The Group's Favorite Influencer

After entering the Ruins an hour ago, nothing particularly noteworthy had occurred. We had been walking down the stairs for about thirty minutes until we reached the end.

"A door..."

Before us stood a massive door, almost the size of an elephant. It was already partially open, so we didn't need to force our way through.

As we continued to explore the ruins, I couldn't help but be awed by the sheer size of the interior. It was incredibly spacious, with numerous enormous pillars supporting the structure. Despite some cracks, the place still seemed sturdy enough to have withstood the test of time.

We relied on a large light ball created by Solis's light magic to illuminate our way. Given the size of the place, she had to make the light ball about three times larger than a basketball.

Above us, on the ceiling, strange and barely visible patterns adorned the surface.... It somehow gives me a weird feeling.

While I was examining our surroundings, a sudden cracking sound echoed from beneath us. I quickly noticed that Reaper was standing on what seemed to be a trap.

Without hesitation, I grabbed her cloak and prevented her from taking another step, yanking her back just in time as the ground she had been standing on collapsed.


At that moment, I cut her off and spoke sternly, "Be more observant next time."

Afterward, I fell silent and placed my hands in my pockets, ready to continue our exploration.




A few minutes later, we continued our exploration of the ruins. Surprisingly, we hadn't encountered the weak monsters that junior had to fight to proceed. While I had initially been eager to test my strength and use these monsters as warm-up exercises, saving our strength for the guardian we would inevitably face was likely the smarter choice.

To ward off boredom, Solis struck up a conversation with the others.

"Leader, after this, can we play chess?" She inquired.

Occiditis looked at her and nodded in agreement.

"That's great!" Solis beamed, then turned her attention toward me. "Hey, Contractor, I noticed you have many board games inside your room... Did you used to live with other people, or is collecting board games a hobby of yours?"

I pondered my response carefully, briefly closing my eyes before answering, "Well, I live alone, and yes, collecting board games is one of my interests... Is that weird?"

"No, not at all! Reaper's hobby is even weirder," Solis chimed in, eliciting a frown from Reaper.

"Hey! Why am I being dragged into this conversation?" Reaper protested, her annoyance evident.

Solis merely glanced at her and chuckled. "As for Odium, her hobby is reading romance novels."

"Wha...!" Odium's eyes widened in surprise, and she clutched her shirt, pouting. "That was supposed to be our secret..."

Solis averted her eyes upon realizing her blunder. And soon, she apologized for her mistake.

The conversation continued for about thirty more minutes, weaving a comfortable atmosphere as we ventured deeper into the unknown place. Thanks to Solis, the tension that had initially built up within our group dissipated, replaced by a sense of warmth and camaraderie.

The topic she had chosen to initiate the conversation, chess, was rather unusual given our current circumstances. However, for some reason, Solis had a knack for putting everyone at ease...

It was likely due to her unique ability, Influence.

Influence, as the name implied, allowed Solis to subtly shape the thoughts and emotions of those she interacted with, making her an invaluable asset in any situation. While her initial abilities were impressive, as outlined in the novel, it was hinted that her powers would evolve over time. Eventually, she would be able to influence not only individuals but also her surroundings and even spirits. Frankly, it sounded incredibly overpowered.

As we continued our journey deeper into the ruins, the discussion paused briefly upon feeling a sudden chill that made our back sweat.

It was Occiditis, their leader, who broke the silence.

"Is everyone ready?"

In unison, everyone in the group recovered and nodded in response to her question. Occiditis then turned her gaze towards me. Our eyes met, and without the need for words, she understood the meaning of my silence.

"Let's enter."


(Julius POV)


With determination burning in my eyes, I raised my sword high and brought it down with a powerful strike, slicing through the hideous-looking blob monster before me. Its grotesque form dissipated into a dark mist, vanquished by my blade.

"Brother, look out!" Juliette's voice rang out, a note of urgency in her tone. I turned, but it was already too late. Another monstrous creature, this one resembling a hedgehog with sharp spikes, had snuck up behind me.

The creature struck my back, its spiky appendages piercing my flesh and leaving me in pain.

"Ahh..." I grimaced, clutching my wounded shoulder using my other hand.

We had been exploring the Ruins for a while now, entering through a different entrance we had discovered. Strangely, the deeper we ventured, the more monsters seemed to appear.

...It was as if the Ruins themselves were trying to stop us from progressing any further.

"Ahh..." I panted out of exhaustion... I was slowly nearing my limit.

"I'll heal you!" Seraphina quickly began to chant, her words carrying a soothing aura. A brilliant light enveloped my body, and I felt warmth spread through me. The spikes embedded in my back were pushed out as the wound healed.

My sister cast a wall of fire in front of us, creating a barrier to keep the monsters at bay while Seraphina focused on my recovery.

"Thanks," I said, feeling the revitalizing effects of her magic. I tightened my grip on my sword, determined to continue.

One step at a time, I would uncover the mysteries of the Waves of Calamity.

For this world...

For humanity and every races...

"Take this!" I pierced the hedgehog monster straight in the heart.

...And to fulfill the Goddess order.