cavalry has arrived."


Abi Chan was standing right beside me, offering her hand to help me up.

"Let's kick some ningen ass"

She pumped up her fist, hitting Hmmmm straight in the jaw. He dropped down from above.



That was lucky. She scratched the back of her head.

"Ahhhh gomen gomen Hmmmm, I wasn't thinking."

He was gone again. An idea came to me.

"Oi Abi. Let's fight."


"Trust me."

"Etoo, okey smokey"

Now let's try this again.


Abi took a big step to the side, with a big smirk on her face.


My fist slammed into Hmmmms face.

"AH. Sugoi !!"





Abi giggled like a little girl. She was helping me kick Hmmmm's ass without even trying. Setting him up perfectly without even thinking about it.

Hmmmm fell to the ground. He tried getting up, leaning on his knee. He wiped the blood from his mouth.

"How are you- even-geh"

With Abi's underthinking and my overthinking we were almost like an average thinking hooper.

"Oi Abi. Time for the finisher."

I put all my force into one final punch, straight between Abi's eyes.


She ducked.


As I punched Hmmmm in the face time began to slow. His skin slowly cracked and light emitted from his body. The world around us was being consumed by the light. I heard a clapping in the distance.

"Well done overthinking hooper."

I could've sworn that was Skittle's voice.





The time was running down on the clock. The ball was in my hands again. We were one point down.

Dammit no time to think about it. I ran up to the other side of the court. My hoopism began to activate.



I got this in the bag. I shot the ball.


It was perfect. The finals was ours.



siwuwuwuwuuw dink

I missed.