Ragnarok: Envious Of Life

Sitting on the edge of a calm river, a young girl, barefoot, was busy washing her clothes. She stopped abruptly, very cautious of those around her, she was stunned to realize that someone was observing her, too closely to not have been noticed earlier.

She looked up and met the emerald eyes of a young elf humming a song.


Apophis observed the painting of the apocalypse in the front row, her distinguished smile on her lips.

The sky lit up with the spectacle of a giant purple magic circle, followed by a fantastic shower of rays ravaging the Titans in their path and striking Gaia's left arm.

Freya pointed her hand in the opposite direction, a magic circle formed directly in her hand, and fired another beam, growing, illuminating the area, and destroying many titans.

The impact of Freya's power convinced her comrades to focus all their actions around her, Marie used her puppets to protect her and serve as a platform for her friends.