Warrior Pearl !

Arthur concluded his live stream, even receiving some donations in the process, hoping he had sufficiently addressed his viewers' questions. His phone began to ring, displaying "Issei" on the screen.

"Hey there, Arthur! I guess I was right, huh? By the way, have you made a batch selection? I'm thinking of going for batch 1 in Hardcore mode" Issei exclaimed with excitement.

Arthur replied with a chuckle, "Hey, Issei! Yeah, you might be onto something. As for my batch selection, I haven't made up my mind just yet. The whole concept is still sinking in, you know? But batch 1 in Hardcore mode does sound like a thrilling challenge."

Issei laughed, "I get it, man. It's a big decision. Let's keep researching and thinking it over. I'll be checking out more info from FallenGuys too."

"Absolutely," Arthur agreed. "And who knows, maybe his upcoming videos will provide even more insight. We've got time before we have to make the final call."

Issei nodded through the phone, his enthusiasm palpable. "Alright, talk to you later then. And don't forget, whatever we choose, we'll face it together!"

"Definitely, Issei. Catch you later." Arthur said before ending the call, his mind still abuzz with the possibilities and challenges that lay ahead.

"FUUUUUU." Arthur exclaimed as he collapsed onto his bed. Today had been a long day. He lay there, sprawled out like a defeated man, his gaze fixed on the blue screen. With a determined look, he pressed the option for Batch 1.


[ Disapproved ]

[ Changing status from Awakener to Watcher... ]

[ Welcome, Watcher Arthur... ]

The unexpected outcome left Arthur bewildered. He had mentally prepared himself to take on the challenges of Batch 1 in Hardcore mode, ready to prove his mettle.

But now, faced with the "Disapproved" message, he felt a mix of frustration and confusion. What had gone wrong? Had he misunderstood something critical?

As he contemplated the situation, doubt began to creep in. He questioned whether he was truly capable of facing the trials that lay ahead. The world was counting on him to guide humanity through the awakening.

But the same world had rejected him! He had wanted to experience the tutorial, to earn SOME JUICY REWARD . Yet, he hadn't even been allowed to participate or gain any valuable rewards! What was happening? ( IS A SCAM !!! ) ='(

[Dear Watcher,]

Arthur stared at the message on the screen, a mix of frustration and confusion welling up within him. The words seemed to mock his efforts and his eagerness to be a part of the awakening trials. He read on, hoping for some explanation or guidance amidst the turmoil of emotions.

[We understand your desire to participate in the trials as an Awakener, and we appreciate your enthusiasm. However, the path of a Watcher has its own significance. While you may not directly experience the trials, your role as an observer holds importance. Through your observations, you will provide insights that can guide and support those who are undergoing the trials. Your perspective as a Watcher will contribute to the collective understanding of this awakening process.]

"Then will I have some juicy reward?" Arthur murmured, his voice tinged with a hint of playful skepticism.

Arthur's question seemed to hang in the air, his words echoing in the virtual space. He stared at the message on the screen, waiting for a response, his curiosity piqued by the mysterious communication.

After a moment of suspense, the text continued to appear on the screen, as if responding directly to Arthur's unspoken thoughts.

[ Rest assured, Watcher Arthur. Your dedication to the cause will not go unrewarded. The trials you face may be different, but they will offer their own unique set of rewards. Power comes in various forms, and the path you have chosen will grant you insights and abilities that align with your journey. ]

doubts and uncertainties, and he couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to this experience than he initially thought.

He glanced back at the blue screen, his mind racing with thoughts. Could he really trust this message? Was it some elaborate hoax, or was there genuine guidance hidden within these words?

"Who are you? Why are you communicating with me like this?"

[ You will know in the future! ]

"Wait, you just changed your way of speaking... You've become impatient," Arthur remarked, a mixture of curiosity and suspicion in his tone.

[ Please! Say 'Status' to see your stats! ]

Arthur's eyes narrowed at the response. There was a shift in the communication, a change in tone that he couldn't ignore. He felt a tingling sense of unease but also a growing determination to uncover the truth. With a deep breath, he spoke aloud, "Status."

As the word left his lips, he anticipated the next set of information that would be revealed to him. The screen flickered for a moment before displaying a new set of data, an interface that seemed both foreign and oddly familiar at the same time.

[ Status ]

Name: Arthur Yamato

Watcher Level: ????

Awakening Path: Mana path , ???

Elemental Resonance: Fire (??), Water (??), Earth (??), Wood (??), Metal (??)

Aura Resonance: ???

( Where is my speed stat, my attack, my mana .... ?????? ) Arthur pondered.

Arthur stared at the screen, his mind racing with a mixture of anticipation and frustration. The information provided only seemed to deepen the mystery, and he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something crucial he was missing.

"Is this all the information you can give me?" he asked aloud, his voice a blend of determination and impatience. The screen remained unchanged, leaving him with more questions than answers.

After receiving no response for about ten minutes, Arthur abandoned the hope of getting an answer and decided to go to sleep.


[Two days later, on the weekend]

POV ?????

"What are you doing, son?" a woman inquired as she watched her son swing an odachi, the curved version of a long sword in Japan.

"I'm practicing, mom. By the way, did you do what I told you?" the young man said.

"Of course, I did!! But why did you tell me to choose Batch 104? It's very far, you know. According to my friends, they chose around the twenties..." the mother said.

"Trust me, I know.." the young man replied. "One batch is one month, so you'll go through the tutorial in 8 years and 6 months."

"But why so long?" the woman asked.

"Because in 8 years, I think we'll have enough knowledge about the tutorial" the young man replied.

"Alright, I trust you Arthur..." the mother said as she headed back into the house.

During these two days, many things had changed, perhaps even too much. Around the world, the news was dominated by this topic " What is happening on earth ??? ", and even his stream had made it to Japan's national television. They portrayed me as someone who wanted to assist humanity, which was indeed true.

I had also discovered that I could now directly stream through my watcher interface, affording me the ability to maintain a certain level of anonyma . However, what surprised me was that no one had visited yet, if you catch my drift...

But let's get back to the main topic. Today, I had the task of preparing the video to guide the awakening of the Warrior Pearl.

"Good day, everyone! Welcome to my video dedicated to the art of awakening the Warrior Pearl!" I declared with enthusiasm, facing the camera.

"First, let's talk about the path of the warrior. Unlike the mana path, which utilizes external energy, the aura comes from within. It's about tapping into the latent power that resides in your own body," I explained, my tone becoming more serious as I delved into the topic.

"As a warrior, you'll be focusing on honing your physical strength, endurance, and combat skills. This path is not just about brute force; it's about discipline, control, and mastering your body's capabilities. Just like a seasoned martial artist, you'll train your body to become a vessel of immense power."

I paused for a moment, allowing my words to sink in.

"Secondly, the aura pearl is really, and I mean really, different from the mana pearl. While the mana pearl can be used for all elements – and I mean all of them – it's important to note that their effectiveness will be significantly weaker than your compatible element. Now, the warrior pearl is a whole different story. Since it's cultivated through training, you need to unlock the aura specific to the weapon you're using. For exemple, if you're wielding a dagger, you won't be able to tap into the aura of a spear, as their fundamental essences are distinctly different."

A brief pause allowed my words to sink in before I continued with a more personal touch.

"As you progress on the path, your aura will become a formidable extension of yourself. It won't be confined to mere attacks; it will aid you in defense, agility, and even heightened perception. Your weapon ceases to be just a tool – it becomes a conductor of your aura's symphony, and you."

"If you've reached this part of the video, it means you're ready to embark on the path of a warrior or a magic swordsman! There's no need to delay any further." I exclaimed, getting into a ready stance.

"Before we proceed, remember that this journey requires dedication and perseverance. The awakening of the Warrior Pearl demands discipline, just as mastering any art does."

Taking a deep breath, I began to perform slow yet graceful movements. I explained that awakening the Warrior Pearl required a profound connection with one's chosen weapon, becoming one with it in mind, body, and spirit.

"Awakening the Warrior Pearl is about forging a deep bond with your weapon," I continued, my movements flowing seamlessly. "It's not just about physical mastery, but also understanding the essence and spirit of your chosen instrument of combat."

As I moved, the camera captured the elegance of each gesture. The aura surrounding me seemed to respond to the energy I was channeling, creating an almost mesmerizing display of light and movement.

"Imagine your aura intertwining with the very soul of your weapon. Feel its presence as an extension of yourself. Your movements should become an expression of unity, each strike resonating with the energy you infuse into it."

With deliberate precision, I demonstrated how to harmonize one's energy with the weapon, each motion radiating a sense of purpose and intent.

"Remember, this path requires patience and respect for the art of combat. Your weapon is not just a means to defeat your foes, but a partner that amplifies your strength."

As I concluded the explanation, I gazed at the camera with a sense of conviction. "As you venture on this path, you'll discover the intricate dance between your aura and your weapon. It's a journey of self-discovery and growth, where your limits will be tested and your potential unleashed."

With a final flourish, I lowered the weapon and said, "You might think I'm speaking like a cultivator, but it's true – that's how you awaken the Warrior Pearl. This marks the end of the video. I wish you good luck."