Schrodinger's Battle

"God Mode"

The colorful particles glowed with a pink color, slowing down, moving in several places at the same time, but staying immobile at the same time.

Rhea noticed the slight change, but decided to not wait for further preparation, she gave a slight push to her sword, moving the particles and creating a blast engulfing Dora.

The mass of light traversed the little planet, floor by floor, until emerging outside as an eruption.

A path to the cloudy sky was open, from their location, letting the clouds penetrate the inside, but Rhea couldn't consider them, face to a more problematic situation.

Dora was intact, barely affected, and when she blinked, the planet was back to its previous state, as if her attack never happened.

"... Time magic."

"Time magic implies that I should be touched first, so it's a bad option."

The particles moved again, or didn't move, everything was in a constant state of moving or not.