Fighting For The Fate Of All Worlds

All of us started running on the platforms that were available to us. We didn't have time to look down. We had to keep going and find where our enemies were. As we were running, I just couldn't believe how we had so many people together in one place fighting to save each world. At first, nothing was happening. We just kept moving our feet. Eventually, we reached a giant robot with chainsaws for arms.

"This one looks strong." commented Donovan.

"We'll tear it apart!" exclaimed Simon.

"I like that idea." replied Mikaela.

All of us went crazy on the robot, swinging and throwing our weapons everywhere. Afterwards, we ran some more and found several floating platforms ahead of us. Quickly we hopped onto each one until we reached a long platform, with giant saws swinging left to right all the way down.

"Heh, try not to die again." I said, just running in without a care in the world.

"What am I going to do with you?" complained Jean, running after me.

"Wait for me!" exclaimed Jason, following her.

"I'm going to!" responded Christina.

Somehow, we all avoided getting harmed by the saws.

"Heh." said Justin, "That was easy."

"It's not like we'd stay dead, anyways." said Cerise.

"Yeah," responded Lucas, "no matter what, we're always gonna come back."

"And we'll definitely get our kids back." said Lilith.

After a bit more running, another chainsaw robot appeared.

"Let's kill it!" exclaimed Harold.

"Right behind you." responded Catherine.

Again, we all went crazy with our weapons and made our way past once the robot was defeated.

"I don't think anything will stop us now." said Clara.

"Seems that way." responded Kia.

"I'm glad." added Sonia, "Time to take those two out."

Before we knew it, we reached a large platform that had our opponents standing on it. Both of them looked really happy to see us.

"You're all a bunch of stubborn cockroaches, aren't you?" asked Miles.

"Doesn't matter to me." responded the evil Justin, "Can we just kill them now?"

"I don't see why not." responded Miles, "Are you losers ready?"

"Of course." I said, "We're not letting you two get away with this!"

"Before we begin, can we ask why you're doing this?" asked Christina.

"Well, you're all going to die anyways." said the evil Justin.

"We'll see about that." muttered the normal Justin.

"Well," said Miles, "I went through a lot of hell in the past. I didn't have the best family- I was abused by my parents and then, my brother… instead of helping me, that damn coward ran away!"

"Sorry." responded Jon.

"Whatever." said Miles, "You may have done the same thing, but I'm talking about the brother from my world. Anyways, I was left alone to deal with their crap and it drove me crazy. I ended up working with Jeff over for a bit at some point, and after a while, I took over. I realized how much I enjoyed causing chaos, bringing PAIN to everyone. If I had to go through it, everyone else would too! …Your turn, chainsaw guy."

"Whatever." replied the evil Justin, "Growing up, I was always compared to my brother. He was the 'smart one' and I was just the stupid idiot, according to our parents. I worked hard on everything. I tried to do my best, but it was never enough for those pieces of shit. In the end, I got so angry that I… disposed of them."

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" exclaimed Lucas.

"I realized life wasn't fair," continued the evil Justin, "you're born with talent or you're connected to somebody rich, famous, or in power, and you're set. Otherwise, you're fucked. No matter how much you do anything, no matter how much you try, it won't mean a goddamn thing in the end! And since I have to suffer, I figured I should make everyone else feel the pain that I feel!"

"And there you have it," said Miles, "the unfairness of the world that placed us into such shitty environments is what led us to become what we were today. So now, we will destroy EVERYTHING."

"Is that how you really feel?" I asked.

"Of course." said Miles.

"What did you do with the kids?" asked Lilith.

"Oh, don't worry." said Miles, "They're still alive. They'll just be going when all worlds are destroyed."

"You monster!" exclaimed Iris.

"Maybe you think things can never work out," I said, "I was there once."

"What are you getting at?" asked Miles.

"But if you just don't do anything, nothing will happen." I said, "You'll be stuck in the same spot forever just continuing to suffer."

"I don't like you." responded Miles.

"In the end, we will keep fighting," I said, "we will keep going until we reach our goal!"

"Alright, that's enough talking!" exclaimed Miles, "Let's get to the fighting!"

With no hesitation, he ran right towards me, preparing to punch me in the face. I quickly created a cat-themed shield and blocked his attack.

"You're quick." commented Miles.

"Try to block THIS!" said the evil Justin, bringing his chainsaw toward me.

I then created a cat-themed gun and shot him in the arm, resulting in him yelling in pain.

"We're not the same weak losers you fought earlier." I said.

"What?" said Miles, "You think you've got strength in numbers? That you'll win with the power of friendship? Don't come at me with that bullshit!"

"Of course not." answered Christina, "We've just strengthened our resolve."

Christina began attacking with her own cat weapons, Justin began throwing screwdrivers, Jason and Jean ran in with their swords, Hunter and Iris were throwing knives, Jeff, Charles, and Clara used their guns, Mikaela swung her scythe all around, Simon used his Katana, Jon teleported all over the place while attacking with a regular sword, Cerise was throwing all kinds of blades, Lucas and his siblings were all using glowing green swords along with the other mediums in the group, Kia and Sonia were shooting lasers, Harold, Eric and Kevin were shooting arrows, Daniel went crazy with his shovel, Hunter went insane with a knife, Catherine kept spawning crowds of fake people, Donovan was throwing pennies all over the place, Elijah was throwing clocks, Isaac was throwing buckets, James drew weapons on paper and attacked the enemies with them, Cameron was throwing rocks, and Stuart was riding on a dragon that was breathing fire.

"Why the hell won't you die!?" exclaimed Miles.

"You should have made sure we'd stay dead." I responded, "The twenty four hour period ended, and we all came back."

"Whatever," said Miles, "you're too late to stop us."

"You really think that?" said Christina.

We kept going at it, with our weapons and eventually we could see our enemies getting tired.

"This isn't… over." said Miles.

"Isn't it?" asked Jason.

"No." said the evil Justin, "We still have our trump card."

"It's time, huh?" said Miles.

"What… are you talking about?" asked Jean.

"This." said Miles, snapping his fingers.

Suddenly, the two of them appeared as if they were melting.

"What the hell!?" exclaimed Jeff, "What's going on here!!?"

Their melted forms created a puddle that began mixing together. When their forms were combined, they created some kind of deformed monster.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God, what the fuck!?" exclaimed the normal Justin.

"You're not thinking of giving up this time, are you, Ron?" asked Jean.

"Why would I?" I said, "I've got you and everyone else with me."

"I was worried I was going to have to slap you again." she said.

"Miles! Chainsaw Justin!" exclaimed Jason, "What is the meaning of this?"

"We have become one." answered the creature, "Together, we are now a god."

"You really think you can become a god?" I said, "Don't make me laugh."

"What did you say?" asked the deformed mess.

"I said you will never become a god no matter how hard you try!" I shouted.

"For that, you deserve to die." the creature complained.

Before I knew it, everything surrounding me went white and I saw a familiar woman with brown hair slightly longer than Lilith's and purple eyes.

"E-Erica?" I said.

"It's been a long time." she said.

"What's going on here?" I asked.

"I've been watching you all this whole time," answered Erica, "I'm glad that you're finally out of it."

"Out of what?" I asked.

"I was very disappointed in you when you had given up on your life." answered Erica, "But now, you're ready to defeat your strongest opponent yet."

"I wouldn't have gotten there without everyone else." I said.

"That's not a bad thing." responded Erica.

"Well, what do you want with me?" I asked, "And how are you even here?"

"I may be dead for real," said Erica, "but I can still give you all power."

"What?" I said.

"It should be enough for all of you." said Erica.

"What? Are ghost powers just that strong?" I asked.

"No." answered Erica, "But a certain magical friend of ours wanted to give you a boost."

"I see." I responded.

"Plus, no matter what happens, it's not the job of the villains to destroy the world in the end," she said, "the man upstairs won't let that happen. Now get back there."

"O-Okay!" I exclaimed.

Suddenly, everything went back to normal.

"Ron?" said Jean.

"Y-Yes!" I said, "I'm fine! Let's do this!"

After that, we all went running toward the monster and began attacking. We kept going and going, and the monster was getting weaker. We could all tell the monster was surprised. It thought it had become so strong, but in the end, we were stronger.

"We'll never let you take our worlds!" shouted Donovan, blasting pennies at the creature.

"You'll never win when you rely on dumb cheats like yours!" yelled Harold, while shooting an arrow.

"In the end, we're better than you." said Eric, shooting another arrow.

"Taste my shovel, bitch!" yelled Daniel, striking it with a shovel.

"Eat this!" shouted Tom, stabbing it with a glowing green sword.

"You two must have been weaker than you thought." said Timothy, stabbing it with another green sword.

"At least give us time to take care of our browser histories before all worlds end." complained Kevin, shooting another arrow.

"Just because you suffered, doesn't mean everyone else has to as well!" exclaimed Catherine, sending a crowd of fake people their way.

"You suffered and because you caused suffering you get to suffer more!" yelled Hunter, throwing knives at the creature.

"Take this!" yelled Cameron, throwing rocks.

"This too!" shooted Dexter, throwing wrenches.

"All this time we've spent together, we never failed in the end," said Elijah, throwing clocks.

"And things aren't going to change now!" exclaimed James, throwing a very sharp paper airplane their way.

"BURN TO DEATH!" yelled Stuart, riding a green dragon that was breathing fire.

"GET IMPAILED BY BUCKET SWORD!" shouted Isaac with a sword coming out of his bucket and running toward the creature.

"GET ZAPPED!" yelled David, zapping them with lightning.

"This will be the last day the two of you even live!" yelled Simon, striking with his katana.

"That's right." said Kia, shooting them with lasers, "We'll never forgive you for what you've done!"

"Someone's gotta put you guys in your place." said Sonia, shooting the monster with lasers.

"Everything's all messed up because of you!" exclaimed Clara, shooting her gun, "Don't think you'll get out of this alive!"

"I'll be glad to add you guys to today's kill count." said Mikaela, swinging her scythe.

"Same here." responded Cerise, running toward them while throwing knives.

"To make sure everyone here can be happy again, you're going down." said Kurt, running toward them with a knife.

"For our children." said Iris, throwing knives.

"We'll put them in a world where they don't have to suffer." said Jon, teleporting and using a sword.

"Give them back!" yelled Lilith, using a glowing green sword.

"We'll save everyone." said Lucas, also using a green sword.

"You got this, Charles?" asked Jeff.

"Yeah." replied Charles.

The two of them shot with their guns at the same time.

"You may have had my face," said the good Justin, "but you'll never be me and I'll never be you!"

After that, he began throwing hammers.

"As long as I'm with my friends, I'll fight with them," said Jason, swinging his sword, "and I'll make sure they all get out of it alive."

All that remained were myself, Jean, and Christina.

"They're all excited." said Jean.

"Sure are." I said.

"Ready to go in next?" asked Christina.

"Hell yeah." I said.

Christina and I formed cat-swords and Jean drew her own. After that, we all ran in.

"We'll make sure this is the last thing you ever do!" I exclaimed.

"Looks like your time is up!" yelled Jean.

"It's over!" shouted Christina.

The three of us went crazy slicing the monster up. After a minute, it exploded and nothing remained of our enemies but a puddle.

"Did we do it?" asked Jason.

"Looks like it." I said.

Looking down, we just saw a puddle and it spoke.

"But why?" asked Miles, "That demonic power we received from the devil himself should have been stronger-!"

I stepped on the puddle.

"Nonsense," I said, "the power upstairs is much stronger. The devil will never win."

After that, the puddle disappeared completely. We had won this fight.00