Not What It Seems

"A day for light, a day for fools, a day for monsters, and a day for history. Today is the greatest day, so let's sing for today! Let's cry for today!"

The giant tree lit up, freeing every individual from the elf kingdom.

The group entered the sacred ground, expecting a fierce greeting, so the sight of each elf dancing and singing was quite unsettling.

"...See them fighting in the fire,

without tears

Strike thee land, curse yer voice in the burning light of our soul, decaying

In the name of the crimson tears of our bodies..."

"What is this? Is this a party where elves are acting crazy?" Giudecca groaned.

Nefertari glanced at her people and then at the vast temple.

"We are born with a tremendous will to live, so great that it has become our curse. It's just our way of showing gratitude to the God who relishes our suffering."

"...Scary." Lucca began to tremble.