An Investigation In The Past

When we came out of that door, we saw what looked like 20th century England. There were carriages going by that were being moved by horses.

"So we've gone back in time again." I commented.

"Seems that way." replied Jason.

"I never thought I'd ever see something like this." commented Clara.

"I wonder… how many of us are going to die?" said Mikaela.

"Did you really have to say that!?" responded Iris.

"You really never change, do you?" asked Cerise.

"Well," said Jean, "let's look around."

All of us walked around town, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Our first stop was an inn, with an old man behind the counter.

"Excuse me?" said Jon, "Has there been anything unusual lately?"

"Not really." responded the man behind the counter.

"Thanks for your time then." replied Jon.

"Now, don't be looking so disappointed." said the innkeeper, "Why don't you ask Emils over there."

He pointed at a man in a gray coat, sitting over at one of the tables.

"Thank you." responded Jeff.

We all walked over to Emils. When we got closer, we could barely see his face. It was covered pretty well by his coat and all his facial hair.

"What the hell do you want?" asked the man.

"We just wanted to know if you saw anything weird lately," said Clara.

"You guys cops?" he said, seeming a little frustrated.

"Well, I uh…" started Clara.

"If you know anything, spill it." said Mikaela, "Otherwise, it won't be information that comes out, if you know what I mean."

"Heh." said Emils, "I like the way you talk. Fine, I'll tell you what I know."

"Thanks." responded Charles.

"There have been some dead bodies piling up." said Emils, "Nobody can figure out where they're coming from. Then, not much later, the bodies disappear. And for any of the bodies that do stay here, nobody can figure out what the murder weapon was."

"You're pretty well informed." commented Cerise.

"It's one of the curses of being forced to live on this goddamn planet for so long." complained Emils.

"Well, that's not much more than we already know," said Lilith.

"Rumor has it that there has been some strange man running around at night." said Emils, "Whether or not he's responsible isn't something we're sure of."

"I see." I said, "Thank you for your time."

"Don't mention it." he said, "But do be careful. If you stick your nose into this type of stuff, they'll hurt you if they find out."

"They…?" responded Christina.

"Thanks for the warning." said Jean.

After that, we left the building.

"Well, that was sort of helpful." I said.

"I guess." said Lucas, "All that really told us is that the culprit MIGHT be here."

"For all we know, he's not." said Iris.

"This is going to be tough." said Jon.

"Maybe he'll show up when he feels like it." said Mikaela.

"I don't think our culprit is going to have the same way of thinking as you do, Mikaela." said Cerise.

"Let's keep going, everyone." said Jason.

We all went around town, looking for more people that might know anything. Unfortunately, they all knew about as much as. As for what the rumored criminal looked like, nobody knew for certain. He'd always move at night while wearing dark clothes, so it was near impossible for anybody to pick up on any details. Things keep going like this and we eventually find a pile of dead bodies, currently being investigated by what looked like police from this time period.

"What the hell are civilians doing here?" asked one of the cops.

"Sorry," said Clara, "we were just walking by. Didn't realize we'd find a bunch of corpses here."

"So," said Charles, "people are getting killed and nobody knows why?"

"That's right." said another cop, "Nobody really knows why. Sometimes a body will be here and then it will disappear. And the bodies that do stay behind… the murder weapons are all absent."

"I take it you don't know much more than that." said Christina.

"Unfortunately," said the first cop, "that's correct."

"Now," said the other cop, "why don't you get out of here before you get us in trouble?"

"Right." said Jeff, "Sorry to bother you."

We moved to a location a little further away.

"I really wish we could have made more progress than this." said Jon.

"The information we did get just backs up what we already knew." I said, "The dead bodies that disappeared were the people not from this world. They were killed here and then had their bodies thrown into their original worlds, overwriting their existence and killing them for good."

"That sounds likely." said Christina, "As for the weapons that disappear, those are people from this world and that were killed in another. They also had their existences overwritten."

"Gosh," said Jason, "this is turning into quite the mess."

While we were in the middle of discussing things, we heard a cell phone ring.

"Wait, what?" responded Justin.

"Ah, sorry guys." said Jon, "Guess we didn't tell you."

"What's going on?" I asked.

He pulled what looked like an old cell phone out of his pocket.

"We've been working on preparing special phones that allow us to communicate between dimensions," said Jon.

"How do they even work?" asked Iris.

"They just use whatever energy source the world they're in uses," he answered, "it can be magic, electricity, or some other material that some world relies on."

"So… with that, you can contact people outside whatever world we're in." I replied.

"That's right." said Jon, "I should answer this."

He opens it up and the message is from Matthias. When Jon answered, the long haired man's face appeared on the screen.

"What is it?" asked Jon.

"It's not good." said Matthias. "There's been a murder in Dovacath."

"There have been lots." said Mikaela, "You'll need to be more specific."

"It's… someone that Cerise knows very well." he said.

"No…" she said.