Villain By Definition

"And why are you with her?"

Solis blinked in surprise at the sudden change in Reaper's demeanor. She glanced at Saber and then back at Reaper, confusion evident in her eyes.

"Reaper, we just happened to run into each other here," Solis explained, trying to diffuse the tension. "Nothing more."

Reaper's glare didn't waver as she scrutinized Saber, her distrust simmering beneath the surface. Despite Solis's attempt to ease the situation, Reaper couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Saber's presence than mere chance encounter.

"Yeah, right..." Reaper muttered under her breath, her skepticism evident.

However, she knew that lingering in suspicion wouldn't provide the answers she sought.

"You two aren't possibly going on a date, are you?" Reaper's tone was laced with disbelief. "There's no way, right? After all, that virgin is just a stupid lolicon." With a scoff, she crossed her arms defiantly.

"Oy...!" Saber's voice rose in protest as he slammed his hand lightly on the table, rising to his feet. "First of all, I'm no virgin! Second, why are you even angry at me, you flat-chested woman?" He pointed an accusatory finger at her chest.

"You bastard!" Reaper shot back, her cheeks flushing with anger as she rose to meet his challenge.

You didn't even deny the fact that she called you a lolicon... Wait, there's no time for that!

Amidst the heated exchange, Solis watched with a mixture of amusement and concern, unsure how to defuse the escalating tension between her companions.

"Calm down, you two... There are people watching," Solis interjected, her voice gentle yet firm as she attempted to diffuse the brewing conflict.

The patrons inside the cafe had turned their attention towards the trio, their murmurs and whispers filling the air as they observed the unfolding scene with varying degrees of amusement and curiosity. Some leaned in closer to their companions, exchanging speculative glances as they tried to discern the identities of the individuals involved.

Reaper and Saber exchanged heated glares, but the reminder of their audience seemed to reign in their escalating tempers. With reluctant nods, they both eased back into their seats, albeit still shooting occasional glances of animosity at each other.

"Sorry, sis, it's my bad..."

"Kuemm, I apologize for losing my composure for a second..."

Solis offered them a small, reassuring smile before turning her attention to the surrounding crowd, silently hoping that the spectacle they had inadvertently created would soon be forgotten amidst the bustling activity of the cafe.

After a moment of awkward silence, Solis cleared her throat with a subtle cough, drawing the attention of two.

"Reaper, would you like to come with us?" she asked, her tone friendly and inclusive. "Contractor and I were just planning to wander around the city for a quick sightseeing tour."

Reaper glanced between Solis and Saber, still visibly tense from their earlier confrontation. However, she eventually nodded, her expression softening slightly at Solis's invitation.

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" she replied, mustering a small smile.

After all, there's no way I'm leaving that guy alone with you...

With the tension diffused and their group reunited, they set off together.

Moments later. As the trio ventured through the winding streets of the city, they immersed themselves in the city's vibrant atmosphere, exploring its bustling markets, quaint alleyways, and grand landmarks.

Solis led the way, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she pointed out various points of interest, while Reaper and Saber followed close behind, exchanging occasional mocking remarks.

They visited bustling market squares filled with vendors selling colorful wares, sampled street food from carts adorned with enticing aromas, and marveled at the intricate architecture of ancient temples and towering monuments.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the city, they found themselves drawn towards the waterfront, where the lights of the city danced upon the rippling surface of the river. The air was alive with the sounds of laughter and music as locals and travelers alike gathered to enjoy the evening breeze.

As soon as they settled on a bench at the plaza, Reaper spoke up, breaking the comfortable silence.

"I'm going to buy something quickly! Don't do anything strange to Solis, or else, I'll reap 'it' apart," she warned, her tone laced with a hint of playfulness.

Saber's eyes widened in surprise at the sudden threat, and he unconsciously shifted in his seat, his hands moving to instinctively protect his crotch.

Seeing his reaction, a mischievous smirk danced across Reaper's lips as she swiftly rose from her seat and took off towards the nearby market stalls, disappearing into the bustling crowd with purposeful strides.

Left alone with Solis, Saber let out a nervous chuckle, shooting her a sheepish grin. "Why is she even angry at me? Does she always have her period?" he quipped, trying to lighten the mood.

Solis couldn't help but laugh at the exchange, shaking her head in amusement. "Contractor... I apologize for Reaper's behavior earlier."

"It's fine... It's also my fault for letting it get the best of me," Saber replied, offering a dismissive wave of his hand.

A brief silence fell between them, punctuated only by the gentle hum of the city around them. Saber found himself gazing up at the evening sky, lost in thought, when Solis's voice broke the quiet.

"Contractor, may I ask you something?" Her tone was tentative, and she turned her head slightly towards him, a small, awkward smile playing at her lips.

"You're a hero, aren't you?"


«You're a hero, aren't you?»

Solis's question echoed in Reaper's mind, causing her to freeze in surprise.


Contractor a hero?

Reaper couldn't believe what she had just heard. She had always known Saber as a skilled person with mysterious background, but the idea of him being a hero seemed completely out of place.

Where did Solis even get that information?

Curiosity piqued, Reaper remained hidden behind the wall, watching intently as Solis and Saber continued their conversation. She couldn't help but wonder what other secrets they might be hiding.

Saber blinked in surprise at the unexpected question, his gaze shifting from the sky to meet Solis's eyes. Her expression was earnest, and he could sense a hint of curiosity mingled with something deeper beneath the surface.

He hesitated for a moment, considering his response carefully before nodding slowly. "Yes, I suppose you could say that," he admitted, mimicking a somber note on his voice.

Solis nodded in understanding, her gaze softening with empathy as she reached out to gently place a hand on Saber's arm. "Thank you for being honest with me, Contractor," she said softly.

"I'm curious... Why did you quit being a hero?" Solis asked, her head tilted to the side in genuine curiosity.

Saber leaned back against the bench, gazing up at the star-filled sky before answering with a hint of melancholy in his voice. "Well, being a hero is not worth it," he admitted, his eyes briefly meeting Solis's before returning to the constellations above.

Solis looked puzzled by his response, shaking her head lightly. "Why?" she pressed, wanting to understand his reasoning.

As Saber prepared to respond, memories flooded his mind.

All the events Junior had experience from another time surfacing in his thoughts.

"Do you know that when you become a hero, you are only putting yourself to face death without any definite assurance," Saber began, his voice tinged with resignation.

All the emotions he was showing up until now were fake.

It was just an act, showing what Junior must've felt during those experience.

It was harsh... Really harsh.

However, it was thanks to this, Saber was able to replicate Junior's real personality... In this moment.

Even if it was just a little.

The real Junior was gone, but his story must not be forgotten.

A person may call Saber a villain, however, it doesn't mean that he is evil.

"It's like giving yourself away for free. Just because you became a hero won't mean you'll be able to reach the PARADISE... HE was stupid enough to believe that."

He paused, the weight of his words hanging in the air as Solis listened intently.

"The fate of heroes is to die at the end of this story," Saber continued, his tone heavy with the weight of truth.

"Everything was meant to be ended by the Calamity."

Solis fell silent at his revelation, unable to find the words to respond to the grim reality he described.

"Solis, do you know why your older sister didn't want Occiditis to become a hero?" Saber's voice was soft, a hint of false sorrow creeping into his tone as he spoke.

Solis remained speechless, her mind reeling from the revelations she was hearing.

"Your sister must have really loved you four to the point that she willingly sacrificed herself," Saber concluded, his gaze drifting back to Solis with a gentle smile.

Suddenly, a flash of memory surged through Saber's mind.

'I killed her.'




With a gentle smile, Saber turned his head to face her directly.

"You liar."