Let's Learn The Power of Magic! (4)

Upon reaching the town, I made a beeline for a shop that could kindly relieve me of the burden of my recently stolen — I mean, the compensation items I graciously accepted from the unfortunate adventurer back in the forest.

"Now, to turn these acquisitions into something more... respectable," I muttered, trying to sound convincingly innocent as I headed towards the crystal store I frequented.

Stepping inside, I exchanged a few pleasantries with the shop owner, all the while making sure my stash of "treasures" remained inconspicuous. We chatted about the weather, the local news, and probably the best way to pickle cucumbers too, before I got down to business — purchasing some high-quality monster crystals.

With a combination of charm, wit, and a dash of well-practiced haggling, I managed to whittle down the price of the crystals. My past life's experience in bargaining was proving to be quite the lifesaver, or rather, the wallet-saver, in this case. I secured a sweet 30% discount, which meant more funds for future endeavors — or shenanigans, let's be honest.

As I handed over the coins with a flourish, I sported a grin that could rival a seasoned merchant. "A pleasure doing business with ya," I quipped with a cheeky wink, feeling like a character straight out of a medieval sitcom.

The shop owner raised an unimpressed eyebrow. "You stinky brat, come back again after you're done with your job."

I chuckled and waved nonchalantly. "Thank you for letting me have your time, see ya later."

As I exited the shop, a twinge of hunger reminded me that all these profitable escapades had left my stomach rather empty. Well, time to turn my attention from financial gains to culinary delights — the ever-appealing path of a gastronomical adventure!

"That one look tasty... Huh?"

As I strolled down the bustling street, lost in my own thoughts, a sudden commotion caught my attention. A small crowd had formed around a person lying on the ground, the woman's stillness accentuated by the flurry of activity surrounding her. A quick glance revealed that someone was in distress, her face pale and eyes closed.

"Help! Anyone!" Her friend shouted, her voice cutting through the murmurs of concern.

My instincts kicked in, and without hesitation, I surged forward to the center of the gathering. Kneeling down, I scanned the scene. It was evident that the person had collapsed unexpectedly, leaving them unresponsive and struggling to breathe.

"Who are you?" The friend of the unconscious person asked, her voice laced with a mixture of worry and curiosity.

As she inquired about my identity, a mischievous idea danced into my mind, and I couldn't resist the urge to inject a bit of humor into the situation.

I grinned and replied, "Well, you're looking at a former doctor, an engineer, karate master, pizza delivery guy, plumber, soldier, a professor, a detective, a cop, a wrestling champion, and an astronaut."

Actually, I'm actually just a normal scientist. But, damn, I've always dreamed about saying that line.

The friend blinked, her eyebrows knitting together. "What?"

I chuckled at my own absurdity, my antics feeling more like a sketch comedy than a life-saving mission.... Wait, I should be saving her by now.

"Never mind, just your friendly neighborhood multitasker."

As the crowd scrambled to heed her call, I shifted my focus to the motionless figure before me. Her chest wasn't rising, her breath were absent, and panic loomed in the air.

I placed my fingers at her neck, searching for a pulse. Nothing.

With a sense of urgency, I positioned myself beside her and began the rhythmic chest compressions, my hands aligning over the sternum. My palms pressed down, my weight channeling into their body with each compression. The sound of cracking ribs pierced the air, but there was no time for hesitation.

Between compressions, I tilted the woman's head back, pinched her nose shut, and lowered my lips to her. I exhaled, my breath forcing her chest to rise.

One, two, three... The count ran in my head, a metronome of life-saving rhythm.

Amidst the mechanical dance of compressions and rescue breaths, I prayed for a sign, a flutter of movement, any indication that life was returning.

Then, a gasp—faint and fragile—filled the air. A pulse, once absent, surged beneath my fingertips.

I continued the cycle, my hands working with a fervor fueled by the desperate hope that I was making a difference. As the healer approached us from the distance, the person's eyelids fluttered, a sign that consciousness was fighting its way back.

Seconds that felt like an eternity later, the healer arrived. I stepped back, allowing the man to take over the life-saving efforts.

In the midst of the chaos, I felt a profound mixture of relief and gratitude. Our eyes locked, and the friend of the woman I had assisted managed a fragile smile, a wordless exchange of appreciation passing between us.

"Thank you so much for your help," her voice carried a sincere gratitude, and her lowered head echoed her genuine appreciation.

I waved off her gratitude with a modest gesture. "No need to mention it."

It was a simple act, really, the kind anyone would do in a heartbeat... Speaking of heartbeat, her friend need to heal her ribs first.

With my part played and the situation seemingly stabilized, I felt the pull to move on. The commotion gradually faded into the background as I turned away, my presence no longer essential.

My work here was done.

And with that, I stepped away from the scene, leaving behind the tangle of activity. As I made my way back to the forest, my grip on the acquired crystals tightened, a tangible reminder of my successful endeavor.

As the forest's embrace enveloped me, I couldn't help but hum a tune under my breath, an excited melody that echoed through the trees.

"Magic magic magic~ Let's learn some magic!"

Sure, it might have sounded a tad childish, but it was my private moment of exuberance. After all, who was there to judge? It's not like anyone else was around to hear my whimsical symphony.

Upon arriving at my destination, I wasted no time in getting down to business. With my right hand on the ground, I chanted.


And just like that, the day drew to a close, devoid of any unforeseen issues.