chapter 6

Chapter 6

Stink eyes off

Kamran is live on YouTube making a video

Kamran: Howdy folks it is coming down weather conditions is cold get in covers since it is such a lot of cold take an espresso or tea drink and in the event that you have spouse or sweetheart you are fortunate and in the event that you don't then… .. I understand what you need to do in the two ways

At any rate life is going to appreciate and carry on with life so experience this second partake in this climate assuming you have Somebody in the event that you love somebody tell him before it is past the point of no return

So presently your host Kamran Jamil is disappearing from you we will be back with next video farewell take care see you soon

Kamran stand up and said this is fucking I'm letting like a joker I'm miserable and be what on earth is this forlornness is killing me I'm transferring video to be content when I'm miserable, in actuality, I have nobody to talk

Bologna mother lovers poop hole all that everybody is

He went in the kitchen he took the cup and toss that to wall and break it I never drink espresso and tea why I'm having it why I'm having it I'm separated from everyone else do you what does it implies I'm distant from everyone else I'm fucking alone he open the refrigerator and took the container of liquor and begin drinking it

He searched in the mirror and said furiously life Life fucking life and punch the mirror and break it and said I can't stand my life

The chime rings

He went to the entryway and saw outside there was a young lady he saw again there was actually a young lady she thumped again he toss the container in dustbin clean this lips and face and loosen up himself really take a look at his smell of mouth and opened the entryway

Kamran: Yes

The young lady: Hey I'm Saba I'm from TCS here is your package kindly sign here

She hand the large package to Kamran and took the sign she was wet because of downpour

Kamran found him completely from to down

Kamran : it is freezing and pouring

Saba : yes sir

She shifted focus over to Kamran and grinned and said have a decent day sir

She was going when Kamran called him from behind and said it is coming down and cold I figure you ought to hold on to rain get halted you can stand by inside I can give you hot garments it is genuinely horrendous in light of the fact that you can have fever

Saba : no way sir really I need to go my shift is end I need to return home now I just came to convey your bundle I won't annoy you I can return home I will take a Uber

Kamran: accept me you won't annoy me you can stand by to rain get halted accept me the downpour and weather conditions isn't great and no Uber driver will come you can come inside and trust that downpour will get halted then I will arrange Uber for you

She hoped to rain

Kamran: don't think an excess of come inside

She went to inside Kamran shut the entryway

Saba: you live alone here

Kamran: yes

Kamran put the package down

Saba hoped to reflect it was broken

Kamran: really I was playing with ball so unintentionally my ball hit the mirror and it got broken

Allow me to give you some hot garments you can go to that room I don't have lady garments yet you can mine where garments you will feel great wear it

Saba : do you have espresso or tea it is truly cold

Kamran: yes what might you want to take espresso or tea I have both

Saba: espresso

Kamran: transform it I will make espresso for you

Saba : no it's alright I will make it in the wake of changing the garments simply let me know where is kitchen I will make it

Kamran: no it's OK I can cause it to kindly put on something else and I will prepared the espresso

Saba went in the room Kamran ran in the kitchen and dance at last at last somebody came he saw a glass was broken

Kamran: what on earth however there is so issue Kamran clean it

Kamran clean it

He opened another espresso Box

Kamran: I figured you won't ever get opened I figured I won't ever drink espresso he begin making espresso

At long last he heard a voice

So you got somebody

He thought back and said Lucifer what are you doing here

Lucifer was in dark confined coat and I think you fail to remember the arrangement human I will give you fame and ubiquity and you will be distant from everyone else and workship me in this house

Kamran: I recollect the arrangement however it has been 5 years I'm distant from everyone else I can't do this any longer I need to go in open I need to cherish I need to have intercourse I need to meet poeples I need to live like an ordinary group

Lucifer took the espresso and drink it espresso is great no people understands how will I respond assuming somebody deceive me he blow up he took the fire in his grasp and consume the essence of Kamran and said you don't have right to conclude what is it that you believe should do your spirit is currently mine thank to me that I have not taken it with me to damnation

Kamran was yelling as his face was consuming

Lucifer took the Kamran up and get into his fiend look and said you don't have right on your life you don't have right of dropping the arrangement as it is done now you can't sell out me

Saba : sir

Kamran at last focused on her and contact his face there was no fire and he checked out there was nobody espresso was in one cup and one cup was plastered

Saba: have you drink your espresso?

Kamran: yes he was frightened

Saba: all is Well ?

Kamran: I simply miss my one companion

Saba: ooh would he say he is passed on?

Kamran: no

Saba: so where his is?

Kamran: in damnation

Saba giggle

Saba: what his name?

Kamran: Lucifer Morningstar

Saba: Satan

Kamran: definitely

Saba: you are so entertaining

Kamran: who the world is from outside at this point?

Saba: your meaning could be a little more obvious.

Kamran: I mean who the world seem to be currently?

Saba: you can see it

Kamran: I can't

Saba: your meaning could be a little more obvious.

Kamran grinned and said nothing

He moved towards to couch and said I want to believe that you like the espresso

At long last everything get stopped he think back Saba was stopped time was halted there was evil spirits

Lucifer: Kamran my worker you are overstepping my regulation said this young lady to go

Kamran: why you are doing this? Kindly let me go I am as of now endured

Lucifer: this isn't anything Kamran I give agony to poeples for a long period of time the person who studio me get liberated from this aggravation you was not terrible you was eager you need achievement distinction and fame realize 32 millions individuals' follow you

Kamran: take this all back I don't need anything

Lucifer: Individuals call me awful I am greatest terrible individual and I'm the one too who rebuff the terrible you don't have right of request me and I prefer not to take request

He put his eyes in Kamran eyes and Kamran tumble down feel the aggravation Kamran feel it you can't structure me you are my worker currently get this fucking young lady out of this house

Kamran hold his head and begin yelling

At last everything was gone once more

He saw Saba was standing and watching the pics on wall

Saba: what are these?

Kamran: recollections

Saba focused on young lady pic

Saba: who is she ?

Kamran: Ayesha

He moved to pic and contact the pic

Saba: where is she ?

Kamran shifted focus over to pic and said she is extremely far away from me now he opened the portable and checked her pic of pregnant he moved the pic to next picture there was pic of Ayesha with Bilal

Saba: do you cherish her?

Kamran: consistently I do

Saba: why you both are not together what sort of affection is this ?

Kamran: this is mean love somebody give me choice and I pick notoriety rather than that I lose everything my adoration the poeples I know everything was gone in a subsequent one arrangement obliterate all that of mine she continued on I watched her profile regular she has a sweetheart she is pregnant now She will be an extraordinary mother I actually think life was so gorgeous assuming that I was with her today we will be guardians however presently nothing can be occurred

Saba focused on Kamran face

Saba: I need to go now the downpour is halted

Kamran make a miserable face

Kamran looked to percel was not there it was no more

Saba: thank you for garments and espresso

Kamran: listen we can go out some of the time out on the town or some place you need

Lucifer: however you can't go out Kamran

Kamran: however I need to go now regardless of what will happen now I need to go from here I need to go external I am not your worker I screw your arrangement

Lucifer grin

Kamran focused on Saba. Saba begin strolling came near Kamran she planned to kiss Kamran out of nowhere she put an edge in Kamran

Saba arrived in an evil spirit look

Kamran tumbled down

There was endlessly blood

Saba taste the blood and said avarice

Lucifer: which is killing him now

Kamran with torment aaaah

Lucifer: you can't run from my arrangement I'm villain I'm awful now welcome to damnation my home devil take him behind me

Saba: before I take your spirit let me know a certain something

She shifted focus over to Kamran

Saba: why you didn't expressed me to go you got everything popularity achievement why you passed on due to me why you bear torment as a result of me

Kamran: on the grounds that this aggravation was nothing before that aggravation which I got subsequent to taking that bargain I lost all that I was terrified of being separated from everyone else any longer I was in torment yet the agony fiend was giving me doesn't make any difference any longer since I was at that point living with torment ordinary

Saba: shut your eyes

Kamran close the eyes and when he opened it he was in fire of agony

Lucifer: your transgressions insatiability and choice take you here now this is where you need to reside perpetually farewell