Opening The Gate

(Several hours ago)

 Alone in the empty Parlement chamber, Agiel stood motionless with his eyes sealed shut. He lifted the glass of wine to his mouth, allowing the rich scent to fill his senses before finally indulging in a long, satisfying sip.

"Now I really wonder why people get drunk to run away from their problem, It would be so much efficient to just die."

As he savored the taste of his drink, a sudden gust of wind swept through, tousling his hair. In response, he instinctively turned around, a sly smirk playing on his lips.

"What? I wasn't saying I would, it was just a... rhetorical complaint."

As he held the glass of red wine, its shimmering hue caught his attention. The liquid seemed to dance with the light, creating a mesmerizing display which cast a warm glow on his face.