Kalaharis: Closing The Curtain

"Mercy! Wait!"

A familiar voice spoke from the forest, Freya's eyes widened as Iris emerged from the shadows, followed by Morgiana and Lilith.

The two pseudo-avatars understood who they were dealing with, lowering their weapons.

Their eyes widened, both looked at each other and finally discovered their faces, different from before, but more recognizable than their monstrous aura.



They retracted their weapons, observing their faces more clearly, and then Iris, Morgiana, and Lilith joined them.

"Oh, thank God… everyone is safe…" Iris breathed out.

Liliana instinctively rushed towards her two friends, welcomed in the warm embrace of Morgiana who was finally able to let her tears flow.

It was a very short reunion, very short because they quickly focused on the two phenomena.