Black Market (1)

A day elapsed.

Following my realization yesterday, I made my way to the closest town. However, the motive behind my visit wasn't a shopping expedition; instead, I aimed to exploit the nearby portal for instantaneous travel to Central City.

While my keenness on mastering Electric Magic remained unwavering, I held back due to my inadequate mana pool. However, my real motivation for this journey extended beyond magical pursuits. It lay in my pursuit of the elusive Black Market, an establishment that solely manifests in the Central City.

Within the novel's narrative, Junior once ventured into the black market to acquire a specific piece of jewelry—an artifact renowned for enhancing one's strength. Yet, I'm not embarking on this journey with the intent of procuring that item, at least not at this juncture. My true purpose lies in scouting for a particular faction of mercenaries, a group I'm considering hiring for my upcoming exploration of the Ruins.

To be precise, I'm referring to the "Nameless Group."

Fast forward two years into the future, and the "Nameless" will command attention due to their involvement with a figure of paramount significance.

Enter Leon, a Hero whose name would become etched into the annals of time. Emerging as a pivotal character, Leon's legacy would intertwine with Junior's journey.

Having vanquished the Dragon King, Leon evolved into a linchpin figure, offering vital guidance to nurture Junior's development. Much akin to Julius, his ethos rejected the notion of preying upon the vulnerable. Instead, he encapsulated an aspiration of becoming the embodiment of "Hero of Justice," a venerable title hailing from a previous era.

His contributions extended further as he aided Junior in the confrontation against the demoness, the Black Market leader and the true mastermind steering the "Nameless Group." Even though this endeavor ultimately claimed his life, Leon succeeded in realizing his long-cherished aspiration, ascending to the echelons of the "Hero of Justice" he had yearned to embody.

Despite his unconventional decisions and idealistic convictions eventually leading to his demise, I hold an immense respect for individuals like him.

Yet, the individual who commands my highest regard is the leader of the enigmatic "Nameless Group." Her pivotal role significantly contributed to Junior's improbable survival. Her act of betrayal, although initially counterintuitive, turned out to be the linchpin that preserved Junior's essence from being consumed by the demoness.

Ironically, she held the potential to assume the mantle of the main heroine, potentially garnering readers' affection upon unveiling her backstory. Even I got swayed after learning that the only reason why she obey the demoness was because she wanted to save her friend from her fate of becoming a sacrifice to a certain ritual. Plus, she had also fell in love with junior after all of them got saved by him when they were about to die.

However, her fate took a tragic turn due to her breach of the contract binding her to the demoness. The specifics of this contract remain shrouded, but it's conceivable that it pertained to her act of betrayal.

In the end, her story was destined to be tragically short-lived, a testament to the intricacies of her circumstances and the contract's binding force.

"Somewhere around here, it should be... Agh!"

As I scanned my surroundings, diligently seeking out the portal's location, an unexpected collision abruptly sent me sprawling to the ground.

Me and my feeble physique...

"Apologies..." Upon reopening my eyes, I beheld a woman standing before me.

Silver tresses cascaded from her head, framing crimson eyes that bore into mine. Her skin boasted an ethereal pallor akin to freshly fallen snow, and her countenance remained enigmatically devoid of emotion. A graceful hand extended in my direction, poised to aid my ascent.

Of particular note was the kimono adorning her, its hue harmonizing almost eerily with her eyes. Suspended at her hip, a katana further accentuated her presence—an individual seemingly plucked from realms beyond.

"Beautiful..." Unintentionally, the word slipped from my lips.

"Pardon?" Her brows furrowed in perplexity as she cocked her head to the side, her eyes narrowing in confusion.

"Oh, it's nothing!" I managed to recover, gently accepting her hand to regain my footing. After dusting myself off, I offered my gratitude.

In reply, she dismissed the notion with a wave of her hand, offering a simple counsel, "Exercise greater caution in the future." And with that, she spun on her heel, retracing her steps to rejoin her companions.

-Leader, do you have any familiarity with that individual?


-I see... Odium, have we arrived at the designated coordinates?

-Eh, uh... y-yes! Absolutely, Reaper!

-...You sure?

-I've already confirmed the coordinates. Our target is anticipated to be located here.

-Appreciated, Solis.

As their silhouettes receded from view, I made a swift turn on my heel, drawing a deep breath.

"So, this is what they call 'love at first sight,' huh... What a peculiar sensation," I whispered, my hand instinctively pressing against my chest as my rapidly beating heart seemed to echo the sentiment.

Exhaling a lengthy sigh, I promptly administered a brisk slap to both my cheeks, a tactic aimed at restoring my equilibrium.

"Let's not dwell on that."

It's not like I'll be able to see that girl again...

Shifting my gaze to the right, I finally caught sight of the portal in the distance.

"That appears to be it."

I approached the portal, my progress halted by the sentry stationed nearby.

"Destination?" he inquired.

"Central City."

"That'll be a gold coin."

Ahh... It would be fantastic if there were railways linking every town to the cities. It's unfortunate that only the cities seem to have that luxury.

Retrieving a gold coin from my pocket, I extended it toward him. "Here."

His partner accepted the coin, prompting him to step aside, allowing me passage through the portal.


Stepping forward, I ventured into the portal's embrace, awaiting the man's activation of the tablet he held.

"A word of caution, you might experience some dizziness."


Anticipating his caution, I maintained my composure, offering a nod.

Subsequently, he pressed the tablet, triggering a radiant burst of light that engulfed my field of vision.

As I stood within the brilliant radiance, an unexpected urge welled within me—to dismantle this very device and decipher its intricate components.

"If only I had delved into the field of engineering..."