The Traitor (1)

The Nameless Squad.

Their true name remained an enigma throughout the story. Even after traveling with them for a month, the squad's real identities and stories remained veiled in secrecy.

Surprisingly, that one-month journey became one of the most captivating parts of the story, and it soon became my personal favorite.

What added a touch of humor to the story was that the readers, unable to resist, bestowed cringe-worthy nicknames upon the four members of the Nameless Squad, all based on their personalities.

Occiditis, the "Cool Onee-chan."

Reaper, the "Period of the Month."

Odium, the "Forgotten Introvert."

At a glance, you might expect Solis to be given a nickname like "Pampered Princess" due to the attention she received within the group.


In reality, her moniker in the novel was "Miss Suicidal."

Kicking open the door, which flew and collided with the wall before settling into a loud clatter, I entered the abandoned base of the Nameless Squad. As the dust cleared, I scanned the area.

"I hope she isn't planning something reckless again..."

I moved forward, surveying the entire area in search of Solis.

"She's not here..."

Upon entering the living room, I glanced around and noticed that the spot where the flowers had once been was now empty. Perhaps, I had been overly concerned.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I looked around once more, lifting my head.

But then, something caught my eye.

"Is that...? Did they accidentally leave this behind?"

It was the same photograph from before.

I cautiously approached the photo, keeping an eye out for hidden traps... I definitely didn't want a repeat of what happened last time.

After ensuring that it was safe, I picked up the photograph and examined it closely.

It depicted five people with one particular unfamiliar individual.

Occiditis and Reaper were being pulled by Solis, whose chin rested on Odium's shoulder in the center. Odium sported an awkward but genuine smile.

The one taking the photo... She looked exactly like Solis but a few years older. What stood out was the broken horn on her forehead.

"...Who is she?"

The older girl in the picture flashed a wide smile and gestured a peace sign on her other hand. Unlike the other three, the girl and Solis' clothing looked more luxurious and extravagant.

"That's my sister."

As I carefully examined the photo, a whisper suddenly tickled my ear, causing me to jump... How had I not noticed her approach?

Turning around, I saw Solis holding two small flower pots in her hands.

I instinctively touched my right ear, unsure of the expression I was wearing, but it didn't seem to matter.

"Your sister...?"

...She had a sister!?

After my initial shock, I regained my composure and looked at Solis with an impassive expression. She chuckled, gently placed the flower pots on the nearby table, and approached me.

I didn't move and handed her the photograph.

"Thanks..." She said, smiling as her attention shifted to the picture.

I glanced at the photograph for a moment before returning my gaze to her. "Where is she now?"

She didn't answer immediately, and when she finally did, my blood ran cold.

"I killed her."


Back at the house.

While sitting on their seats and playing chess on the table, Odium silently glanced at Reaper. She was having trouble thinking of a proper move and messed up her hair in frustration.

Just after making her move, Odium responded to her by moving her bishop to the other side of the board.



Reaper slumped her head onto her arm out of frustration.

While she was doing this, a sudden question popped into Odium's mind.

"Do you still miss HER...?"

At her question, Reaper suddenly fell silent, and Occiditis, sitting on the couch not far from them, abruptly stopped combing Reina's hair.

It was then that Reaper spoke up, her annoyance visibly showing. "Ha? Adults like HER are better off dead. If not for her, we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place."


Upon hearing Occiditis call out to her, she went silent.

Occiditis made a gentle gesture, ordering Reina to go upstairs. When she was gone, Occiditis stood up from her seat to walk toward Reaper.

"Don't talk bad things to her. Remember, if it wasn't for her, none of us would be alive today." She said in a cold tone.

Reaper remained silent for a moment before gritting her teeth. "And if it wasn't for her stupid betrayal, you wouldn't have agreed to the contract with that damn demon in the first place!"


"!!?" Odium wanted to say something but remained silent after feeling the pressure between the two.


Reaper, who had remained silent for a moment, gently touched her cheeks before lifting her head to look directly into Occiditis's eyes.

"Why is it that I'm the only one in this group who seems to think logically and ends up being hated for it?" Her voice rose as her emotions overwhelmed her.

She continued with a growing intensity, "How can you still trust HER, the traitor? She's the one who exposed your secrets!"

The next words out of her mouth caused a fleeting change in Occiditis's expression.

"The secret of you being a CHOSEN HERO."