It's Not That Hard, I'm Just Unlucky

This is absolutely the WORST day of my life...

Looking around the trees that was surrounding me, I fell on my knees because of the fatigue I got from swimming and hunger. If I knew that this will happen, I should have taken any food from the table, like a bagel or any kind, before jumping to the window.

It was only thanks to the videos I often watch from "Metube" about how to survive from falling to a ridiculous height, the preparation, technique, and a bit stroke of luck. Here are some steps to increase your chances of survival if this ever happens to you:

1. Stay Calm: Try to remain as calm as possible during the fall. Panic can impair your judgment and reflexes.

2. Spread Out: Extend your arms and legs, creating as much surface area as you can. This will help slow down your descent and reduce the impact force when you hit the water.

3. Feet First: Aim to enter the water feet first. This position helps reduce the risk of injury, as your feet will act as a buffer against the water's surface tension.

4. Keep Your Chin Up: Tuck your chin to your chest to prevent your head from snapping back upon impact.

5. Breathe Out: Exhale as you hit the water. This helps reduce the risk of injury to your lungs due to the force of the impact.

6. Relax Muscles: Try to relax your muscles as much as possible upon entry. Tense muscles can increase the risk of injury.

7. Swim to the Surface: Once underwater, swim toward the surface as soon as you can. If you're disoriented, look for the light and bubbles rising to guide you.

8. Swim Away from Debris: If there is debris in the water, swim away from it to avoid getting trapped or injured.

9. Remove Heavy Clothing: If you're wearing heavy clothing or equipment, try to remove it underwater to reduce drag and improve your swimming ability.

10. Signal for Help: Once at the surface, signal for help using any available means, such as shouting, waving, or using a whistle if you have one.... Well, it's very unlikely that your friends will be waiting after your fall, so be independent like me.

'Try to survive your own problem on your own.'

Remember kids, surviving a fall from a ridiculous height into the ocean is extremely challenging, and injuries are likely. The impact force can still cause harm, even if you follow these steps. It's important to avoid situations where this type of fall is possible and to prioritize safety at all times.

A great reminder from the great old me, don't try this... Well, it's not like you can afford to go to any flight to do this steps. And even if you did, you don't have the guts to do these things, if you have, you are still an idiot for trying.

Earlier, as soon as I landed on the ocean, I quickly swam ashore to a nearby island that I noticed when I was still falling from the sky. I wasn't sure what island is this, but I did see a village and some smoke, indicating that there should be people living on this island.

After I swam ashore, I removed my upper clothes and threw my sword to the sand before dropping on my knees, rolling around to sat down to take a quick break.

"Damn, that was tough..." I stretched my arms up and let my back fall onto the sand. Swimming from so far away to reach here really took its toll. Even if it had been the other heroes, they would have found it just as troublesome.

As I lay there, trying to catch my breath and recover from the ordeal, a shadow suddenly fell over me. Out of instinct, I sat up and looked around, my hand instinctively reaching for my sword that lay in the sand nearby.

Just then, a blade fell right directly from where I laying down a second ago... Seriously, is this how people welcome a hero?

"What a warm welcome you have there..." I held my sword with both hands as I looked at the three goblins in front of me, their beady eyes fixed on me.

Aren't this guys suppose to be living in their camp or cave? How are they even out here...? Hunting for food? Not sure...

The goblins stared at me with an unsettling intensity, their hunched postures and predatory grins making my skin crawl. It was clear they hadn't expected me to put up a fight, and their eagerness to spill blood was palpable.

The tallest goblin, its mottled green skin covered in crude tattoos, stepped forward. Its guttural growl echoed through the air, and its bloodshot eyes never left my own. There was a hunger in its gaze, a thirst for violence that sent a shiver down my spine.

I flashed a wry smile, my voice steady but laced with caution. "Well, this is an interesting way to make new friends."

The goblin leader's sneer deepened, its yellowed teeth glinting in the dappled sunlight. "Friends? No. We kill."

I tightened my grip on my sword, my heart pounding in my chest. "Ah, so no tea and biscuits for me then? I was really hoping that anime logic work here."

The goblins exchanged puzzled glances at my words, clearly not understanding my attempt at humor. Seizing the momentary distraction, I lunged forward, my blade meeting the leader's with a resounding clash.

The force of our clash sent a shockwave through the air, and the other goblins snapped back to attention. The leader recovered quickly, its strength surprising for a creature of its size. Our blades locked, and I could feel the vibrations coursing through my arms.

"Holy! I never thought that the clashing between swords is this hard." I gripped on my sword more tighter, hoping that I wouldn't accidentally let it go during the fight.

While we were front of each other, I showed the leader a taunting face in attempt to anger him and try to let it attack in a wild and erratic manner.



Fuck, this body really needs a proper training and exercise!

With a swift movement, I disengaged and swung my sword in a wide arc, forcing the goblin leader to leap back to avoid the strike. "Damn, I thought goblins are suppose to be easy to defeat... I really need to ask the guy from a certain anime, who was addicted to killing goblins some help. I'm sure he'll like fighting you guys," I taunted, my cautiousness melding with a flicker of determination.

The goblin leader's eyes blazed with fury as it lunged forward, its blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. I parried the attack, feeling the impact reverberate through my entire being. Gritting my teeth, I countered with a series of rapid strikes, pushing the goblin onto the defensive. Since it was my first time using a sword, it was obvious that my form and attack look awkward from the viewers - the goblins.

Even with this, the other goblins, realizing their leader was struggling, moved to join the fray. I focused on my opponents, my movements fluid and calculated. Despite my caution, a surge of exhilaration coursed through me – the thrill of battle, the dance of blades, the raw intensity of combat.

Fighting scenes are really the BEST!

Seconds felt like an eternity as we clashed, the forest echoing with the clang of steel meeting steel. Finally, with a decisive strike, I disarmed the goblin leader and held my sword at its throat, my chest heaving as I caught my breath.

The other goblins stared in disbelief, their hunger for violence now replaced by fear and frustration. The leader's chest heaved as well, its eyes filled with a mixture of rage and begrudging respect.

I never thought that my first time fighting with sword will be this hard... Thankfully, Saber's body is already trained to be able to use one.

"You were... not what we expected," it growled, its voice begrudgingly admiring.

I lowered my sword slightly, a smirk playing on my lips. "I tend to have that effect on people."

A tense silence hung in the air before the goblin leader nodded, its teeth bared in a snarl. "Next time, human die."

As the adrenaline began to subside, I allowed myself a moment to sit and collect my thoughts. "There won't be next ti-!?"

Suddenly, I noticed a group of goblins heading in our way. Three goblins is the limit that I can fend off, adding not one but ten is already too much!

With that, I quickly turned around and forced my tired body to ran away.

"Calling for backups is cheating, damn it!"




Back to where we left off at the beginning.

As I continue to struggle to continue, I decided to use a tree as support. Using my sword as a walking stick and with the use of the trees as support, I continued my journey deep into the forest.

After what seems to be an hour of walking, I stopped to look at the view in front of me.


I was about to take another step forward, but...


I accidentally stepped on a small rock that made me slip.

In preparation of the fall, I closed my eyes and cursed at my sudden misfortune.
