Part 2
Hania: I am sorry I am late there was a traffic
Hyun joong: it's okay
Hania: you are really very attractive. You are from China or Japan or Philippine
Hyun joong: I am from South Korea I am korean
Hania: that's good your hairs that are awesome
Hyun joong: your curly hairs are also awesome your eyes are very beautiful
Hania: thanks
Hyun joong: From where you are Hania.
Hania: I am half Indian and half Pakistani my dad was from India he was from Gopal a city in India and my mom is from Hyderabad Pakistan. I was born in London. My mom and dad met there in a restaurant. My dad was cook there and my mom was there with his boyfriend. But they got attractive to each other and they had one night stand and the result was me. But soon they realize it was a mistakes they are of opposite minds but when they realize their mistakes it was too late. Mom was pregnant and it was too late was abortion so it was difficult for them but they did it mom give birth to me they never live with each other my mom got married to someone in Pakistan Malik Aftab he is a engineer she have kept secret from his husband that she had a daughter. Dad never got married he have in relationship with more than one lady he was daring and Brad Pitt kind of man.
Hyun joong: where is your dad now?
Hania: 5 years ago he died because of cancer.
Hyun joong: I am really sorry
Hania: no no it's okay I was 17 at that time after the died of father I decided to move on your uk to another country I came here illegally. But now I have papers I am American now.
Hyun joong: What do you do? I mean you are 21 or 22?
Hania: I am 22 and I am studying to become a lawyer. What do you do tell me about yourself
Hyun joong: my mom and dad both are Korean. They are together and living in Korea. I don't know who they met because they never told me I came here in America on study Visa I am 23 years old I am studying commerce.
Hania: we are on date?
Hyun joong: yes we are on date
Hania: So will you please order anything to eat ?
Hyun joong: yes sure what do you want to eat
They order the food during eating Hania. So what do you looking for
Hyun joong: sorry what do you want to say
Hania: mean to say you are handsome tall good looking. I never had sex on first date but we can have it because I got attractive to you
Hyun joong look to hania and smiled and said the mystery of your eyes have so much to say. It is river in your eyes
Hania take a bite of pasta.
Hania: why you are not eating anything
Hyun joong: I am not hungry
Hania finished the food she was looking here and there
Hania: so what's next ?
Hyun joong: can we go to my place
Hania: I don't have condoms with me I hope you have it.
Hyun joong: I will manage it.
Hyun was driving car when hania start smoking a cigarette and removes her shoes
Hania: Hyun have you ever been in love?
Hyun: you mean pain?
Hania: no I mean love.
Hyun: yes I have been in love but in the end it only have given me a pain.
Hania looked to window side there was graveyard
Hania: at least she will be alive. But what will a person do if he have lost anyone and there is no chance of her coming back
Hania took a pic out of her pocket it is Ahmad my true love I was 13 when I feel in love with her
Hyun : where is he ?
She looked again to graveyard said in graveyard.
Hyun: I am sorry
Hania stay quiet she looked again and said I am drunk or the graveyard is too long
Suddenly the Tyre of car got blast and car got crashed.
Hania opened her eyes and she saw she was in graveyard and the blood was coming out from her head and her arms were badly injured she was in pain but she managed to stand.
Hania looked there was Graves and hyun was not there
Hania: hyun where are you?
She start walking she was walking when someone hold her feets. She looked and that was a hand from grave she shouted and tried to run but the hand was so strong that she fell down she kicked the hand she kicked again suddenly hyun came and he kicked the hand and the hand leaves the hania feet he too