
chapter 7

On the morning my mother began tortuing me I attempted to converse wi

Mother: you did what your dad did it you are same like your father

Basit: stop it mother now I'm grown-up now I'm not that 15 years of age kid now I have some work now I have right now to adore somebody to wed somebody I love and I love that young lady and yes mother I'm similar to my father in these years I'm listening that I resemble my father and that is valid mother I'm like father

Mother hits me with tears in her eyes

Basit: all around my life at whatever point I attempted to talk you attempted to close my mouth with a slap yet mother you have no control over me now

Mother: I have conceived you I'm never going to do you that what your dad made it happen

I went on a task I called Sarah yet the telephone was turned off I was stressed over her

At the point when I returned home Sarah mother was there with my auntie .

The two of them were blissful my auntie stand up and embraced me I focused on my mother that what on earth is going here

Basit: mother might I at any point converse with you

Mother : we will talk later

Basit: however I need to converse with you at the present time

Mother focused on me with outrage and we went in the room and locked and said might you want to let me know going here

Mother: I have fixed your marriage with Kubra your auntie girl

Basit: mother what in the world are you doing I would rather not get hitched I love somebody I love Sarah how are you doing me you are obliterating my life

Mother: I'm your mother I have right of doing anything with your life assuming this will obliterate your life I believe that you should annihilate it

My mother opened the entryway and leave the room I kicked the wall and my foot getting tormented

I was calling Sarah over and over yet her telephone was turned off

Furthermore, here my life is getting screwed I was focused on and discouraged I need to Sarah house where the entryway was locked I was stressed and I chose to message tabasum to get some information about Sarah my tabasum additionally cut my called as she was occupied in fulfilling the numerical educator by giving handjob to pass in number related paper unexpectedly late in the night 7:00 pm Sarah picked my call

Basit: Sarah where are you

Sarah : I'm in town my grandma died sorry I didn't illuminate you about it I told tabasum to illuminate you about it here are signal issues

Basit: I love you Sarah

Sarah: I love you more Basit

Sarah: are you alright

Basit: no I am not alright I let him know the full episode happened to me in one day

Sarah: what would it be advisable for us we do now

Basit: when were you returning

Sarah: I'm returning tomorrow

Basit: will you wed me I realize this is certainly not a smart thought yet will you wed me I love you Sarah and I will constantly cherish you we will wed in court and afterward educate everybody

Sarah: no Basit actually this is an extraordinary good thought I love to wed you I'm returning tomorrow will you orchestrate everything in one day

I bounced with energy yes I can orchestrate everything in one day

Sarah grinned and said don't stress Basit I'm with you I love you

Basit: thank you Sarah I love you as well

On the night I called Akram who was occupied in shooting of pornography video however when I messaged akram I'm getting hitched her director told him and he got back to in 10 second after message

Akram: is that genuine mischievous kid

Basit: yes and you are welcomed I'm getting hitched tomorrow

Akram: tomorrow why would that be any sort of tension

Basit: it's a boring tale

Akram: I can comprehend there is sex pressure

Basit: no

Akram: I can comprehend Basit well listen tomorrow I'm occupied so I won't go to your marriage however I will go along with you all in couple of days you all delighted in have intercourse and consistently recollect you are companion of Mr dick a pornstar don't cause me to feel disgraced have phenomenal sex

I was simply to cut the call when Akram said Basit congrats I'm glad for you

Basit: much obliged

I have organized the legal counselor with few individuals' I was spruced up in confined coat hanging tight for Sarah I was exactly on schedule hanging tight for Sarah she was late I paused and I held up I called her she was cutting the call over and over it was 5 pm the poeples with me are gone the court was shut I was checking out me that perhaps Sarah will be remaining there or there I called Sarah the call was again cut

I went to Sarah house where I saw Sarah and tabasum was standing they are leaving the city

Sarah took a gander at me and move towards to me yet her mother halted her

Her mother came to me and said we are leaving the general public Sarah enlightened me everything concerning you we made some pleasant memories with you yet I love my girl I would rather not have any issues for her I don't believe she should get hitched to you and go to your family she is guiltless she can't live in your family it is smarter to you to go and at no point ever contact Sarah in the future I am taking her Sims so you can at absolutely no point ever reach her in the future

Basit: yet I love Sarah

Her mother: love isn't all that I love my little girl as well yet you don't merit Sarah is honest you need to go now we won't ever see you from now on

I shifted focus over to Sarah tabasum hold her and said disappear bitch I had tears in my eyes tabasum grinned and said do you know anything more to win Sarah heart I went towards to Sarah and said I can't survive without you

Tabasum yelled Ali stop me and safe your sister Ali comes to me and punched me I looked towards to Sarah and said Sarah I need to converse with you

Sarah planned to say something yet tabasum stop me and Ali punched me once more

Tabasum you need to go now any other way Ali will kill you Ali looked with prouded face to tabasum and again was going to punched me when I hold his hand kicked at his balls and punched him with full power at his nose and his nose got broken Sarah mother and tabasum took Sarah hand and went in the house and locked the entryway I thumped at the entryway yet they didn't opened the entryway Ali nose was draining and he was setting down on street and crying

Basit: you are kid Ali get grown-up now grow up I was going when I stop and shifted focus over to entryway and said Sarah I love you and afterward kicked the Ali balls again with full power and Ali yelled aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I was crying and strolling out and about poeples were seeing me I sit out and about and begin crying I was crying and everybody was watching me I went to railroad station for sucide I was about to bounce when the train was coming however a man stop me and said young man what are you doing are you attempting to do sucide isn't an answer

I toss my portable out and about my wallet to begger my jacket on the railroad station when I returned home it was 11 o clock mother was yelling at me however I heard nothing my life was annihilated I was fucking worried and discouraged I set down on bed and didn't rest throughout the evening

Everybody was crying in the lobby

On the following day Sarah leave the city and in couple of months I got hitched to Kubra

Everybody was crying and leaving the corridor and just a single young lady was staying there and paying attention to me the show supervisor came to said thank you sir it was extraordinary show poeples love it and my timing was likewise completed the show timing was shut the young lady attempted to converse with contact me yet I sit in my vehicle and went towards to air terminal the young lady attempted to stop me yet I took the trip of America she yelled behind the Basit and attempted to stop her yet Basit heard nothing

The young lady: what in blazesth my mother