The Twilight Of The World: The Power Of A Chained Beast

"This is the end for you!"

Dora spread his arms, a new flash of the world. Above them, a vault of stars fell on the planet.


"Got it!"

The Persona created numerous dimensional holes, sending everyone further away, the stars fell in a rain of destruction, ravaging a whole side of the planet while everyone else was teleported on the other side.

The planet quacked on the impact, but they were temporarily safe, until the ground shone.

(Till here?!)

"No, but there's nowhere to hide."

Dora appeared above Sigma, half of the armor destroyed.

One sword slash, and the Persona disappeared in an eruption of light, the impact becoming smaller attacks heading for everyone else.

(... What? How did... Damn! Again?!)

Above, new stars shone before falling, Liliana utilized Angelo's skill in hurry, but with less power than Sigma, she was unable to teleport them further away.